# Timbre, a (sane) logging library for Clojure Logging with Java can be maddeningly, unnecessarily hard. Particularly if all you want is something *simple that works out the box*. [tools.logging](https://github.com/clojure/tools.logging) helps, but it doesn't save you from the mess of logger dependencies and configuration hell. Timbre is an attempt to make **simple logging simple** and more **complex logging possible**. ## What's In The Box? * Small, uncomplicated **all-Clojure** library. * **Super-simple map-based config**: no arcane XML or properties files. * Decent performance (**low overhead**). * Flexible **fn-centric appender model**. * Sensible built-in appenders including simple **email appender**. * Tunable **flood control**. * **Asynchronous** logging support. ## Status [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/ptaoussanis/timbre.png)](http://travis-ci.org/ptaoussanis/timbre) Timbre was built in a day after I finally lost my patience trying to configure Log4j. I tried to keep the design simple and sensible but I didn't spend much time thinking about it so there may still be room for improvement. In particular **the configuration and appender formats are still subject to change**. ## Getting Started ### Leiningen Depend on `[timbre "0.5.1-SNAPSHOT"]` in your `project.clj` and `use` the library: ```clojure (ns my-app (:use [timbre.core :as timbre :only (trace debug info warn error fatal spy)]) ``` ### Start Logging By default, Timbre gives you basic print output to `*out*`/`*err*` at a `debug` logging level: ```clojure (info "This will print") => 2012-May-28 17:26:11:444 +0700 INFO [timbre.tests] - This will print (trace "This won't print due to insufficient logging level") => nil ``` There's little overhead for checking logging levels: ```clojure (time (trace (Thread/sleep 5000))) => "Elapsed time: 0.054 msecs" (time (when true)) => "Elapsed time: 0.051 msecs" ``` First-argument exceptions generate a stack trace: ```clojure (info (Exception. "Oh noes") "arg1" "arg2") => 2012-May-28 17:35:16:132 +0700 INFO [timbre.tests] - arg1 arg2 java.lang.Exception: Oh noes NO_SOURCE_FILE:1 timbre.tests/eval6409 Compiler.java:6511 clojure.lang.Compiler.eval [...] ``` ### Configuration Easily adjust the current logging level: ```clojure (timbre/set-level! :warn) ``` And the default timestamp formatting for log messages: ```clojure (timbre/set-config! [:shared-appender-config :timestamp-pattern] "yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss ZZ") (timbre/set-config! [:shared-appender-config :locale] (java.util.Locale/GERMAN)) ``` Enable the standard [Postal](https://github.com/drewr/postal)-based email appender: ```clojure (timbre/set-config! [:shared-appender-config :postal] ^{:host "mail.isp.net" :user "jsmith" :pass "sekrat!!1"} {:from "me@draines.com" :to "foo@example.com"}) (timbre/set-config! [:appenders :postal :enabled?] true) ``` Rate-limit to one email per message per minute: ```clojure (timbre/set-config! [:appenders :postal :max-message-per-msecs] 60000) ``` And make sure emails are sent asynchronously: ```clojure (timbre/set-config! [:appenders :postal :async?] true) ``` ### Custom Appenders Writing a custom appender is easy: ```clojure (timbre/set-config! [:appenders :my-appender] {:doc "Hello-world appender" :min-level :debug :enabled? true :async? false :max-message-per-msecs nil ; No rate limiting :fn (fn [{:keys [ap-config level error? instant timestamp ns message more] :as args}] (when-not (:production-mode? ap-config) (apply println timestamp "Hello world!" message more))) ``` And because appender fns are just regular Clojure fns, you have *unlimited power*: write to your database, send a message over the network, check some other state (e.g. environment config) before making a choice, etc. See `(doc timbre/config)` for more information on appenders. ## Contact & Contribution Reach me (Peter Taoussanis) at *ptaoussanis at gmail.com* for questions/comments/suggestions/whatever. I'm very open to ideas if you have any! I'm also on Twitter: [@ptaoussanis](https://twitter.com/#!/ptaoussanis). ## License Copyright © 2012 Peter Taoussanis Distributed under the [Eclipse Public License](http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html), the same as Clojure.