2012-07-03 21:22:44 +07:00
2012-07-03 16:32:44 +07:00
2012-06-12 22:02:24 +07:00
2012-07-03 16:24:29 +07:00
2012-07-01 18:08:45 +07:00
2012-07-03 21:22:44 +07:00
2012-07-03 21:22:44 +07:00

Current version:

[com.taoensso/timbre "0.6.0"]

Timbre, a (sane) logging library for Clojure

Logging with Java can be maddeningly, unnecessarily hard. Particularly if all you want is something simple that works out the box.

tools.logging helps, but it doesn't save you from the mess of logger dependencies and configuration hell.

Timbre is an attempt to make simple logging simple and more complex logging possible.

What's In The Box?

  • Small, uncomplicated all-Clojure library.
  • Super-simple map-based config: no arcane XML or properties files!
  • Decent performance (low overhead).
  • Flexible fn-centric appender model.
  • Sensible built-in appenders including simple email appender.
  • Tunable flood control and asynchronous logging support.
  • Robust namespace filtering.
  • Dead-simple, logging-level-aware logging profiler.

Status Build Status

Tower is still currently experimental. It has not yet been thoroughly tested in production and its API is subject to change. To run tests against all supported Clojure versions, use:

lein2 all test

Getting Started


Depend on Timbre in your project.clj:

[com.taoensso/timbre "0.6.0"]

and use the library:

(ns my-app
  (:use [taoensso.timbre :as timbre :only (trace debug info warn error fatal spy)]))

Start Logging

By default, Timbre gives you basic print output to *out*/*err* at a debug logging level:

(info "This will print")
=> nil
%> 2012-May-28 17:26:11:444 +0700 INFO [my-app] - This will print

(spy :info (* 5 4 3 2 1))
=> 120
%> 2012-May-28 17:26:14:138 +0700 INFO [my-app] - (* 5 4 3 2 1) 120

(trace "This won't print due to insufficient logging level")
=> nil

There's little overhead for checking logging levels:

(time (trace (Thread/sleep 5000)))
%> "Elapsed time: 0.054 msecs"

(time (when true))
%> "Elapsed time: 0.051 msecs"

First-argument exceptions generate a stack trace:

(info (Exception. "Oh noes") "arg1" "arg2")
%> 2012-May-28 17:35:16:132 +0700 INFO [my-app] - arg1 arg2
java.lang.Exception: Oh noes
            NO_SOURCE_FILE:1 my-app/eval6409
          Compiler.java:6511 clojure.lang.Compiler.eval


Configuring Timbre couldn't be simpler. Let's check out (some of) the defaults:

{:current-level :debug

 :ns-whitelist []
 :ns-blacklist []

 {:standard-out        { <...> }
  :postal              { <...> }}

 {:timestamp-pattern "yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss ZZ"
  :locale nil
  :postal nil}}

Easily adjust the current logging level:

(timbre/set-level! :warn)

And the default timestamp formatting for log messages:

(timbre/set-config! [:shared-appender-config :timestamp-pattern]
                    "yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss ZZ")
(timbre/set-config! [:shared-appender-config :locale]

Filter logging output by namespaces:

(timbre/set-config! [:ns-whitelist] ["some.library.core" "my-app.*"])

Enable the standard Postal-based email appender:

(timbre/set-config! [:shared-appender-config :postal]
                    ^{:host "mail.isp.net" :user "jsmith" :pass "sekrat!!1"}
                    {:from "me@draines.com" :to "foo@example.com"})

(timbre/set-config! [:appenders :postal :enabled?] true)

Rate-limit to one email per message per minute:

(timbre/set-config! [:appenders :postal :max-message-per-msecs] 60000)

And make sure emails are sent asynchronously:

(timbre/set-config! [:appenders :postal :async?] true)

Custom Appenders

Writing a custom appender is dead-easy:

 [:appenders :my-appender]
 {:doc       "Hello-world appender"
  :min-level :debug
  :enabled?  true
  :async?    false
  :max-message-per-msecs nil ; No rate limiting
  :fn (fn [{:keys [ap-config level error? instant timestamp
                  ns message more] :as args}]
        (when-not (:my-production-mode? ap-config)
          (apply println timestamp "Hello world!" message more)))

And because appender fns are just regular Clojure fns, you have unlimited power: write to your database, send a message over the network, check some other state (e.g. environment config) before making a choice, etc.

See the timbre/config docstring for more information on appenders.


The usual recommendation for Clojure profiling is: use a good JVM profiler like YourKit, JProfiler, or VisualVM.

And these certaily do the job. But as with many Java tools, they can be a little hairy and often heavy-handed - especially when applied to Clojure. Timbre includes an alternative.

Let's add it to our app's ns declaration:

(ns my-app
  (:use [taoensso.timbre :as timbre :only (trace debug info warn error fatal spy)]
        [taoensso.timbre.profiling :as profiling :only (p profile)]))

Wrap forms that you'd like to profile with the p macro and give them a name:

(defn my-fn
  (let [nums (vec (range 1000))]
    (+ (p :fast-sleep (Thread/sleep 1) 10)
       (p :slow-sleep (Thread/sleep 2) 32)
       (p :add  (reduce + nums))
       (p :sub  (reduce - nums))
       (p :mult (reduce * nums))
       (p :div  (reduce / nums)))))

=> 42

The profile macro can now be used to log times for any wrapped forms:

(profile :info :Arithmetic (dotimes [n 100] (my-fn)))
=> "Done!"
%> 2012-Jul-03 20:46:17 +0700 INFO [my-app] - Profiling: my-app/Arithmetic
              Name  Count       Min        Max      Mean  Total% Total
 my-app/slow-sleep    100       2ms        2ms       2ms      58 232ms
 my-app/fast-sleep    100       1ms        1ms       1ms      30 120ms
        my-app/div    100      65μs      204μs      90μs       2 9ms
        my-app/add    100      32μs      116μs      59μs       1 5ms
        my-app/sub    100      30μs      145μs      47μs       1 4ms
       my-app/mult    100      33μs      117μs      45μs       1 4ms
       Unaccounted                                             6 25ms
             Total                                           100 403ms

It's important to note that Timbre profiling is fully log-level aware: if the logging level is insufficient, you won't pay for profiling. Likewise, normal namespace filtering applies. (Performance characteristics for both checks are inherited from Timbre itself).

And since p and profile always return their body's result regardless of whether profiling actually happens or not, it becomes feasible to use profiling more often as part of your normal workflow: just leave profiling code in production as you do for logging code.

A sampling profiler is also available: taoensso.timbre.profiling/sampling-profile.

Timbre Supports the ClojureWerkz Project Goals

ClojureWerkz is a growing collection of open-source, batteries-included Clojure libraries that emphasise modern targets, great documentation, and thorough testing.

Contact & Contribution

Reach me (Peter Taoussanis) at ptaoussanis at gmail.com for questions/comments/suggestions/whatever. I'm very open to ideas if you have any!

I'm also on Twitter: @ptaoussanis.


Copyright © 2012 Peter Taoussanis

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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