Profiling: NB refactor ns (incl. *signf.* perf bumps)

This commit is contained in:
Peter Taoussanis 2016-06-20 21:11:23 +07:00
parent fa1740e7fb
commit d7b22c53c4
3 changed files with 276 additions and 243 deletions

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ And setup your namespace imports:
logf tracef debugf infof warnf errorf fatalf reportf
spy get-env log-env)]
[taoensso.timbre.profiling :as profiling
:refer (pspy pspy* profile defnp p p*)]))
:refer (pspy p defnp profile)]))
(ns my-cljs-ns ; ; ClojureScript namespace

View File

@ -18,17 +18,11 @@
(:require-macros [taoensso.timbre :as timbre-macros :refer ()]))
(if (vector? taoensso.encore/encore-version)
(enc/assert-min-encore-version [2 50 0]) ; For nested-merge fixes
(enc/assert-min-encore-version 2.50))
(enc/assert-min-encore-version [2 58 0])
(enc/assert-min-encore-version 2.58))
;;;; Config
(defn- sys-val [id]
(when-let [s (or (System/getProperty id)
(System/getenv id))]
(enc/read-edn s)))
(def default-timestamp-opts
"Controls (:timestamp_ data)"
@ -178,8 +172,8 @@
;; Will stack with runtime level
(have [:or nil? valid-level]
(when-let [level (keyword ; For back compatibility
(or (sys-val "TIMBRE_LEVEL")
(sys-val "TIMBRE_LOG_LEVEL")))]
(or (enc/read-sys-val "TIMBRE_LEVEL")
(enc/read-sys-val "TIMBRE_LOG_LEVEL")))]
(println (str "Compile-time (elision) Timbre level: " level))
@ -230,8 +224,8 @@
(def ^:private compile-time-ns-filter
;; Will stack with runtime ns filters
(let [whitelist (have [:or nil? vector?] (sys-val "TIMBRE_NS_WHITELIST"))
blacklist (have [:or nil? vector?] (sys-val "TIMBRE_NS_BLACKLIST"))]
(let [whitelist (have [:or nil? vector?] (enc/read-sys-val "TIMBRE_NS_WHITELIST"))
blacklist (have [:or nil? vector?] (enc/read-sys-val "TIMBRE_NS_BLACKLIST"))]
(when whitelist (println (str "Compile-time (elision) Timbre ns whitelist: " whitelist)))
(when blacklist (println (str "Compile-time (elision) Timbre ns blacklist: " blacklist)))
(fn [ns] (ns-filter whitelist blacklist ns))))
@ -284,10 +278,10 @@
([level ?ns-str ] (log? level ?ns-str nil))
([level ?ns-str config]
(let [config (or config *config*)
active-level (or (:level config) :report)]
active-level (get config :level :report)]
(level>= level active-level)
(ns-filter (:ns-whitelist config) (:ns-blacklist config) ?ns-str)
(ns-filter (get config :ns-whitelist) (get config :ns-blacklist) ?ns-str)
@ -655,14 +649,14 @@
logf tracef debugf infof warnf errorf fatalf reportf
spy get-env log-env)])
(require '[taoensso.timbre.profiling :as profiling
:refer (pspy pspy* profile defnp p p*)])"
:refer (pspy p defnp profile)])"
(require '[taoensso.timbre :as timbre
:refer (log trace debug info warn error fatal report
logf tracef debugf infof warnf errorf fatalf reportf
spy get-env log-env)])
(require '[taoensso.timbre.profiling :as profiling
:refer (pspy pspy* profile defnp p p*)]))
:refer (pspy p defnp profile)]))
;;;; Misc public utils
@ -701,7 +695,7 @@
(def ^:private default-stacktrace-fonts
(or (enc/read-sys-val "TIMBRE_DEFAULT_STACKTRACE_FONTS")
(defn stacktrace

View File

@ -1,231 +1,271 @@
(ns taoensso.timbre.profiling
"Logging profiler for Timbre, adapted from clojure.contrib.profile."
{:author "Peter Taoussanis"}
(:require [taoensso.encore :as enc]
"Simple logging profiler for Timbre. Highly optimized; supports
sampled profiling in production."
{:author "Peter Taoussanis (@ptaoussanis)"}
(:require [taoensso.encore :as enc :refer (qb)]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre]))
;;;; TODO ns could use some housekeeping
;; * Boxed math optimizations
;; * Possible porting to .cljx (any point?)
;;;; TODO
;; * Support for explicit `config` args?
;; * General housekeeping, perf work
;; * Consider a .cljx port? Any demand for this kind of cljs profiling?
;; * Support for real level+ns based elision (zero *pdata* check cost, etc.)?
;; - E.g. perhaps `p` forms could take a logging level?
;;;; Utils
(defmacro fq-keyword "Returns namespaced keyword for given id."
[id] `(if (and (keyword? ~id) (namespace ~id)) ~id
(keyword ~(str *ns*) (name ~id))))
;; Note that we only support *compile-time* ids
(defn- qualified-kw [ns id] (if (enc/qualified-keyword? id) id (keyword (str ns) (name id))))
(comment (qualified-kw *ns* "foo"))
(comment (map #(fq-keyword %) ["foo" :foo :foo/bar]))
;; TODO May be preferable if our `p` forms could actually take a logging level?
;; Need to think about this. Might just be time to refactor this entire ns + design
(def ^:private elide-profiling? "Experimental"
(when-let [s (System/getenv "TIMBRE_ELIDE_PROFILING")] (enc/read-edn s)))
(def ^:private elide-profiling?
"Completely elide all profiling? In particular, eliminates proxy checks.
TODO Temp, until we have a better elision strategy."
(enc/read-sys-val "TIMBRE_ELIDE_PROFILING"))
(def ^:dynamic *pdata*
"{::pid {:times [t1 t2 ...] ; Times awaiting merge into stats
:ntimes _ ; (count times)
:stats {} ; Cumulative stats
;; We accumulate times in one of these.
;; Counted cons perf > list > (transient []).
(deftype Times [cons count])
(declare capture-time! merge-times>stats!)
;; We establish one of these (thread local) to enable profiling.
(deftype PData [m-times m-stats]) ; [{<id> <Times>} ?{<id> <?interim-stats>}]
(defmacro -new-pdata [] `(PData. (transient {}) nil))
;; (defmacro -new-pdata_ [] `(enc/-vol! (-new-pdata)))
;; (def ^:dynamic *pdata_* nil)
;; This is substantially faster than a ^:dynamic volatile:
(def -pdata-proxy
(let [^ThreadLocal proxy (proxy [ThreadLocal] [])]
([] (.get proxy)) ; nnil iff profiling enabled
([new-val] (.set proxy new-val) new-val))))
(declare ^:private times->stats)
(defn -capture-time!
([id t-elapsed] ; Just for dev/debugging
(-capture-time! (-pdata-proxy) id t-elapsed))
([^PData pdata id t-elapsed] ; Common case
(let [;; pdata_ *pdata_*
;; ^PData pdata @pdata_
;; ^PData pdata (-pdata-proxy)
m-times (.m-times pdata)
m-stats (.m-stats pdata)]
(if-let [^Times times (get m-times id)]
(let [^long ntimes (.count times)]
(if (== ntimes 2000000 #_20) ; Rare in real-world use
;; Compact: merge interim stats to help prevent OOMs
;; (print (str "\nCompacting: " (times->stats times (get m-stats id)) "\n"))
;; (enc/-vol-reset! pdata_)
(assoc! m-times id (Times. (cons t-elapsed nil) 1))
(assoc m-stats id (times->stats times (get m-stats id)))))
;; Common case
;; (enc/-vol-reset! pdata_)
(assoc! m-times id (Times. (cons t-elapsed (.cons times))
(inc ntimes)))
;; Init case
;; (enc/-vol-reset! pdata_)
(assoc! m-times id (Times. (cons t-elapsed nil) 1))
;; (defmacro -with-pdata [& body] `(binding [*pdata_* (new-pdata_)] (do ~@body)))
(defmacro -with-pdata [& body] ; Just for dev/debugging
(-pdata-proxy (-new-pdata))
(do ~@body)
(finally (-pdata-proxy nil))))
(-with-pdata (qb 1e6 (-capture-time! :foo 1000))) ; 182.88
(dotimes [_ 20] (-capture-time! :foo 100000))
(.cons ^Times (:foo (persistent! (.m-times ^PData (-pdata-proxy)))))))
(defn- times->stats [^Times times ?base-stats]
(let [^long ntimes (.count times)
times (.cons times)
ts-count (if (zero? ntimes) 1 ntimes)
ts-time (reduce (fn [^long acc ^long in] (+ acc in)) times)
ts-mean (/ (double ts-time) (double ts-count))
ts-mad-sum (reduce (fn [^long acc ^long in] (+ acc (Math/abs (- in ts-mean)))) 0 times)
ts-min (reduce (fn [^long acc ^long in] (if (< in acc) in acc)) Long/MAX_VALUE times)
ts-max (reduce (fn [^long acc ^long in] (if (> in acc) in acc)) 0 times)]
(if-let [stats ?base-stats] ; Merge over previous stats
(let [s-count (+ ^long (get stats :count) ts-count)
s-time (+ ^long (get stats :time) ts-time)
s-mean (/ (double s-time) (double s-count))
s-mad-sum (+ ^long (get stats :mad-sum) ts-mad-sum)
s-mad (/ (double s-mad-sum) (double s-count))
s0-min (get stats :min)
s0-max (get stats :max)]
;; Batched "online" MAD calculation here is >= the standard
;; Knuth/Welford method, Ref.,
{:count s-count
:time s-time
:mean s-mean
:mad-sum s-mad-sum
:mad s-mad
:min (if (< ^long s0-min ^long ts-min) s0-min ts-min)
:max (if (> ^long s0-max ^long ts-max) s0-max ts-max)})
{:count ts-count
:time ts-time
:mean ts-mean
:mad-sum ts-mad-sum
:mad (/ (double ts-mad-sum) (double ts-count))
:min ts-min
:max ts-max})))
(defn -compile-final-stats! "Returns {<id> <stats>}"
[^PData pdata clock-time]
(let [;; PData should be discarded; cannot be reused after `persistent!`:
m-times (persistent! (.m-times pdata))
m-stats (.m-stats pdata)]
(fn [m id times]
(assoc m id (times->stats times (get m-stats id))))
{:clock-time clock-time} m-times)))
(-capture-time! :foo 10)
(-capture-time! :foo 20)
(-capture-time! :foo 30)
(-capture-time! :foo 10)
(-compile-final-stats! (-pdata-proxy) 0)))
(defn- perc [n d] (Math/round (/ (double n) (double d) 0.01)))
(comment (perc 14 24))
(defn- ft [nanosecs]
(let [ns (long nanosecs)] ; Truncate any fractionals
(>= ns 1000000000) (str (enc/round2 (/ ns 1000000000)) "s") ; 1e9
(>= ns 1000000) (str (enc/round2 (/ ns 1000000)) "ms") ; 1e6
(>= ns 1000) (str (enc/round2 (/ ns 1000)) "μs") ; 1e3
:else (str ns "ns"))))
(defn -format-stats
([stats ] (-format-stats stats :time))
([stats sort-field]
(let [clock-time (get stats :clock-time)
stats (dissoc stats :clock-time)
^long accounted (reduce-kv (fn [^long acc k v] (+ acc ^long (:time v))) 0 stats)
^long max-id-width
(fn [^long acc k v]
(let [c (count (str k))]
(if (> c acc) c acc)))
#=(count "Accounted Time")
pattern (str "%" max-id-width "s %,11d %9s %10s %9s %9s %7d %1s%n")
s-pattern (str "%" max-id-width "s %11s %9s %10s %9s %9s %7s %1s%n")
(fn [id] (get-in stats [id sort-field]))
(keys stats))]
(printf s-pattern "Id" "nCalls" "Min" "Max" "MAD" "Mean" "Time%" "Time")
(fn [id]
(let [{:keys [count min max mean mad time]} (get stats id)]
(printf pattern id count (ft min) (ft max) (ft mad)
(ft mean) (perc time clock-time) (ft time))))
(printf s-pattern "Clock Time" "" "" "" "" "" 100 (ft clock-time))
(printf s-pattern "Accounted Time" "" "" "" "" ""
(perc accounted clock-time) (ft accounted))))))
(defmacro pspy
"Profile spy. When in the context of a *pdata* binding, records execution time
of named body. Always returns the body's result."
;; Note: do NOT implement as `(pspy* ~id (fn [] ~@body))`. The fn wrapping
;; can cause unnecessary lazy seq head retention, Ref.
"Profile spy. When thread-local profiling is enabled, records
execution time of named body. Always returns the body's result."
[id & body]
(let [id (qualified-kw *ns* id)]
(if elide-profiling?
`(do ~@body)
`(if-not *pdata*
(do ~@body)
(let [id# (fq-keyword ~id)
t0# (System/nanoTime)]
(try (do ~@body)
(finally (capture-time! id# (- (System/nanoTime) t0#))))))))
`(let [pdata# (-pdata-proxy)]
(if pdata#
(let [t0# (System/nanoTime)
result# (do ~@body)]
(-capture-time! pdata# ~id (- (System/nanoTime) t0#))
(do ~@body))))))
(defmacro p [id & body] `(pspy ~id ~@body)) ; Alias
(comment (macroexpand '(p :foo (+ 4 2))))
(def pspy*
(if elide-profiling?
(fn [id f] (f))
(fn [id f]
(if-not *pdata*
(let [id (fq-keyword id)
t0 (System/nanoTime)]
(try (f)
(finally (capture-time! id (- (System/nanoTime) t0)))))))))
(def p* pspy*) ; Alias
(binding [*pdata* {}])
(time (dotimes [_ 1000000])) ; ~3ms
(time (dotimes [_ 1000000] (pspy :foo))) ; ~65ms (^:dynamic bound >= once!)
(declare ^:private format-stats)
(defmacro with-pdata [level & body]
`(if-not (timbre/log? ~level ~(str *ns*))
{:result (do ~@body)}
(binding [*pdata* (atom {})]
{:result (pspy ::clock-time ~@body)
:stats (merge-times>stats!)})))
(defmacro profile
"When logging is enabled, executes named body with profiling enabled. Body
forms wrapped in (pspy) will be timed and time stats logged. Always returns
body's result.
Note that logging appenders will receive both a formatted profiling string AND
the raw profiling stats under a special :profiling-stats key (useful for
queryable db logging)."
"When logging is enabled, executes named body with thread-local profiling
enabled. Body forms wrapped by `pspy` will be timed and time stats logged.
Always returns body's result."
[level id & body]
`(let [{result# :result stats# :stats} (with-pdata ~level ~@body)]
(when stats#
(timbre/log! ~level :f
["Profiling: %s\n%s" (fq-keyword ~id) (format-stats stats#)]
{:?base-data {:profile-stats stats#}}))
(let [id (qualified-kw *ns* id)]
(if elide-profiling?
`(do ~@body)
`(if (timbre/log? ~level ~(str *ns*)) ; Runtime check
(let [pdata# (-pdata-proxy (-new-pdata))
t0# (System/nanoTime)
result# (do ~@body)
stats# (-compile-final-stats! pdata#
(- (System/nanoTime) t0#))
stats-str# (-format-stats stats#)]
(timbre/log! ~level :p
["Profiling: " ~id "\n" stats-str#]
{:profile-stats stats#
:profile-stats-str stats-str#}})
(finally (-pdata-proxy nil)))
(do ~@body)))))
(defmacro sampling-profile
"Like `profile`, but only enables profiling with given probability."
[level probability id & body]
`(do (assert (<= 0 ~probability 1) "Probability: 0<=p<=1")
(if-not (< (rand) ~probability) (do ~@body)
(profile ~level ~id ~@body))))
(assert (<= 0 probability 1) "Probability: 0<=p<=1")
(if elide-profiling?
`(do ~@body)
`(if (< (rand) ~probability)
(profile ~level ~id ~@body)
(do ~@body))))
;;;; Data capturing & aggregation
;;;; fnp stuff
(def ^:private stats-gc-n 111111)
(defn capture-time! [id t-elapsed]
(let [ntimes
(swap! *pdata*
(fn [m]
(let [{:as m-id
:keys [times ntimes]
:or {times [] ntimes 0}} (get m id {})]
(assoc m id
(assoc m-id :times (conj times t-elapsed)
:ntimes (inc ntimes))))))
(get-in [id :ntimes]))]
(when (= ntimes stats-gc-n) ; Merge to reduce memory footprint
;; This is so much slower than `capture-time!` swaps that it gets delayed
;; until after entire profiling call completes!:
;; (future (merge-times>stats! id)) ; Uses binding conveyance
(p :timbre/stats-gc (merge-times>stats! id)))
(binding [*pdata* (atom {})]
(capture-time! :foo 100000)
(capture-time! :foo 100000)
(defn merge-times>stats!
([] ; -> {<pid> <merged-stats>}
(reduce (fn [m pid] (assoc m pid (merge-times>stats! pid)))
{} (keys (or @*pdata* {}))))
([id] ; -> <merged-stats>
(swap! *pdata*
(fn [m]
(let [{:as m-id
:keys [times ntimes stats]
:or {times []
ntimes 0
stats {}}} (get m id {})]
(if (empty? times) m
(let [ts-count (max 1 ntimes)
ts-time (reduce + times)
ts-mean (/ ts-time ts-count)
;; Batched "online" MAD calculation here is >= the standard
;; Knuth/Welford method, Ref.,
ts-mad-sum (reduce + (map #(Math/abs (long (- % ts-mean)))
times)) ; Mean absolute deviation
s-count (+ (:count stats 0) ts-count)
s-time (+ (:time stats 0) ts-time)
s-mean (/ s-time s-count)
s-mad-sum (+ (:mad-sum stats 0) ts-mad-sum)
s-mad (/ s-mad-sum s-count)
s-min (apply min (:min stats Double/POSITIVE_INFINITY) times)
s-max (apply max (:max stats 0) times)]
(assoc m id
(assoc m-id
:times []
:ntimes 0
:stats {:count s-count
:min s-min
:max s-max
:mean s-mean
:mad-sum s-mad-sum
:mad s-mad
:time s-time})))))))
(get-in [id :stats]))))
(binding [*pdata* (atom {})]
(capture-time! :foo 10)
(capture-time! :foo 20)
(merge-times>stats! :foo)
(capture-time! :foo 30)
(merge-times>stats! :foo)
(merge-times>stats! :bar)
(capture-time! :foo 10)
(defn format-stats [stats & [sort-field]]
(let [clock-time (-> stats ::clock-time :time) ; How long entire profile body took
stats (dissoc stats ::clock-time)
accounted (reduce + (map :time (vals stats)))
max-id-width (apply max (map (comp count str)
(conj (keys stats) "Accounted Time")))
pattern (str "%" max-id-width "s %,11d %9s %10s %9s %9s %7d %1s%n")
s-pattern (str "%" max-id-width "s %11s %9s %10s %9s %9s %7s %1s%n")
perc #(Math/round (/ %1 %2 0.01))
ft (fn [nanosecs]
(let [nanosecs (long nanosecs) ; Truncate any fractional nanosecs
pow #(Math/pow 10 %)
ok-pow? #(>= nanosecs (pow %))
to-pow #(enc/round (/ nanosecs (pow %1)) :round %2)]
(cond (ok-pow? 9) (str (to-pow 9 1) "s")
(ok-pow? 6) (str (to-pow 6 0) "ms")
(ok-pow? 3) (str (to-pow 3 0) "μs")
:else (str nanosecs "ns"))))]
(printf s-pattern "Id" "nCalls" "Min" "Max" "MAD" "Mean" "Time%" "Time")
(doseq [pid (->> (keys stats)
(sort-by #(- (get-in stats [% (or sort-field :time)]))))]
(let [{:keys [count min max mean mad time]} (stats pid)]
(printf pattern pid count (ft min) (ft max) (ft mad)
(ft mean) (perc time clock-time) (ft time))))
(printf s-pattern "Clock Time" "" "" "" "" "" 100 (ft clock-time))
(printf s-pattern "Accounted Time" "" "" "" "" ""
(perc accounted clock-time) (ft accounted)))))
(defn fn-sigs "Implementation detail."
[fn-name sigs]
(defn -fn-sigs [fn-name sigs]
(let [single-arity? (vector? (first sigs))
sigs (if single-arity? (list sigs) sigs)
get-pid (if single-arity?
get-id (if single-arity?
(fn [fn-name _params] (name fn-name))
(fn [fn-name params] (str (name fn-name) \_ (count params))))
@ -234,8 +274,8 @@
(let [has-prepost-map? (and (map? (first others)) (next others))
[?prepost-map & body] (if has-prepost-map? others (cons nil others))]
(if ?prepost-map
`(~params ~?prepost-map (pspy ~(get-pid fn-name params) ~@body))
`(~params (pspy ~(get-pid fn-name params) ~@body)))))
`(~params ~?prepost-map (pspy ~(get-id fn-name params) ~@body))
`(~params (pspy ~(get-id fn-name params) ~@body)))))
@ -243,19 +283,17 @@
{:arglists '([name? [params*] prepost-map? body]
[name? ([params*] prepost-map? body)+])}
[& sigs]
(let [[?fn-name sigs] (if (symbol? (first sigs))
[(first sigs) (next sigs)]
[nil sigs])
new-sigs (fn-sigs (or ?fn-name 'anonymous-fn) sigs)]
(let [[?fn-name sigs] (if (symbol? (first sigs)) [(first sigs) (next sigs)] [nil sigs])
new-sigs (-fn-sigs (or ?fn-name 'anonymous-fn) sigs)]
(if ?fn-name
`(fn ~?fn-name ~@new-sigs)
`(fn ~@new-sigs))))
(fn-sigs "foo" '([x] (* x x)))
(-fn-sigs "foo" '([x] (* x x)))
(macroexpand '(fnp [x] (* x x)))
(macroexpand '(fn [x] (* x x)))
(macroexpand '(fnp [x] {:pre [x]} (* x x)))
(macroexpand '(fnp bob [x] {:pre [x]} (* x x)))
(macroexpand '(fn [x] {:pre [x]} (* x x))))
(defmacro defnp "Like `defn` but wraps fn bodies with `p` macro."
@ -264,7 +302,7 @@
[name doc-string? attr-map? ([params*] prepost-map? body)+ attr-map?])}
[& sigs]
(let [[fn-name sigs] (enc/name-with-attrs (first sigs) (next sigs))
new-sigs (fn-sigs fn-name sigs)]
new-sigs (-fn-sigs fn-name sigs)]
`(defn ~fn-name ~@new-sigs)))
@ -275,6 +313,13 @@
([x y] (* x y))))
(profile :info :defnp-test (foo 5)))
;;;; Deprecated
(def pspy* "Deprecated" (fn [_id f] (pspy :pspy*/no-id (f))))
(def p* "Deprecated" pspy*)
(comment (profile :info :pspy* (pspy* :foo (fn [] (Thread/sleep 100)))))
@ -288,9 +333,9 @@
(p :10ms (Thread/sleep 10))
(p :hello "Hello, this is a result") ; Falls through (no *pdata* context)
(p :hello "Hello, this is a result") ; Falls through (no thread context)
(defn my-fn
(defnp my-fn
(let [nums (vec (range 1000))]
(+ (p :fast-sleep (Thread/sleep 1) 10)
@ -301,12 +346,6 @@
(p :div (reduce / nums)))))
(profile :info :Arithmetic (dotimes [n 100] (my-fn)))
(profile :info :high-n (dotimes [n 1e6] (p :divs (/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))))
(let [;; MAD = 154.0ms, natural:
;; n->s {0 10 1 100 2 50 3 500 4 8 5 300 6 32 7 433 8 213 9 48}
;; MAD = 236.0ms, pathological:
n->s {0 10 1 11 2 5 3 18 4 7 5 2 6 300 7 400 8 600 9 700}]
(with-redefs [stats-gc-n 3]
(profile :info :high-sigma (dotimes [n 10] (p :sleep (Thread/sleep (n->s n)))))))
(sampling-profile :info 0.2 :sampling-test (p :string "Hello!")))
(profile :info :high-n (dotimes [n 1e5] (p :nil nil))) ; 31ms
(profile :info :high-n (dotimes [n 1e6] (p :nil nil))) ; ~232ms
(sampling-profile :info 0.5 :sampling-test (p :string "Hello!")))