mirror of https://github.com/status-im/timbre.git
Initial new .cljx ns (complete rewrite)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,802 +0,0 @@
(ns taoensso.timbre "Simple, flexible, all-Clojure logging. No XML!"
{:author "Peter Taoussanis"}
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[io.aviso.exception :as aviso-ex]
[taoensso.encore :as enc])
(:import [java.util Date Locale]
[java.text SimpleDateFormat]
[java.io File]))
;;;; Encore version check
(let [min-encore-version 1.21] ; Let's get folks on newer versions here
(if-let [assert! (ns-resolve 'taoensso.encore 'assert-min-encore-version)]
(assert! min-encore-version)
"Insufficient com.taoensso/encore version (< %s). You may have a Leiningen dependency conflict (see http://goo.gl/qBbLvC for solution)."
{:min-version min-encore-version}))))
;;;; TODO v4
;; * Use `format`, `sprintln` from Encore.
;; * Decide on `:message` format design
;; - No delay, just require use of tool?
;; - Delay set (as wrapper) per-appender with merged `:ap-config`?
;; - :msg-type e/o #{:tools.logging :print-str :pr-str :format nil}
;; - :message key is set [only, ever] at per-appender wrapper level.
;; - Pros: great flexibility with easy config, simple.
;; - Cons: cost of per-appender delay generation. Problem?
;; * Get core working + tested.
;; * Enumerate changes from v3.
;; * Look into v3 backwards compatibility.
;; * Document changes from v3.
;; * Update bundled appenders (?).
;; * Update docs.
;; * Investigate better encore/Cljs interplay: fns?
;; * Do runtime level check even if a compile-time level is in effect if the
;; provided `log` level arg is not immediately recognized (e.g. it may be a
;; runtime level form that first requires eval).
;;;; Public utils
(defn str-println
"Like `println` but prints all objects to output stream as a single
atomic string. This is faster and avoids interleaving race conditions."
[& xs] (print (str (str/join \space (filter identity xs)) \newline))
(defn color-str [color & xs]
(let [ansi-color #(format "\u001b[%sm"
(case % :reset "0" :black "30" :red "31"
:green "32" :yellow "33" :blue "34"
:purple "35" :cyan "36" :white "37"
(str (ansi-color color) (apply str xs) (ansi-color :reset))))
(def default-out (java.io.OutputStreamWriter. System/out))
(def default-err (java.io.PrintWriter. System/err))
(defmacro with-default-outs
"Evaluates body with Clojure's default *out* and *err* bindings."
[& body] `(binding [*out* default-out
*err* default-err] ~@body))
(defn fmt-stacktrace "Default stacktrace formatter for use by appenders."
[throwable & [separator stacktrace-fonts]]
(when throwable
(str separator
(if-let [fonts stacktrace-fonts] ; nil (defaults), or a map
(binding [aviso-ex/*fonts* fonts] (aviso-ex/format-exception throwable))
(aviso-ex/format-exception throwable)))))
(comment (println (fmt-stacktrace (Exception. "foo") nil nil))
(println (fmt-stacktrace (Exception. "foo") nil {})))
(def get-hostname
;; TODO Any way to keep future from affecting shutdown time,
;; Ref. http://goo.gl/5hx9oK?
(encore/memoize* (encore/ms :mins 2)
(fn []
(future ; Android doesn't like this on the main thread
(try (.. java.net.InetAddress getLocalHost getHostName)
(catch java.net.UnknownHostException _
(deref 5000 "UnknownHost")))))
(def ^:private default-message-timestamp-pattern "14-Jul-07 16:42:11"
"yy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss")
(def ^:private default-message-pattern-fn
"14-Jul-07 16:42:11 localhost INFO [my-app.foo.bar] - Hello world"
(fn [{:keys [ns ; & Any other appender args
;; These are delays:
timestamp_ hostname_ level-name_ args-str_ stacktrace_]}]
(str @timestamp_ " " @hostname_ " " @level-name_ " "
"[" ns "] - " @args-str_ @stacktrace_)))
(defn fmt-appender-args "Formats appender arguments as a message string."
[fmt-fn ; `(apply <fmt-fn> args)`: format, print-str, pr-str, etc.
{:as appender-args :keys [instant ns level throwable args]} &
[{:as fmt-opts :keys [timestamp-pattern timestamp-locale no-fonts? pattern-fn]
:or {timestamp-pattern default-message-timestamp-pattern
timestamp-locale nil
pattern-fn default-message-pattern-fn}}]]
(when-not (empty? args)
(merge appender-args
;; Delays since user pattern may/not want any of these:
{:hostname_ (delay (get-hostname))
:timestamp_ (delay (.format (encore/simple-date-format timestamp-pattern
{:locale timestamp-locale}) instant))
:level-name_ (delay (-> level name str/upper-case))
:args-str_ (delay (apply fmt-fn args)) ; `args` is non-empty
:stacktrace_ (delay (fmt-stacktrace throwable "\n" (when no-fonts? {})))}))))
(encore/qbench 1000
(fmt-appender-args print-str
{:instant (Date.) :ns *ns* :level :info :throwable nil
:args ["Hello" "there"]})) ; ~14ms
(defmacro sometimes
"Executes body with probability e/o [0,1]. Useful for sampled logging."
[probability & body]
`(do (assert (<= 0 ~probability 1) "Probability: 0 <= p <= 1")
(when (< (rand) ~probability) ~@body)))
;;;; Logging levels
(def level-compile-time
"Constant, compile-time logging level determined by the `TIMBRE_LOG_LEVEL`
environment variable. When set, overrules dynamically-configurable logging
level as a performance optimization."
(keyword (System/getenv "TIMBRE_LOG_LEVEL")))
(def ^:dynamic *level-dynamic* nil)
(defmacro with-log-level
"Allows thread-local config logging level override. Useful for dev & testing."
[level & body] `(binding [*level-dynamic* ~level] ~@body))
(def level-atom (atom :debug))
(defn set-level! [level] (reset! level-atom level))
(def levels-ordered [:trace :debug :info :warn :error :fatal :report])
(def levels-scored (zipmap levels-ordered (next (range))))
(defn- level-error? [level] (boolean (#{:error :fatal} level)))
(defn- level-checked-score [level]
(or (when (nil? level) 0) ; < any valid level
(levels-scored level)
(throw (Exception. (format "Invalid logging level: %s" level)))))
(def ^:private levels-compare (memoize (fn [x y] (- (level-checked-score x)
(level-checked-score y)))))
(defn level-sufficient? "Precendence: compile-time > dynamic > config > atom."
[level config] (<= 0 (levels-compare level (or level-compile-time
(:current-level config)
(def ^:private get-hostname
(enc/memoize* 60000
(fn []
(future ; Android doesn't like this on the main thread
(try (.. java.net.InetAddress getLocalHost getHostName)
(catch java.net.UnknownHostException _
(deref 5000 "UnknownHost")))))
(def ^:private ensure-spit-dir-exists!
(enc/memoize* 60000
(fn [fname]
(when-not (str/blank? fname)
(let [file (File. ^String fname)
dir (.getParentFile (.getCanonicalFile file))]
(when-not (.exists dir)
(.mkdirs dir)))))))
;;;; Default configuration and appenders
(def example-config
An appender is a map with keys:
:doc ; Optional docstring.
:min-level ; Level keyword, or nil (=> no minimum level).
:enabled? ;
:async? ; Dispatch using agent? Useful for slow appenders.
:rate-limit ; [ncalls-limit window-ms], or nil.
:args-hash-fn ; Used by rate-limiter, etc.
:appender-config ; Any appender-specific config.
:fn ; (fn [appender-args-map]), with keys described below.
An appender's fn takes a single map with keys:
:instant ; java.util.Date.
:ns ; String.
:level ; Keyword.
:error? ; Is level an 'error' level?
:throwable ; java.lang.Throwable.
:args ; Raw logging macro args (as given to `info`, etc.).
:context ; Thread-local dynamic logging context.
:ap-config ; Content of appender's own `:appender-config` merged over
; `:shared-appender-config`.
:profile-stats ; From `profile` macro.
;; Waiting on http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJ-865:
:file ; String.
:line ; Integer.
:message ; DELAYED string of formatted appender args. Appenders may
; (but are not obligated to) use this as their output.
Middleware are fns (applied right-to-left) that transform the map
dispatched to appender fns. If any middleware returns nil, no dispatching
will occur (i.e. the event will be filtered).
The `example-config` code contains further settings and details.
See also `set-config!`, `merge-config!`, `set-level!`."
{;; :current-level :debug ; Prefer `level-atom`
;;; Control log filtering by namespace patterns (e.g. ["my-app.*"]).
;;; Useful for turning off logging in noisy libraries, etc.
:ns-whitelist []
:ns-blacklist []
;; Fns (applied right-to-left) to transform/filter appender fn args.
;; Useful for obfuscating credentials, pattern filtering, etc.
:middleware []
{:message-fmt-opts ; `:message` appender argument formatting
{:timestamp-pattern default-message-timestamp-pattern ; SimpleDateFormat
:timestamp-locale nil ; A Locale object, or nil
:pattern-fn default-message-pattern-fn}}
{:doc "Prints to *out*/*err*. Enabled by default."
:min-level nil :enabled? true :async? false :rate-limit nil
:appender-config {:always-log-to-err? false}
:fn (fn [{:keys [ap-config error? message]}] ; Can use any appender args
(binding [*out* (if (or error? (:always-log-to-err? ap-config))
*err* *out*)]
(str-println @message)))}
{:doc "Spits to `(:spit-filename :ap-config)` file."
:min-level nil :enabled? false :async? false :rate-limit nil
:appender-config {:spit-filename "timbre-spit.log"}
:fn (fn [{:keys [ap-config message]}] ; Can use any appender args
(when-let [filename (:spit-filename ap-config)]
(try (ensure-spit-dir-exists! filename)
(spit filename (str output "\n") :append true)
(catch java.io.IOException _))))}}})
(enc/defonce* config (atom example-config))
(defn set-config! [ks val] (swap! config assoc-in ks val))
(defn merge-config! [& maps] (apply swap! config enc/merge-deep maps))
;;;; Appender-fn decoration
(defn default-args-hash-fn
"Returns a hash id for given appender args such that
(= (hash args-A) (hash args-B)) iff args A and B are \"the same\" by
some reasonable-in-the-general-case definition for logging args. Useful for
rate limiting, deduplicating appenders, etc."
[{:keys [ns line args] :as apfn-args}]
(str (or (some #(and (map? %) (:timbre/hash %)) args) ; Explicit hash given
;; [ns line] ; TODO Waiting on http://goo.gl/cVVAYA
[ns args])))
(defn- wrap-appender-fn
[config {:as appender apfn :fn
:keys [async? rate-limit args-hash-fn appender-config]
:or {args-hash-fn default-args-hash-fn}}]
<<<<<<< HEAD
(let [rate-limit (or rate-limit ; Backwards comp:
(if-let [x (:max-message-per-msecs appender)] [1 x]
(when-let [x (:limit-per-msecs appender)] [1 x])))]
(assert (or (nil? rate-limit) (vector? rate-limit)))
(->> ; Wrapping applies per appender, bottom-to-top
;; Custom appender-level fmt-output-opts
((fn [apfn] ; Compile-time:
(if-not fmt-output-opts apfn ; Common case (no appender-level fmt opts)
(fn [apfn-args] ; Runtime:
;; Replace default (juxt-level) output:
(apfn (assoc apfn-args :output
((:fmt-output-fn config) apfn-args fmt-output-opts)))))))
;; Rate limit support
((fn [apfn]
;; Compile-time:
(if-not rate-limit apfn
(let [[ncalls-limit window-ms] rate-limit
limiter-any (enc/rate-limiter ncalls-limit window-ms)
;; This is a little hand-wavy but it's a decent general
;; strategy and helps us from making this overly complex to
;; configure.
limiter-specific (enc/rate-limiter (quot ncalls-limit 4)
(fn [{:keys [ns args] :as apfn-args}]
;; Runtime: (test smaller limit 1st):
(when-not (or (limiter-specific (args-hash-fn apfn-args))
(apfn apfn-args)))))))
;; Async (agent) support
((fn [apfn]
;; Compile-time:
(if-not async? apfn
(let [agent (agent nil :error-mode :continue)]
(fn [apfn-args] ; Runtime:
(send-off agent (fn [_] (apfn apfn-args)))))))))))
(defn- wrap-appender-juxt
"Wraps compile-time appender juxt with additional runtime capabilities
(incl. middleware) controlled by compile-time config. Like `wrap-appender-fn`
but operates on the entire juxt at once."
[config juxtfn]
(->> ; Wrapping applies per juxt, bottom-to-top
;; Post-middleware stuff
((fn [juxtfn]
;; Compile-time:
(let [{ap-config :shared-appender-config
:keys [timestamp-pattern timestamp-locale
prefix-fn fmt-output-fn]} config
(if-not timestamp-pattern (constantly nil)
(fn [^Date dt]
(.format (enc/simple-date-format timestamp-pattern
{:locale timestamp-locale}) dt)))]
(fn [juxtfn-args]
;; Runtime:
(when-let [{:keys [instant msg-type args]} juxtfn-args]
(let [juxtfn-args (if-not msg-type juxtfn-args ; tools.logging
(-> juxtfn-args
(dissoc :msg-type)
;; TODO Consider a breaking change here to
;; swap assoc'd message with a delay, as
;; per http://goo.gl/7YVSfj:
(assoc :message
(when-not (empty? args)
(case msg-type
:format (apply format args)
:print-str (apply print-str args)
:nil nil)))))
juxtfn-args (assoc juxtfn-args :timestamp (timestamp-fn instant))
juxtfn-args (assoc juxtfn-args
;; DEPRECATED, here for backwards comp:
:prefix (when-let [f prefix-fn] (f juxtfn-args))
:output (when-let [f fmt-output-fn] (f juxtfn-args)))]
(juxtfn juxtfn-args)))))))
;; Middleware transforms/filters support
((fn [juxtfn]
;; Compile-time:
(if-let [middleware (seq (:middleware config))]
(let [composed-middleware
(apply comp (map (fn [mf] (fn [args] (when args (mf args))))
(fn [juxtfn-args]
;; Runtime:
(when-let [juxtfn-args (composed-middleware juxtfn-args)]
(juxtfn juxtfn-args))))
;; Pre-middleware stuff
(assert (or (nil? rate-limit) (vector? rate-limit)))
(->> ; Wrapping applies per appender, bottom-to-top
;; :ap-config
((fn [apfn]
;; Compile-time:
(if-not appender-config apfn
(let [merged-config (merge (:shared-appender-config config)
(println "DEBUG! `merged-config`:" merged-config) ; TODO
(fn [apfn-args]
;; Runtime:
(apfn (assoc apfn-args :ap-config merged-config)))))))
;; Rate limits
((fn [apfn]
;; Compile-time:
(if-not rate-limit apfn
(let [[ncalls-limit window-ms] rate-limit
limiter-any (encore/rate-limiter ncalls-limit window-ms)
;; This is a little hand-wavy but it's a decent general
;; strategy and helps us from making this overly complex to
;; configure.
limiter-specific (encore/rate-limiter (quot ncalls-limit 4)
(fn [{:keys [ns args] :as apfn-args}]
;; Runtime:
(when-not (or (limiter-specific (args-hash-fn apfn-args))
(limiter-any)) ; Test smaller limit 1st
(apfn apfn-args)))))))
;; Async (agents)
((fn [apfn]
;; Compile-time:
(if-not async? apfn
(let [agent (agent nil :error-mode :continue)]
(fn [apfn-args] ; Runtime:
(send-off agent (fn [_] (apfn apfn-args))))))))))
(def ^:dynamic *context* "Thread-local dynamic logging context." {})
(defn- wrap-appender-juxt [config juxtfn]
(->> ; Wrapping applies per juxt, bottom-to-top
;; ;; Post-middleware stuff
;; ((fn [juxtfn]
;; ;; Compile-time:
;; (fn [juxtfn-args]
;; ;; Runtime:
;; (juxtfn juxtfn-args))))
;; Middleware (transforms/filters)
>>>>>>> fe51297... NB Experimental: major refactor (currently breaking, for potential Timbre v4)
((fn [juxtfn]
;; Compile-time:
(let [middleware (:middleware config)]
(if (empty? middleware) juxtfn
(let [composed-middleware
(apply comp (map (fn [mf] (fn [args] (when args (mf args))))
(fn [juxtfn-args]
;; Runtime:
(when-let [juxtfn-args (composed-middleware juxtfn-args)]
(juxtfn juxtfn-args))))))))
;; ;; Pre-middleware stuff
;; ((fn [juxtfn]
;; ;; Compile-time:
;; (fn [juxtfn-args]
;; ;; Runtime:
;; (juxtfn juxtfn-args))))
;;;; Config compilation
(defn- relevant-appenders [appenders level]
(->> appenders
(filter #(let [{:keys [enabled? min-level]} (val %)]
(and enabled? (>= (levels-compare level min-level) 0))))
(into {})))
(defn- ns-match? [ns match]
(-> (str "^" (-> (str match) (.replace "." "\\.") (.replace "*" "(.*)")) "$")
re-pattern (re-find (str ns)) boolean))
(def compile-config ; Used in macros, must be public
"Implementation detail.
Returns {:appenders-juxt {<level> <wrapped-juxt or nil>}
:ns-filter (fn relevant-ns? [ns])}."
;; Careful. The presence of fns means that inline config's won't correctly
;; be identified as samey. In practice not a major (?) problem since configs
;; will usually be assigned to a var for which we have proper identity.
(fn [{:keys [appenders] :as config}]
(zipmap levels-ordered
(->> levels-ordered
(map (fn [l] (let [rel-aps (relevant-appenders appenders l)]
;; Return nil if no relevant appenders
(when-let [ap-ids (keys rel-aps)]
(->> ap-ids
(map #(wrap-appender-fn config (rel-aps %)))
(apply juxt)
(wrap-appender-juxt config))))))))
(let [{:keys [ns-whitelist ns-blacklist]} config]
(if (and (empty? ns-whitelist) (empty? ns-blacklist))
(fn relevant-ns? [ns] true)
(fn relevant-ns? [ns]
(and (or (empty? ns-whitelist)
(some (partial ns-match? ns) ns-whitelist))
(or (empty? ns-blacklist)
(not-any? (partial ns-match? ns) ns-blacklist)))))))})))
(comment (compile-config example-config)
(compile-config nil))
;;;; Logging macros
(def ^:dynamic *config-dynamic* nil)
(defmacro with-logging-config
"Allows thread-local logging config override. Useful for dev & testing."
[config & body] `(binding [*config-dynamic* ~config] ~@body))
(defn get-default-config [] (or *config-dynamic* @config))
(defmacro with-logging-context "Thread-local dynamic logging context."
[context & body] `(binding [*context* ~context] ~@body))
(defn ns-unfiltered? [config ns] ((:ns-filter (compile-config config)) ns))
(defn logging-enabled? "For 3rd-party utils, etc."
[level & [compile-time-ns]]
(let [config' (get-default-config)]
(and (level-sufficient? level config')
(or (nil? compile-time-ns)
(ns-unfiltered? config' compile-time-ns)))))
(defn send-to-appenders! "Implementation detail."
[{:keys [;; Args provided by both Timbre, tools.logging:
level base-appender-args log-vargs ns throwable message
;; Additional args provided by Timbre only:
juxt-fn file line]}]
(when-let [juxt-fn (or juxt-fn (get-in (compile-config (get-default-config))
[:appenders-juxt level]))]
(let [appender-args
(conj (or base-appender-args {})
{;;; Passed through
:level level
:args log-vargs ; String / 1-vec raw arg for tools.logging impl
:ns ns
:throwable throwable
:file file ; Nil for tools.logging
:line line ; ''
;;; Generated
:instant (Date.)
:error? (level-error? level)
;;; Varies
:message message})]
(juxt-fn appender-args)
(comment ; TODO
(fmt-appender-args ; TODO + maybe merge :ap-config for fmt opts?
;; Or just have in :shared-appender-config
(case msg-type
:format format
:print-str print-str
:pr-str pr-str))))
(comment ; TODO
[fmt-fn ; `(apply <fmt-fn> args)`: format, print-str, pr-str, etc.
{:as appender-args :keys [instant ns level throwable args]} &
[{:as fmt-opts :keys [timestamp-pattern timestamp-locale no-fonts? pattern-fn]
:or {timestamp-pattern default-message-timestamp-pattern
timestamp-locale nil
pattern-fn default-message-pattern-fn}}]])
(defn send-to-appenders! "Implementation detail."
([level base-appender-args log-vargs ns throwable message])
(defn send-to-appenders! "Implementation detail."
[;; Args provided by both Timbre, tools.logging:
level base-appender-args log-vargs ns throwable message
;; Additional args provided by Timbre only:
& [juxt-fn file line]]
(when-let [juxt-fn (or juxt-fn (get-in (compile-config (get-default-config))
[:appenders-juxt level]))]
(conj (or base-appender-args {})
{;;; Generated
:instant (Date.)
:error? (level-error? level)
;;; Passed through
:ns ns
:level level
:throwable throwable
:message message
;;; Passed through (no/limited tools.logging support)
:file file ; Nil for tools.logging impl
:line line ; ''
:args log-vargs ; String / 1-vec raw arg for tools.logging impl
(defmacro get-compile-time-ns [] (str *ns*)) ; Nb need `str` to be readable
(comment (macroexpand '(get-compile-time-ns)))
(defmacro log* "Implementation detail."
{:arglists '([base-appender-args fmt-fn level & log-args]
[base-appender-args fmt-fn config level & log-args])}
[base-appender-args fmt-fn & [s1 s2 :as sigs]]
;; Compile-time:
(when (or (nil? level-compile-time)
(let [level (cond (levels-scored s1) s1
(levels-scored s2) s2)]
(or (nil? level) ; Also needs to be compile-time
(level-sufficient? level nil))))
;; Runtime:
`(let [;;; Support [level & log-args], [config level & log-args] sigs:
s1# ~s1
default-config?# (levels-scored s1#)
config# (if default-config?# (get-default-config) s1#)
level# (if default-config?# s1# ~s2)
compile-time-ns# (get-compile-time-ns)]
;; (println "DEBUG: Runtime level check")
(when (and (level-sufficient? level# config#)
(ns-unfiltered? config# compile-time-ns#))
(when-let [juxt-fn# (get-in (compile-config config#)
[:appenders-juxt level#])]
(let [[x1# & xn# :as xs#] (if default-config?#
(vector ~@(next sigs))
(vector ~@(nnext sigs)))
has-throwable?# (instance? Throwable x1#)
log-vargs# (vec (if has-throwable?# xn# xs#))]
(when has-throwable?# x1#)
nil ; Timbre generates msg only after middleware
(let [file# ~*file*] (when (not= file# "NO_SOURCE_PATH") file#))
;; TODO Waiting on http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJ-865:
~(:line (meta &form)))))))))
(defmacro log
"Logs using print-style args. Takes optional logging config (defaults to
{:arglists '([level & message] [level throwable & message]
[config level & message] [config level throwable & message])}
[& sigs] `(log* {} :print-str ~@sigs))
(defmacro logf
"Logs using format-style args. Takes optional logging config (defaults to
{:arglists '([level fmt & fmt-args] [level throwable fmt & fmt-args]
[config level fmt & fmt-args] [config level throwable fmt & fmt-args])}
[& sigs] `(log* {} :format ~@sigs))
(defmacro log-errors [& body] `(try ~@body (catch Throwable t# (error t#))))
(defmacro log-and-rethrow-errors [& body]
`(try ~@body (catch Throwable t# (error t#) (throw t#))))
(defmacro logged-future [& body] `(future (log-errors ~@body)))
(comment (log-errors (/ 0))
(log-and-rethrow-errors (/ 0))
(logged-future (/ 0)))
(defmacro spy
"Evaluates named expression and logs its result. Always returns the result.
Defaults to :debug logging level and unevaluated expression as name."
([expr] `(spy :debug ~expr))
([level expr] `(spy ~level '~expr ~expr))
([level name expr]
(let [result# ~expr] (log ~level ~name result#) result#))))
(defmacro ^:private def-logger [level]
(let [level-name (name level)]
(defmacro ~(symbol level-name)
~(str "Logs at " level " level using print-style args.")
~'{:arglists '([& message] [throwable & message])}
[& sigs#] `(log ~~level ~@sigs#))
(defmacro ~(symbol (str level-name "f"))
~(str "Logs at " level " level using format-style args.")
~'{:arglists '([fmt & fmt-args] [throwable fmt & fmt-args])}
[& sigs#] `(logf ~~level ~@sigs#)))))
(defmacro ^:private def-loggers []
`(do ~@(map (fn [level] `(def-logger ~level)) levels-ordered)))
(def-loggers) ; Actually define a logger for each logging level
(defn refer-timbre
"Shorthand for:
'[taoensso.timbre :as timbre
:refer (log trace debug info warn error fatal report
logf tracef debugf infof warnf errorf fatalf reportf
spy logged-future with-log-level with-logging-config
'[taoensso.timbre.profiling :as profiling
:refer (pspy pspy* profile defnp p p*)])"
'[taoensso.timbre :as timbre
:refer (log trace debug info warn error fatal report
logf tracef debugf infof warnf errorf fatalf reportf
spy logged-future with-log-level with-logging-config
'[taoensso.timbre.profiling :as profiling
:refer (pspy pspy* profile defnp p p*)]))
;;;; Deprecated
(defmacro with-err-as-out "DEPRECATED." [& body] `(binding [*err* *out*] ~@body))
(def stacktrace "DEPREACTED. Use `fmt-stacktrace` instead." fmt-stacktrace)
(defmacro logp "DEPRECATED: Use `log` instead."
{:arglists '([level & message] [level throwable & message])}
[& sigs] `(log ~@sigs)) ; Alias
(defmacro s "DEPRECATED: Use `spy` instead."
{:arglists '([expr] [level expr] [level name expr])}
[& args] `(spy ~@args))
(def red "DEPRECATED: Use `color-str` instead." (partial color-str :red))
(def green "DEPRECATED: Use `color-str` instead." (partial color-str :green))
(def yellow "DEPRECATED: Use `color-str` instead." (partial color-str :yellow))
;;;; Dev/tests
(info "a")
(info "a" "b" "c")
(info "a" (Exception. "b") "c")
(info (Exception. "a") "b" "c")
(log (or nil :info) "Booya")
(info "a%s" "b")
(infof "a%s" "b")
(info {} "a")
(log {} :info "a")
(log example-config :info "a")
(set-config! [:ns-blacklist] [])
(set-config! [:ns-blacklist] ["taoensso.timbre*"])
(info "foo" "bar")
(trace (Thread/sleep 5000))
(time (dotimes [n 10000] (trace "This won't log"))) ; Overhead 5ms->15ms
(time (dotimes [n 10000] (when false)))
(time (dotimes [n 5] (info "foo" "bar")))
(spy :info (* 6 5 4 3 2 1))
(spy :info :factorial6 (* 6 5 4 3 2 1))
(info (Exception. "noes!") "bar")
(spy (/ 4 0))
(with-log-level :trace (trace "foo"))
(with-log-level :debug (trace "foo"))
;; Middleware
(info {:name "Robert Paulson" :password "Super secret"})
(set-config! [:middleware] [])
(set-config! [:middleware]
[(fn [{:keys [hostname message args] :as ap-args}]
(if (= hostname "filtered-host") nil ; Filter
(assoc ap-args :args
;; Replace :password vals in any map args:
(mapv (fn [arg] (if-not (map? arg) arg
(if-not (contains? arg :password) arg
(assoc arg :password "****"))))
;; fmt-output-opts
(-> (merge example-config
{:min-level :error :enabled? true
:fmt-output-opts {:no-fonts? true}
:fn (fn [{:keys [output]}] (str-println output))}}})
(log :report (Exception. "Oh noes") "Hello"))
;; compile-time level (enabled log* debug println)
(def level-compile-time :warn)
(debug "hello")
(log :info "hello") ; Discarded at compile-time
(log {} :info) ; Discarded at compile-time
(log (or :info) "hello") ; Discarded at runtime
@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
(ns taoensso.timbre
"Simple, flexible logging for Clojure/Script. No XML."
{:author "Peter Taoussanis"}
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[io.aviso.exception :as aviso-ex]
[taoensso.encore :as enc :refer (have have? qb)])
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[taoensso.encore :as enc :refer ()])
[taoensso.encore :as enc :refer (have have?)])
(:import [java.util Date Locale]
[java.text SimpleDateFormat]
[java.io File]))
;;;; TODO
;; - Check for successful cljs compile
;; - Bump encore version + min version check
;; - Clj default appenders
;; - Simple config flag to log std err -> out
;; - Cljs default appenders
;; - Port profiling ns (cljs support?)
;; - Document shutdown-agents,
;; Ref. https://github.com/ptaoussanis/timbre/pull/100/files
;; - Try ease backward comp
;; - Port appenders
;;;; Encore version check
(let [min-encore-version 1.30]
(if-let [assert! (ns-resolve 'taoensso.encore 'assert-min-encore-version)]
(assert! min-encore-version)
"Insufficient com.taoensso/encore version (< %s). You may have a Leiningen dependency conflict (see http://goo.gl/qBbLvC for solution)."
{:min-version min-encore-version}))))
;;;; Config
(def example-config
"Example (+default) Timbre config map." ; TODO
{:level :debug
:appenders ; TODO
{:min-level nil :enabled? true :async? false :rate-limit nil
:fn (fn [data]
(println ((:output-fn data) data)))}}})
(enc/defonce* ^:dynamic *config* example-config)
(defmacro with-config [config & body] `(binding [*config* ~config] ~@body))
(defn swap-config! [f]
#+cljs (set! *config* (f *config*))
#+clj (alter-var-root #'*config* f))
(defn set-config! [m] (swap-config! (fn [_] m)))
(defn merge-config! [m] (swap-config! (fn [old] (enc/nested-merge old m))))
(defn set-level! [level] (swap-config! (fn [m] (merge m {:level level}))))
(defn with-level [level & body]
`(binding [*config* (merge *config* {:level ~level})] ~@body))
(comment (set-level! :info) *config*)
;;;; Levels
(def ^:private ordered-levels [:trace :debug :info :warn :error :fatal :report])
(def ^:private scored-levels (zipmap ordered-levels (next (range))))
(def ^:private valid-level
(let [valid-level-set (set ordered-levels)]
(fn [level]
(or (valid-level-set level)
(throw (ex-info (str "Invalid logging level: " level) {:level level}))))))
(comment (valid-level :info))
(defn level>= [x y] (>= (long (scored-levels (valid-level x)))
(long (scored-levels (valid-level y)))))
(comment (level>= :info :debug))
#+clj (defn- env-val [id] (when-let [s (System/getenv id)] (enc/read-edn s)))
#+clj (def ^:private compile-time-level
(have [:or nil? valid-level] (keyword (env-val "TIMBRE_LEVEL"))))
(defn get-active-level [& [config]] (or (:level (or config *config*)) :report))
(comment (qb 10000 (get-active-level)))
(comment (binding [*config* {:level :trace}] (level>= :trace (get-active-level))))
;;;; ns filter
(def ^:private compile-ns-filters
(let [->re-pattern
(fn [x]
(enc/re-pattern? x) x
(string? x)
(let [s (-> (str "^" x "$")
(str/replace "." "\\.")
(str/replace "*" "(.*)"))]
(re-pattern s))))]
(fn [whitelist blacklist]
(let [whitelist* (mapv ->re-pattern whitelist)
blacklist* (mapv ->re-pattern blacklist)
;; (nil? whitelist) (fn [ns] false)
(empty? whitelist*) (fn [ns] true)
:else (fn [ns] (some #(re-find % ns) whitelist*)))
(empty? blacklist*) (fn [ns] true)
:else (fn [ns] (not (some #(re-find % ns) blacklist*))))]
[white-filter black-filter])))))
(def ^:private ns-filter
(fn [whitelist blacklist ns]
(let [[white-filter black-filter] (compile-ns-filters whitelist blacklist)]
(when (and (white-filter ns) (black-filter ns)) ns)))))
(comment (qb 10000 (ns-filter ["foo.*"] ["foo.baz"] "foo.bar")))
(def ^:private compile-time-ns-filter
(let [whitelist (have [:or nil? vector?] (env-val "TIMBRE_NS_WHITELIST"))
blacklist (have [:or nil? vector?] (env-val "TIMBRE_NS_BLACKLIST"))]
(partial ns-filter whitelist blacklist)))
;;;; Utils
(defmacro delay-vec [coll] (mapv (fn [in] `(delay ~in)) coll))
(qb 10000 (delay :foo) (fn [] :foo))
(macroexpand '(delay-vec [(do (println "hi") :x) :y :z])))
(defn- vsplit-err1 [[v1 :as v]] (if-not (enc/error? v1) [nil v] (enc/vsplit-first v)))
(vsplit-err1 [:a :b :c])
(vsplit-err1 [(Exception.) :a :b :c]))
(declare stacktrace)
(defn default-output-fn [data & [opts]]
(let [{:keys [level ?err_ vargs_ msg-fn ?ns-str hostname_ timestamp_]} data]
(str (force timestamp_) " "
#+clj @hostname_ #+clj " "
(str/upper-case (name level))
" [" ?ns-str "] - " (msg-fn vargs_)
(when-let [err (force ?err_)] (str "\n" (stacktrace err))))))
(comment (infof (Exception.) "Hello %s" "Steve"))
(defn default-data-hash-fn [data]
(let [{:keys [?ns-str ?line vargs_]} data
vargs (force vargs_)]
(or (some #(and (map? %) (:timbre/hash %)) vargs) ; Explicit hash given
#_[?ns-str ?line] ; TODO Waiting on http://goo.gl/cVVAYA
[?ns-str vargs]))))
(comment (default-data-hash-fn {}))
(enc/defonce* ^:private get-agent
(enc/memoize_ (fn [appender-id] (agent nil :error-mode :continue))))
(comment (get-agent :my-appender))
(enc/defonce* ^:private get-rate-limiter
(enc/memoize_ (fn [appender-id specs] (enc/rate-limiter* specs))))
(comment (def rf (get-rate-limiter :my-appender [[10 5000]])))
;;;; Logging core
(defn log? [level & [?ns-str config]]
(let [config (or config *config*)]
(and (level>= level (get-active-level config))
(ns-filter (:whitelist config) (:blacklist config) (or ?ns-str ""))
(comment (log? :trace))
(def ^:dynamic *context* "General-purpose dynamic logging context." nil)
(defmacro with-context [context & body] `(binding [*context* ~context] ~@body))
(declare get-hostname)
;;;; TODO Temp, work on timestamps
;; want a simple, pattern-based
(def ^:private default-timestamp-pattern "14-Jul-07 16:42:11"
"yy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss")
(enc/simple-date-format default-timestamp-pattern
{:locale (Locale. "en")
;; :timezone "foo"
}) (enc/now-dt))
;;;; TODO
(defn log* "Core fn-level logger. Implementation detail."
[config level ?ns-str ?file ?line msg-type dvargs & [base-data]]
(when (log? level ?ns-str config)
(let [instant (enc/now-dt)
vargs*_ (delay (vsplit-err1 (mapv force dvargs)))
?err_ (delay (get @vargs*_ 0))
vargs_ (delay (get @vargs*_ 1))
msg-fn (fn [vargs_] ; Post-middleware vargs, etc.
(when-not (nil? msg-type)
(when-let [vargs (have [:or nil? vector?] (force vargs_))]
(case msg-type
:print (enc/spaced-str vargs)
:format (let [[fmt args] (enc/vsplit-first vargs)]
(enc/format* fmt args))))))
(merge base-data *context*
{:config config ; Entire config!
:instant instant
:level level
:?ns-str ?ns-str
:?file ?file
:?line ?line
:?err_ ?err_
:vargs_ vargs_
:msg-fn msg-fn
#+clj :hostname_ #+clj (delay (get-hostname))
:error-level? (#{:error :fatal} level)})
(reduce ; Apply middleware: data->?data
(fn [acc mf]
(let [result (mf acc)]
(if (nil? result)
(reduced nil)
(:middleware config))]
(when-let [data ?data] ; Not filtered by middleware
(fn [_ id appender]
(:enabled? appender)
(level>= level (or (:min-level appender) :trace))
(let [rate-limit-specs (:rate-limit appender)]
(if (empty? rate-limit-specs)
(let [rl-fn (get-rate-limiter id rate-limit-specs)
hash-fn (or (:data-hash-fn appender)
(:data-hash-fn config)
data-hash (hash-fn data)]
(not (rl-fn data-hash))))))
(let [{:keys [async?] apfn :fn} appender
output-fn (or (:output-fn appender)
(:output-fn config)
;; TODO Grab config (tz, pattern, locale, etc.) from
timestamp_ (delay "TODO")
data (assoc data :output-fn
:timestamp_ timestamp_
;; :output-fn output-fn
;; :timestamp_ (delay "maybe?") ; TODO Nix?
(if-not async?
(apfn data)
(send-off (get-agent id) (fn [_] (apfn data)))))))
(enc/clj1098 (:appenders config))))))
(log* *config* :info
nil nil nil :print (delay-vec [(do (println "hi") :x) :y])))
;;;; Logging macros
(defmacro log "Core macro-level logger."
[config level msg-type args & [base-data]]
;; Compile-time elision:
(when (or (nil? compile-time-level) (level>= level compile-time-level))
(when (compile-time-ns-filter (str *ns*))
(let [ns-str (str *ns*)
?file (let [f *file*] (when (not= f "NO_SOURCE_PATH") f))
;; TODO Waiting on http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJ-865:
?line (:line (meta &form))]
`(log* ~config ~level ~ns-str ~?file ~?line ~msg-type
(delay-vec ~args) ~base-data)))))
(defmacro ^:private def-logger [level]
(let [level-name (name level)]
(defmacro ~(symbol (str level-name #_"p"))
~(str "Logs at " level " level using print-style args.")
~'{:arglists '([& message] [error & message])}
[& sigs#] `(log *config* ~~level :print ~sigs#))
(defmacro ~(symbol (str level-name "f"))
~(str "Logs at " level " level using format-style args.")
~'{:arglists '([fmt & fmt-args] [error fmt & fmt-args])}
[& sigs#] `(log *config* ~~level :format ~sigs#)))))
(defmacro def-loggers []
`(do ~@(map (fn [level] `(def-logger ~level)) ordered-levels)))
(comment (infof "hello %s" "world"))
(defmacro log-errors [& body]
`(let [[?result# ?error#] (enc/catch-errors ~@body)]
(when-let [e# ?error#] (error e#))
(defmacro log-and-rethrow-errors [& body]
`(let [[?result# ?error#] (enc/catch-errors ~@body)]
(when-let [e# ?error#] (error e#) (throw e#))
(defmacro logged-future [& body] `(future (log-errors ~@body)))
(log-errors (/ 0))
(log-and-rethrow-errors (/ 0))
(logged-future (/ 0)))
(defmacro spy
"Evaluates named expression and logs its result. Always returns the result.
Defaults to :debug logging level and unevaluated expression as name."
([ expr] `(spy :debug ~expr))
([ level expr] `(spy ~level '~expr ~expr))
([ level name expr] `(spy *config* ~level ~name ~expr))
([config level name expr]
(let [result# ~expr]
(log ~config ~level :print [~name "=>" result#])
(defn refer-timbre
"Shorthand for:
(require '[taoensso.timbre :as timbre
:refer (log trace debug info warn error fatal report
logf tracef debugf infof warnf errorf fatalf reportf
(require '[taoensso.timbre.profiling :as profiling
:refer (pspy pspy* profile defnp p p*)])"
(require '[taoensso.timbre :as timbre
:refer (log trace debug info warn error fatal report
logf tracef debugf infof warnf errorf fatalf reportf
(require '[taoensso.timbre.profiling :as profiling
:refer (pspy pspy* profile defnp p p*)]))
;;;; Public utils
(defn color-str [color & xs]
(let [ansi-color #(format "\u001b[%sm"
(case % :reset "0" :black "30" :red "31"
:green "32" :yellow "33" :blue "34"
:purple "35" :cyan "36" :white "37"
(str (ansi-color color) (apply str xs) (ansi-color :reset))))
#+clj (def default-out (java.io.OutputStreamWriter. System/out))
#+clj (def default-err (java.io.PrintWriter. System/err))
(defmacro with-default-outs [& body]
`(binding [*out* default-out, *err* default-err] ~@body))
(def get-hostname
;; Note that this triggers slow shutdown, Ref. http://goo.gl/5hx9oK:
(enc/memoize* (enc/ms :mins 1)
(fn []
(let [f_ (future ; Android doesn't like this on the main thread
(try (.. java.net.InetAddress getLocalHost getHostName)
(catch java.net.UnknownHostException _ "UnknownHost")))]
(deref f_ 5000 "UnknownHost")))))
(comment (get-hostname))
(defn stacktrace [err & [opts]]
#+cljs (str err) ; TODO Alternatives?
(if-let [fonts (:stacktrace-fonts opts)]
(binding [aviso-ex/*fonts* fonts] (aviso-ex/format-exception err))
(aviso-ex/format-exception err)))
(comment (stacktrace (Exception. "Boo")))
(def ^:private ensure-spit-dir-exists!
(enc/memoize* (enc/ms :mins 1)
(fn [fname]
(when-not (str/blank? fname)
(let [file (File. ^String fname)
dir (.getParentFile (.getCanonicalFile file))]
(when-not (.exists dir) (.mkdirs dir)))))))
(defmacro sometimes "Handy for sampled logging, etc."
[probability & body]
`(do (assert (<= 0 ~probability 1) "Probability: 0 <= p <= 1")
(when (< (rand) ~probability) ~@body)))
;;;; TODO Scratch
;; :keys [timestamp-pattern timestamp-locale
;; prefix-fn fmt-output-fn]} config
;; timestamp-fn
;; (if-not timestamp-pattern (constantly nil)
;; (fn [^Date dt]
;; (.format (enc/simple-date-format timestamp-pattern
;; {:locale timestamp-locale}) dt)))]
@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
(ns taoensso.timbre.profiling
(ns taoensso.timbre.profiling
"Logging profiler for Timbre, adapted from clojure.contrib.profile."
"Logging profiler for Timbre, adapted from clojure.contrib.profile."
{:author "Peter Taoussanis"}
{:author "Peter Taoussanis"}
(:require [taoensso.encore :as encore]
(:require [taoensso.encore :as enc]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre]))
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre]))
;;;; TODO ns could use some housekeeping
;; * Boxed math optimizations
;; * Possible porting to .cljx (any point?)
;; * Support for explicit `config` args?
;; * General housekeeping, perf work
;;;; Utils
;;;; Utils
(defmacro fq-keyword "Returns namespaced keyword for given id."
(defmacro fq-keyword "Returns namespaced keyword for given id."
[id] `(if (and (keyword? ~id) (namespace ~id)) ~id
`(if (and (keyword? ~id) (namespace ~id)) ~id
(keyword ~(str *ns*) (name ~id))))
(keyword (timbre/get-compile-time-ns) (name ~id))))
(comment (map #(fq-keyword %) ["foo" :foo :foo/bar]))
(comment (map #(fq-keyword %) ["foo" :foo :foo/bar]))
@ -56,7 +61,7 @@
(declare ^:private format-stats)
(declare ^:private format-stats)
(defmacro with-pdata [level & body]
(defmacro with-pdata [level & body]
`(if-not (timbre/logging-enabled? ~level (timbre/get-compile-time-ns))
`(if-not (timbre/log? ~level ~(str *ns*))
{:result (do ~@body)}
{:result (do ~@body)}
(binding [*pdata* (atom {})]
(binding [*pdata* (atom {})]
{:result (pspy ::clock-time ~@body)
{:result (pspy ::clock-time ~@body)
@ -73,9 +78,9 @@
[level id & body]
[level id & body]
`(let [{result# :result stats# :stats} (with-pdata ~level ~@body)]
`(let [{result# :result stats# :stats} (with-pdata ~level ~@body)]
(when stats#
(when stats#
(timbre/log* {:profile-stats stats#} :format ~level
(timbre/log timbre/*config* ~level :format
"Profiling: %s\n%s" (fq-keyword ~id)
["Profiling: %s\n%s" (fq-keyword ~id) (format-stats stats#)]
(format-stats stats#)))
{:profile-stats stats#}))
(defmacro sampling-profile
(defmacro sampling-profile
@ -87,7 +92,7 @@
;;;; Data capturing & aggregation
;;;; Data capturing & aggregation
(def ^:private ^:constant stats-gc-n 111111)
(def ^:private stats-gc-n 111111)
(defn capture-time! [id t-elapsed]
(defn capture-time! [id t-elapsed]
(let [ntimes
(let [ntimes
@ -182,7 +187,7 @@
(let [nanosecs (long nanosecs) ; Truncate any fractional nanosecs
(let [nanosecs (long nanosecs) ; Truncate any fractional nanosecs
pow #(Math/pow 10 %)
pow #(Math/pow 10 %)
ok-pow? #(>= nanosecs (pow %))
ok-pow? #(>= nanosecs (pow %))
to-pow #(encore/round (/ nanosecs (pow %1)) :round %2)]
to-pow #(enc/round (/ nanosecs (pow %1)) :round %2)]
(cond (ok-pow? 9) (str (to-pow 9 1) "s")
(cond (ok-pow? 9) (str (to-pow 9 1) "s")
(ok-pow? 6) (str (to-pow 6 0) "ms")
(ok-pow? 6) (str (to-pow 6 0) "ms")
(ok-pow? 3) (str (to-pow 3 0) "μs")
(ok-pow? 3) (str (to-pow 3 0) "μs")
@ -207,7 +212,7 @@
'([name doc-string? attr-map? [params*] prepost-map? body]
'([name doc-string? attr-map? [params*] prepost-map? body]
[name doc-string? attr-map? ([params*] prepost-map? body)+ attr-map?])}
[name doc-string? attr-map? ([params*] prepost-map? body)+ attr-map?])}
[name' & sigs]
[name' & sigs]
(let [[name' sigs] (encore/name-with-attrs name' sigs)
(let [[name' sigs] (enc/name-with-attrs name' sigs)
single-arity? (vector? (first sigs))
single-arity? (vector? (first sigs))
[sigs func->str]
[sigs func->str]
(if single-arity?
(if single-arity?
@ -1,32 +1,33 @@
(ns taoensso.timbre.tools.logging
(ns taoensso.timbre.tools.logging
"clojure.tools.logging.impl/Logger implementation.
"clojure.tools.logging.impl/Logger implementation.
The tools.logging API has some significant limits that native Timbre does not.
* No support for zero-overhead compile-time logging levels (`enabled?`
Only use Timbre through tools.logging if you absolutely must (e.g. you're
called as a fn).
working with a legacy codebase)."
* No support for ns filtering (`write!` called as a fn and w/o compile-time
ns info).
* Limited raw `:args` support (`write!` called w/o raw args)."
(:require [clojure.tools.logging]
(:require [clojure.tools.logging]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre]))
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre]))
(deftype Logger [logger-ns]
(deftype Logger [logger-ns]
(enabled? [_ level] (timbre/logging-enabled? level))
(write! [_ level throwable message]
;; Limitations: no support for explicit config, or ns filtering
;; tools.logging message may be a string (for `logp`/`logf` calls) or
(enabled? [_ level] (timbre/log? level))
;; single raw argument (for `log` calls). The best we can do for :args is
;; therefore `[message]`:
;; Limitations inline
(timbre/send-to-appenders! level {} [message] logger-ns throwable
(write! [_ level throwable message]
(when (string? message)
(let [config *config* ; No support for explicit config
(delay ; Mimic Timbre's lazy message creation
?ns-str nil ; No support
?file nil ; ''
?line nil ; ''
msg-type :print ; No support for pre-msg raw args
(timbre/log* config level ?ns-str ?file ?line msg-type [message]))))
(deftype LoggerFactory []
(deftype LoggerFactory []
(name [_] "Timbre")
(name [_] "Timbre")
(get-logger [_ logger-ns] (->Logger logger-ns)))
(get-logger [_ logger-ns] (Logger. logger-ns)))
(defn use-timbre []
(defn use-timbre []
(alter-var-root (var clojure.tools.logging/*logger-factory*)
(alter-var-root (var clojure.tools.logging/*logger-factory*)
(constantly (->LoggerFactory))))
(constantly (LoggerFactory.))))
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
;;;; Default configuration and appenders
(def example-config
An appender is a map with keys:
:doc ; Optional docstring.
:min-level ; Level keyword, or nil (=> no minimum level).
:enabled? ;
:async? ; Dispatch using agent? Useful for slow appenders.
:rate-limit ; [ncalls-limit window-ms], or nil.
:args-hash-fn ; Used by rate-limiter, etc.
:appender-config ; Any appender-specific config.
:fn ; (fn [appender-args-map]), with keys described below.
An appender's fn takes a single map with keys:
:instant ; java.util.Date.
:ns ; String.
:level ; Keyword.
:error? ; Is level an 'error' level?
:throwable ; java.lang.Throwable.
:args ; Raw logging macro args (as given to `info`, etc.).
:context ; Thread-local dynamic logging context.
:ap-config ; Content of appender's own `:appender-config` merged over
; `:shared-appender-config`.
:profile-stats ; From `profile` macro.
;; Waiting on http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJ-865:
:file ; String.
:line ; Integer.
:message ; DELAYED string of formatted appender args. Appenders may
; (but are not obligated to) use this as their output.
Middleware are fns (applied right-to-left) that transform the map
dispatched to appender fns. If any middleware returns nil, no dispatching
will occur (i.e. the event will be filtered).
The `example-config` code contains further settings and details.
See also `set-config!`, `merge-config!`, `set-level!`."
{:message-fmt-opts ; `:message` appender argument formatting
{:timestamp-pattern default-message-timestamp-pattern ; SimpleDateFormat
:timestamp-locale nil ; A Locale object, or nil
:pattern-fn default-message-pattern-fn}}
{:doc "Prints to *out*/*err*. Enabled by default."
:min-level nil :enabled? true :async? false :rate-limit nil
:appender-config {:always-log-to-err? false}
:fn (fn [{:keys [ap-config error? message]}] ; Can use any appender args
(binding [*out* (if (or error? (:always-log-to-err? ap-config))
*err* *out*)]
(str-println @message)))}
{:doc "Spits to `(:spit-filename :ap-config)` file."
:min-level nil :enabled? false :async? false :rate-limit nil
:appender-config {:spit-filename "timbre-spit.log"}
:fn (fn [{:keys [ap-config message]}] ; Can use any appender args
(when-let [filename (:spit-filename ap-config)]
(try (ensure-spit-dir-exists! filename)
(spit filename (str output "\n") :append true)
(catch java.io.IOException _))))}}})
Reference in New Issue