> This project uses [Break Versioning](https://github.com/ptaoussanis/encore/blob/master/BREAK-VERSIONING.md) as of **Aug 16, 2014**. ## v4.8.0 / 2016 Dec 18 ```clojure [com.taoensso/timbre "4.8.0"] ``` > This is a **major feature & maintenance release** that should be non-breaking in most cases (see 1 exception below) * **BREAKING**: Middleware no longer receives :msg_ or :hash_ (was rarely useful, caused confusion) * **DEPRECATED**: Per-appender :middleware-fn (was rarely useful, caused confusion) * [#198] **New**: Add 3rd-party kafka appender (@gfZeng) * [#202] **New**: Spit appender: add `:append?` option (@tkocmathla) * [#195] **New**: Logstash appender: add `:flush?` option (@tvanhens) * [#192] **Impl**: Rolling appender: create dirs when they don't exist (@dsapala) * [#207] **Impl**: Add docstring for `with-context` * **Impl**: Default output fn now falls back to `?file` when `?ns-str` unavailable * **Impl**: Improve error message for logging calls with missing format pattern * [#207] **Fix**: Middleware couldn't influence automatic msg_ generation * [#199] **Fix**: Unintended elision warning output to cljs * [#206] **Fix**: Resolve `slf4j-timbre` issue with `may-log?` and namespace filtering ## v4.7.4 / 2016 Aug 23 ```clojure [com.taoensso/timbre "4.7.4"] ``` > This is a **minor hotfix release** * **Hotfix**: [#188] Regression re: interleaving println appender * **Hotfix**: [#185] 3rd-party logstash appender deps issue (@robingl) ## v4.7.0 / 2016 Jul 19 ```clojure [com.taoensso/timbre "4.7.0"] ``` * **New**: [#183] Add support for appender-level middleware ## v4.6.0 / 2016 Jul 12 ```clojure [com.taoensso/timbre "4.6.0"] ``` > Non-breaking, **minor feature release** * **New**: [#176] Add New Relic appender (@polymeris) * **Impl**: [#177] Improvements to clojure.tools.logging integration (@MerelyAPseudonym) * **Impl**: [#179] Break hostname util into smaller components * **Impl**: [#174] Smarter (faster) spit appender path creation * **Impl**: Revert recent profiling changes, restore ^:dynamic (multi-threaded) behaviour ## v4.5.1 / 2016 Jun 29 ```clojure [com.taoensso/timbre "4.5.1"] ``` > This is a **minor hotfix release** * **Hotfix**: address an issue for AOT/slf4j-timbre users. * **Hotfix**: missing type hint during timestamp generation. ## v4.5.0 / 2016 Jun 26 ```clojure [com.taoensso/timbre "4.5.0"] ``` > This is a **major, non-breaking release** focused on refactoring and performance (esp. profiling performance) * **BREAKING** (rarely): ids given to `timbre.profiling/pspy` and `timbre.profiling/profile` must now always be compile-time consts (e.g. keywords). * **DEPRECATED**: Appender args - `:?err_`, `:vargs_` (delays). * **New**: Appender args - `:?err`, `:vargs`, `:output_`. * **New**: Allow disabling ANSI colours with env var [#172 @ccfontes]. * **Impl**: Minor logging perf improvements. * **Impl**: *Major* profiling perf improvements. ## v4.4.0 / 2016 Jun 10 ```clojure [com.taoensso/timbre "4.4.0"] ``` > This is a **major, non-breaking release**, enjoy :-) * **New**: Add support for appender-level ns filters [#171] * **New**: Add 3rd-party logstash appender [#166 @dfrese] * **New**: Add PostgreSQL appender [#160 @yuliu-mdsol] * **New**: Add Slack appender [#159 @sbelak] * **Fix**: Make rotor appender thread-safe [#168 @mikesperber] * **Fix**: Don't cache cljs console appender's `js/console` [#165] * **Fix**: Fix surprising `merge-config` nil behaviour [#163] ## v4.3.1 / 2016 Feb 28 * **Hotfix**: had a removed var in the profiling macro ```clojure [com.taoensso/timbre "4.3.1"] ``` ## v4.3.0 / 2016 Feb 26 > This is a major, non-breaking feature release * **New**: added 3rd-party gelf appender [#147 @davewo] * **New**: new `:?hash-arg` data key for use by custom data hash fns * **New**: low-level `log!` macro for use in tooling (slf4j-timbre, etc.) * **New**: allow compile-time log level to be set with system property [#151 @DomKM] * **New**: ClojureScript console logger docstring now incl. instructions for Chrome Blackboxing [#132 @danskarda] * **New**: include line numbers in default output for non-nested macros [#132] * **Impln**: appenders no longer need to worry about using `force` instead of `@`/`deref` ```clojure [com.taoensso/timbre "4.3.0"] ``` ## v4.2.1 / 2016 Jan 14 > This is a non-breaking hotfix release * **Fix**: compile issue with Clojure 1.6 [#146 @nicferrier] ```clojure [com.taoensso/timbre "4.2.1"] ``` ## v4.2.0 / 2015 Dec 27 > This is a non-breaking feature release * **Change**: switch default timestamp timezone from JVM default to UTC [#135] * **Change**: switch default timestamp pattern from `yy-MMM-dd` -> `yy-MM-dd pattern` (easier to sort) [#135] * **New**: `swap-config!` now supports &args [#137 @rsslldnphy] * **New**: rotor appender now creates necessary paths [#140 @dsapala] * **New**: faster (transducer-based) string joins with Clojure 1.7+ [#133] * **New**: records now get a human-readable string representation [#133] * **Fix**: application slowdown due to agents shutdown [#141 @ryfow] ```clojure [com.taoensso/timbre "4.2.0"] ``` ## v4.1.5 / 2015 Dec 27 > This is a non-breaking hotfix release * Assist fix of https://github.com/fzakaria/slf4j-timbre/issues/8 ```clojure [com.taoensso/timbre "4.1.5"] ``` ## v4.1.4 / 2015 Sep 30 > This is a non-breaking hotfix release * Fix broken support for Clojure 1.5 ```clojure [com.taoensso/timbre "4.1.4"] ``` ## v4.1.2 / 2015 Sep 26 > This is a non-breaking hotfix release * Bring back deprecated `logp` macro from Timbre v3.x to ease back-compatibility [#67] ```clojure [com.taoensso/timbre "4.1.2"] ``` ## v4.1.1 / 2015 Aug 16 > This is a non-breaking hotfix release * **Fix**: shutdown-agents shutdown hook can interfere with other important hooks [#127 @hadronzoo] ```clojure [com.taoensso/timbre "4.1.1"] ``` ## v4.1.0 / 2015 Aug 7 > This is a non-breaking feature release * **DEPRECATED**: `*context*` val is now located under a `:context` key in appender's data map [#116 @mikesperber] * **New**: Added `profiling/fnp` macro ```clojure [com.taoensso/timbre "4.1.0"] ``` ## v4.0.2 / 2015 June 26 > This is a minor, non-breaking bug fix release * **Fix**: broken v4 3rd-party appender: rotor [#105 #107 @yogthos] * **Fix**: broken tools.logging support [#110 @Guthur] ```clojure [com.taoensso/timbre "4.0.2"] ``` ## v4.0.1 / 2015 June 13 > This is a minor, non-breaking feature release * **New**: add `get-env`, `log-env` macros [#103 @RickMoynihan] ```clojure [com.taoensso/timbre "4.0.1"] ``` ## v4.0.0 / 2015 June 10 > This is a **MAJOR** update. Your custom appenders **WILL BREAK**. Your configuration **MIGHT BREAK**. Your call sites should be fine. I've updated all bundled appenders, but **haven't tested** any 3rd-party appenders. * **New**: full **ClojureScript** support, including a default js/console appender [#51] * **New**: support for compile-time ns filtering + elision (both Clj+Cljs) * **New**: support for MDC-like contexts [#42] * **New**: default :println appender has picked up a :stream opt [#49] * **New**: create necessary spit appender paths [#93] * **New**: full-power fn-level `log1-fn` util [#99] * **New**: added a reference appender example [here](https://github.com/ptaoussanis/timbre/blob/master/src/taoensso/timbre/appenders/core.cljx) * **Implementation**: modernized + simplified codebase * **Implementation**: significant performance improvements across the board * **Implementation**: use delays to avoid unnecessarily producing unused arg msgs [#71] * **Fix**: auto shutdown agents to prevent slow app shutdown [#61] ```clojure [com.taoensso/timbre "4.0.0"] ``` ### Migration checklist * Removed vars: `timbre/config`, `timbre/level-atom`, `default-fmt-output-fn` * The fn signature for `set-config!` has changed: `[ks val]` -> `[config]` * Middleware now apply left->right, not right->left * Renamed a default appender: `:standard-out` -> `:println` * Renamed config opts: `:timestamp-pattern`, `:timestamp-locale` -> `:timestamp-opts {:pattern _ :locale _ :timezone _}` * Renamed config opts: `:whitelist` -> `:ns-whitelist`, `:blacklist` -> `:ns-blacklist` * Appender :rate-limit format has changed: `[ncalls ms]` -> `[[ncalls ms] <...>]` * Renamed appender args: `:ns`->`:?ns-str`, `:file`->`:?file`, `:line`->`:?line` * Appender args now wrapped with delays: `:throwable`->`:?err_`, `:message`->`:msg_`, `:timestamp`->`:timestamp_`, `:hostname`->`:hostname_`, `:args`->`:vargs_` * Appender args removed: `:output`, `:ap-config` * Appender args added: `:output-fn (fn [data]) -> string` * `stacktrace` util fn signature changed: `[throwable & [sep fonts]` -> `[err & [opts]]` * All bundled 3rd-party appenders have moved to a new `3rd-party` ns. * Bundled 3rd-party appender constructor signatures _may_ have changed, please double check. Apologies for the hassle in migrating. The changes made here all bring serious benefits (performance, simplicity, future extensibility, cross-platform support) and I'm confident that v4's the last time I'll need to touch the core design. Future work will be focused on polish, stability, and better+more bundled appenders. / Peter Taoussanis ## v3.4.0 / 2015 Feb 16 > This should be a **non-breaking** release that only bumps some old dependencies. ## v3.3.1 / 2014 Sep 7 * **FIX** https://github.com/ptaoussanis/timbre/issues/79. ## v3.3.0 / 2014 May 8 * **CHANGE**: Update IRC appender to Timbre v3 style (@crisptrutski). * **FIX** [#47]: correctly format nanosecond profiling times. * **FIX** [#77]: profile ids now use correct (compile-time rather than runtime) ns prefix. * **NEW**: Add zmq appender (@angusiguess). * **NEW** [#75]: Make defnp support multi-arity functions (@maurolopes) ## v3.2.1 / 2014 May 7 * **FIX**: missing tools.reader upstream dependency (@ducky427). ## v3.2.0 / 2014 May 6 * **FIX** [#60]: `defnp` no longer generates an Eastwood warning (@ducky427). * **CHANGE**: Improved profiling memory efficiency (max memory use, was previously unbounded). * **CHANGE**: Profiling: make larger call numbers easier to read. * [#63]: **NEW**: Add support for thread-local configuration (@jameswarren). ## v3.1.6 / 2014 Mar 16 * **FIX** [#56]: `defnp`/`p` head retention issue (@kyptin). ## v3.1.5 / 2014 Mar 15 * **FIX**: `profiling/p*` was defined incorrectly (@kyptin). ## v3.1.4 / 2014 Mar 13 * **NEW**: Add `profiling/p*` macro. * **CHANGE**: Include `p`, `p*` in `refer-timbre` imports. * **FIX**: rotor appender not rotating (@iantruslove, @kurtharriger). ## v3.1.3 / 2014 Mar 11 * FIX: profiling id namespacing. ## v3.1.1 / 2014 Feb 26 * FIX: project.clj to prevent unnecessary downstream deps. ## v3.1.0 / 2014 Feb 23 ### New * #47 Added `taoensso.timbre.profiling/pspy*` fn. ### Changes * Made Carmine appender resistant to unexpected log entry thaw errors. * Moved most utils to external `encore` dependency. ### Fixes * #50 Fixed rotor appender so that it respects :fmt-output-opts (kenrestivo). ## v3.0.0 / 2014 Jan 30 > Major update, non-breaking though users with custom appenders are encouraged to view the _Changes_ section below. This version polishes up the codebase and general design. Tightened up a few aspects of how appenders and appender middleware work. Added a serializing Carmine appender (I use something similar in prod most of the time). Also finally added facilities for ad hoc (non-atom) logging configuration. > > Overall quite happy with the state of Timbre as of this release. No major anticipated improvements/changes from here (modulo bugs). ### New * Android appender, courtesy of AdamClements. * Rolling appender, courtesy of megayu. * Powerful, high-performance Carmine (Redis) appender: query-able, rotating serialized log entries by log level. See README or appender's docstring for details. (Recommended!) * Appender rate limits now specified in a more flexible format: `[ncalls window-msecs]`, e.g. `[1 2000]` for 1 write / 2000 msecs. * Appender rate limits now also apply (at 1/4 ncalls) to any _particular_ logging arguments in the same time window. This helps prevent a particular logging call from flooding the limiter and preventing other calls from getting through. * `sometimes` macro that executes body with given probability. Useful for sampled logging (e.g. email a report for 0.01% of user logins in production). * `log` and `logf` macros now take an optional logging config map as their first argument: `(log :info "hello") => use @timbre/config`, `(log :info "hello") => use `. * Appenders can now specify an optional `:fmt-output-opts` that'll get passed to `fmt-output-fn` for any special formatting requirements they may have (e.g. the Postal email appender provides an arg to suppress ANSI colors in stacktrace output). ### Changes * **EXPERIMENTAL**: stacktraces now formatted with `io.aviso/pretty` rather than clj-stacktrace. Feedback on this (esp. coloring) welcome! * **DEPRECATED**: `red`, `green`, `blue` -> use `color-str` instead. * **DEPRECATED**: config `prefix-fn` has been replaced by the more flexible `fmt-output-fn`. Change is backwards compatible. * **REMOVED**: Per-appender `:prefix` option dropped - was unnecessary. If an appender wants custom output formatting, it can do so w/o using an in-config formatter. * Update `refer-timbre` (add profiling, logf variations, etc.). * **DEPRECATED**: atom logging level is now located in `level-atom` rather than `config`. Old in-config levels will be respected (i.e. change is backwards compatible). * **DEPRECATED**: appender rate limits are now specified as `:rate-limit [ncalls window-msecs]` rather than `:limit-per-msecs ncalls`. Change is backwards compatible. * Built-in appenders have been simplified using the new `default-output` appender arg. * Postal appender now generates a more useful subject in most cases. ### Fixes * #38 Broken namespace filter (mlb-). * Messages are now generated _after_ middleware has been applied, allowing better filtering performance and more intuitive behaviour (e.g. changes to args in middleware will now automatically percolate to message content). * `(logf "hello %s")` was throwing due to lack of formatting args. ## v2.6.3 → v2.7.1 * Core: `getHostName` no longer runs on the main thread for better Android compatibility (AdamClements). * Profiling: added `defnp` macro. * Profiling: fix compile-time name creation: now runtime (aperiodic). * Appenders: added rotating file appender (mopemope). ## v2.5.0 → v2.6.3 * Perf: add support for a compile-time logging level environment variable (`TIMBRE_LOG_LEVEL`). See `timbre/compile-time-level` docstring for details. * Fix: `use-timbre`, `str-println` bugs. * Fix: Null Pointer Exception in clj-stacktrace (bitemyapp). ## v2.4.1 → v2.5.0 * Added `:file` and `:line` appender args. * Fixed `make-timestamp-fn` thread safety. ## v2.3.4 → v2.4.1 * Added `refer-timbre` for conveniently `require`ing standard timbre vars. * Postal appender now uses throwable as subject when no other args given. * `log-errors`, `log-and-rethrow-errors` now catch Throwable instead of Exception. ## v2.2.0 → v2.3.4 * Added `with-log-level` for thread-local logging levels: `(with-level :trace (trace "This will log!"))`. Esp. useful for developing & unit tests, etc. ## v2.1.2 → v2.2.0 * Add socket, MongoDB appenders (thanks to emlyn). ## v2.0.0 → v2.1.2 * Added appenders: socket, IRC, MongoDB (CongoMongo). See [README](https://github.com/ptaoussanis/timbre#built-in-appenders) for details. * Add `ex-data` output to `stacktrace` fn. * Fixed a number of small bugs (mostly regressions from 1.x). ## v1.6.0 → v2.0.0 * Refactor for integration with tools.logging. * **BREAKING**: Drop Clojure 1.3 support. * **DEPRECATED**: `:max-messages-per-msecs` appender arg -> `:limit-per-msecs`. * **BREAKING**: `:more` appender arg has been dropped. `:message` arg is now a string of all arguments as joined by `logp`/`logf`. Appenders that need unjoined logging arguments (i.e. raw arguments as given to `logp`/`logf`) should use the new `:log-args` vector. * **BREAKING**: Stacktraces are no longer automatically generated at the `log`-macro level. Stacktraces are now left as an appender implementation detail. A `:throwable` appender argument has been added along with a `stacktrace` fn.