mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 00:54:25 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Configuring Timbre couldn't be simpler. Let's check out (some of) the defaults:
:ns-whitelist []
:ns-blacklist []
:middleware [] ; As of 1.4.0, see source code
:middleware [] ; As of 1.4.0, see source for details
:timestamp-pattern "yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss ZZ"
:timestamp-locale nil
@ -16,12 +16,12 @@
(print (str (str/join \space xs) \newline))
(defn color-str [color-key & xs]
(defn color-str [color & xs]
(let [ansi-color #(str "\u001b[" (case % :reset "0" :black "30" :red "31"
:green "32" :yellow "33" :blue "34"
:purple "35" :cyan "36" :white "37"
"0") "m")]
(str (ansi-color color-key) (apply str xs) (ansi-color :reset))))
(str (ansi-color color) (apply str xs) (ansi-color :reset))))
(def red (partial color-str :red))
(def green (partial color-str :green))
@ -133,10 +133,10 @@
"Wraps compile-time appender fn with additional runtime capabilities
controlled by compile-time config."
[{apfn :fn :keys [async? max-message-per-msecs prefix-fn] :as appender}]
(->> ; Wrapping applies capabilities bottom-to-top
(->> ; Wrapping applies per appender, bottom-to-top
;; Wrap for per-appender prefix-fn support
;; Prefix-fn support
((fn [apfn]
(if-not prefix-fn
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
(apfn (assoc apfn-args
:prefix (prefix-fn apfn-args)))))))
;; Wrap for runtime flood-safety support
;; Rate limit support
((fn [apfn]
(if-not max-message-per-msecs
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
(when (seq expired-timers)
(apply swap! flood-timers dissoc expired-timers))))))))))
;; Wrap for async (agent) support
;; Async (agent) support
((fn [apfn]
(if-not async?
@ -202,10 +202,10 @@
(incl. middleware) controlled by compile-time config. Like `wrap-appender-fn`
but operates on the entire juxt at once."
(->> ; Wrapping applies capabilities bottom-to-top
(->> ; Wrapping applies per juxt, bottom-to-top
;; Wrap to add middleware transforms/filters
;; Middleware transforms/filters support
((fn [juxtfn]
(if-let [middleware (seq (:middleware @config))]
(let [composed-middleware
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
(juxtfn juxtfn-args))))
;; Wrap to add compile-time stuff to runtime appender arguments
;; Add compile-time stuff to runtime appender args
((fn [juxtfn]
(let [{ap-config :shared-appender-config
:keys [timestamp-pattern timestamp-locale prefix-fn]} @config
@ -233,14 +233,13 @@
;;; Appender-fns
(def appenders-juxt-cache
"Per-level, combined relevant appender-fns to allow for fast runtime
"Per-level, combined level-relevant appender-fns to allow for fast runtime
appender-fn dispatch:
{:level (wrapped-juxt wrapped-appender-fn wrapped-appender-fn ...) or nil
(atom {}))
(defn- relevant-appenders
(defn- relevant-appenders [level]
(->> (:appenders @config)
(filter #(let [{:keys [enabled? min-level]} (val %)]
(and enabled? (>= (compare-levels level min-level) 0))))
@ -249,8 +248,7 @@
(comment (relevant-appenders :debug)
(relevant-appenders :trace))
(defn- cache-appenders-juxt!
(defn- cache-appenders-juxt! []
@ -269,13 +267,11 @@
(def ns-filter-cache "@ns-filter-cache => (fn relevant-ns? [ns] ...)"
(atom (constantly true)))
(defn- ns-match?
[ns match]
(defn- ns-match? [ns match]
(-> (str "^" (-> (str match) (.replace "." "\\.") (.replace "*" "(.*)")) "$")
re-pattern (re-find (str ns)) boolean))
(defn- cache-ns-filter!
(defn- cache-ns-filter! []
(let [{:keys [ns-whitelist ns-blacklist]} @config]
@ -304,11 +300,10 @@
(defn logging-enabled?
"Returns true when current logging level is sufficient and current namespace
is unfiltered."
(and (sufficient-level? level) (@ns-filter-cache *ns*)))
[level] (and (sufficient-level? level) (@ns-filter-cache *ns*)))
(defmacro log*
"Prepares given arguments for, and then dispatches to all relevant
"Prepares given arguments for, and then dispatches to all level-relevant
[level base-args & sigs]
`(when-let [juxt-fn# (@appenders-juxt-cache ~level)] ; Any relevant appenders?
@ -333,7 +328,7 @@
(defmacro log
"When logging is enabled, actually logs given arguments with relevant
"When logging is enabled, actually logs given arguments with level-relevant
appender-fns. Generic form of standard level-loggers (trace, info, etc.)."
{:arglists '([level message & more] [level throwable message & more])}
[level & sigs]
@ -356,8 +351,7 @@
{:arglists '([expr] [level expr] [level name expr])}
[& args] `(spy ~@args))
(defmacro ^:private def-logger
(defmacro ^:private def-logger [level]
(let [level-name (name level)]
`(defmacro ~(symbol level-name)
~(str "Log given arguments at " (str/capitalize level-name) " level.")
@ -370,13 +364,14 @@
(def-loggers) ; Actually define a logger for each logging level
(defmacro log-errors
[& body] `(try ~@body (catch Exception e# (error e#))))
(defmacro log-errors [& body]
`(try ~@body (catch Exception e# (error e#))))
(defmacro log-and-rethrow-errors
[& body] `(try ~@body (catch Exception e# (error e#) (throw e#))))
(defmacro log-and-rethrow-errors [& body]
`(try ~@body (catch Exception e# (error e#) (throw e#))))
(defmacro logged-future [& body] `(future (log-errors ~@body)))
(defmacro logged-future [& body]
`(future (log-errors ~@body)))
(comment (log-errors (/ 0))
(log-and-rethrow-errors (/ 0))
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