Housekeeping: remove duplicated code

This commit is contained in:
Peter Taoussanis 2014-08-14 18:53:08 +07:00
parent 8b275387c7
commit c95e257e17
1 changed files with 4 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -85,21 +85,6 @@
(if-not (< (rand) ~probability) (do ~@body)
(profile ~level ~id ~@body))))
(defmacro defnp
"Like `defn` (single arity only) but wraps body in `p` macro."
{:arglists '([name ?doc-string ?attr-map [params] ?prepost-map body])}
[name & sigs]
(let [[name [params & sigs]] (encore/name-with-attrs name sigs)
prepost-map (when (and (map? (first sigs)) (next sigs)) (first sigs))
body (if prepost-map (next sigs) sigs)]
`(defn ~name ~params ~prepost-map
(pspy ~(clojure.core/name name)
(comment (defnp foo "Docstring "[x] "boo" (* x x))
(macroexpand '(defnp foo "Docstring "[x] "boo" (* x x)))
(profile :info :defnp-test (foo 5)))
;;;; Data capturing & aggregation
(def ^:private ^:constant stats-gc-n 111111)
@ -215,6 +200,8 @@
(printf s-pattern "Accounted Time" "" "" "" "" ""
(perc accounted clock-time) (ft accounted)))))
(defmacro defnp "Like `defn` but wraps fn bodies with `p` macro."
'([name doc-string? attr-map? [params*] prepost-map? body]
@ -245,6 +232,8 @@
([x y] (* x y))))
(profile :info :defnp-test (foo 5)))
(profile :info :sleepy-threads
(dotimes [n 5]