mirror of https://github.com/status-im/timbre.git
Refactor manual hashing control (fully back-compatible)
Hashing is still done on a data level as before (with arb data-hash-fn); difference is that {:timbre/hash _} arg0 support is now baked in to core logging impl. rather than just the default data hash fn. Effect: a new `:?hash-arg` is now provided as part of core data and will be available to any data-hash-fns. New implementation is also cleaner + faster.
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
[[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]
[com.taoensso/encore "2.32.0"]
[com.taoensso/encore "2.33.0"]
[io.aviso/pretty "0.1.21"]]
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
(:require-macros [taoensso.timbre :as timbre-macros :refer ()]))
(if (vector? taoensso.encore/encore-version)
(enc/assert-min-encore-version [2 32 0])
(enc/assert-min-encore-version 2.32))
(enc/assert-min-encore-version [2 33 0])
(enc/assert-min-encore-version 2.33))
;;;; Config
@ -223,6 +223,10 @@
;;;; Utils
(declare get-hostname)
(defn- ->delay [x] (if (delay? x) x (delay x)))
(enc/compile-if (do enc/str-join true) ; Encore v2.29.1+ with transducers
(defn- str-join [xs]
(enc/str-join " "
@ -240,25 +244,14 @@
(defrecord MyRec [x])
(str-join ["foo" (MyRec. "foo")]))
(defn- ->delay [x] (if (delay? x) x (delay x)))
(defn- vsplit-err1 [[v1 :as v]] (if-not (enc/error? v1) [nil v] (enc/vsplit-first v)))
(vsplit-err1 [:a :b :c])
(vsplit-err1 [(Exception.) :a :b :c]))
(defn default-data-hash-fn
"Used for rate limiters, some appenders (e.g. Carmine), etc.
Goal: (hash data-1) = (hash data-2) iff data-1 \"the same\" as data-2 for
rate-limiting purposes, etc."
(let [{:keys [?ns-str ?line vargs_]} data
vargs @vargs_]
(or (enc/rsome #(and (map? %) (:timbre/hash %)) vargs) ; Explicit hash given
#_[?ns-str ?line] ; TODO Waiting on http://goo.gl/cVVAYA
[?ns-str vargs]))))
(comment (default-data-hash-fn {}))
(let [{:keys [?hash-arg ?ns-str ?line vargs_]} data]
(str (or ?hash-arg ; An explicit hash given as a0
[?ns-str (or ?line @vargs_)]))))
(enc/defonce* ^:private get-agent
@ -271,10 +264,31 @@
(comment (def rf (get-rate-limiter :my-appender [[10 5000]])))
(defn- inherit-over [k appender config default]
(let [a (get appender k)] (when-not (enc/kw-identical? a :inherit) a))
(get config k)
(defn- inherit-into [k appender config default]
(merge default
(get config k)
(let [a (get appender k)] (when-not (enc/kw-identical? a :inherit) a))))
(inherit-over :foo {:foo :inherit} {:foo :bar} nil)
(inherit-into :foo {:foo {:a :A :b :B :c :C}} {:foo {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4}} nil))
;;;; Internal logging core
(def ^:dynamic *context*
"General-purpose dynamic logging context. Context will be included in appender
data map at logging time." nil)
(defmacro with-context [context & body] `(binding [*context* ~context] ~@body))
(defn log?
"Would Timbre currently (runtime) log at the given logging level?
"Runtime check: would Timbre currently log at the given logging level?
* `?ns-str` arg required to support ns filtering
* `config` arg required to support non-global config"
([level ] (log? level nil nil))
@ -307,43 +321,44 @@
(qb 10000 (info "foo"))) ; ~218ms ; Time to output ready
(def ^:dynamic *context*
"General-purpose dynamic logging context. Context will be included in appender
data map at logging time." nil)
(defn- vargs->margs "Processes vargs to extract special a0s"
[vargs a0-err?]
(let [[v0 :as v] vargs
[?err v]
(if (and a0-err? (enc/error? v0))
[v0 (enc/vnext v)]
[nil v])
(defmacro with-context [context & body] `(binding [*context* ~context] ~@body))
[v0 :as v] v
[?hash-arg v]
(if (and (map? v0) (contains? v0 :timbre/hash))
[(:timbre/hash v0) (enc/vnext v)]
[nil v])]
(declare get-hostname)
(defn- inherit-over [k appender config default]
(let [a (get appender k)] (when-not (enc/kw-identical? a :inherit) a))
(get config k)
(defn- inherit-into [k appender config default]
(merge default
(get config k)
(let [a (get appender k)] (when-not (enc/kw-identical? a :inherit) a))))
{:?err ?err :?hash-arg ?hash-arg :vargs v}))
(inherit-over :foo {:foo :inherit} {:foo :bar} nil)
(inherit-into :foo {:foo {:a :A :b :B :c :C}} {:foo {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4}} nil))
(vargs->margs [:a :b :c] true)
(vargs->margs [(Exception. "ex") :b :c] true)
(defn -log! "Core low-level log fn. Implementation detail."
(infof {:timbre/hash :bar} "Hi %s" "steve")
(infof "Hi %s" "steve"))
(defn -log! "Core low-level log fn. Implementation detail!"
[config level ?ns-str ?file ?line msg-type ?err vargs_ ?base-data]
(when (log? level ?ns-str config) ; Runtime check
(let [instant (enc/now-dt)
;; vargs_ (->delay vargs_)
;; Extract ?err as err-type a0 in vargs?:
a0-err? (enc/kw-identical? ?err :auto)
vargs*_ (if a0-err? (delay (vsplit-err1 @vargs_)) vargs_)
?err_ (if a0-err? (delay (get @vargs*_ 0)) (delay ?err))
vargs_ (if a0-err? (delay (get @vargs*_ 1)) vargs_)
;; vargs_ (->delay vargs_) ; Should be safe w/o
context *context*
data (merge ?base-data
a0-err? (enc/kw-identical? ?err :auto)
margs_ (delay (vargs->margs @vargs_ a0-err?))
?err_ (delay (if a0-err? (:?err @margs_) ?err))
?hash-arg_ (delay (:?hash-arg @margs_))
vargs_ (delay (:vargs @margs_))
(merge ?base-data
;; No, better nest than merge (appenders may want to pass
;; along arb context w/o knowing context keys, etc.):
(when (map? context) context) ; DEPRECATED, for back compat
@ -355,9 +370,11 @@
:?file ?file
:?line ?line
:?err_ ?err_
:?hash-arg_ ?hash-arg_
:vargs_ vargs_
#+clj :hostname_ #+clj (delay (get-hostname))
:error-level? (#{:error :fatal} level)})
(fn [vargs_] ; For use *after* middleware, etc.
(when-not (nil? msg-type)
@ -366,6 +383,7 @@
:p (str-join vargs)
:f (let [[fmt args] (enc/vsplit-first vargs)]
(enc/format* fmt args))))))
(reduce ; Apply middleware: data->?data
(fn [acc mf]
@ -374,7 +392,17 @@
(reduced nil)
(:middleware config))]
(:middleware config))
;; As a convenience to appenders, make sure that middleware
;; hasn't replaced any delays with non-delays
(when-let [data ?data] ; Not filtered by middleware
(merge data
{:?err_ (->delay (:?err_ data))
:?hash-arg_ (->delay (:?hash-arg_ data))
:vargs_ (->delay (:vargs_ data))
#+clj :hostname_ #+clj (->delay (:hostname_ data))}))]
(when-let [data ?data] ; Not filtered by middleware
@ -382,15 +410,7 @@
(when (and (:enabled? appender)
(level>= level (or (:min-level appender) :trace)))
(let [;; As a convenience to appenders, make sure that middleware
;; hasn't replaced any delays with non-delays
(merge data
{:?err_ (->delay (:?err_ data))
:vargs_ (->delay (:vargs_ data))
#+clj :hostname_ #+clj (->delay (:hostname_ data))})
rate-limit-specs (:rate-limit appender)
(let [rate-limit-specs (:rate-limit appender)
data-hash-fn (inherit-over :data-hash-fn appender config
Reference in New Issue