mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 13:46:22 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
;;;; TODO
;; - Check for successful cljs compile
;; - Cljs default appenders
;; - Port appenders
;; - Try ease backward comp, update README, CHANGELOG
;; - Document shutdown-agents,
;; Ref. https://github.com/ptaoussanis/timbre/pull/100/files
@ -36,13 +35,17 @@
(def default-timestamp-opts
"Controls (:timestamp_ data)."
{:pattern "yy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss"
:locale (java.util.Locale. "en")
;; :timezone (java.util.TimeZone/getTimeZone "UTC")
:timezone (java.util.TimeZone/getDefault)})
(declare stacktrace)
(defn default-output-fn [data & [opts]]
(defn default-output-fn
"(fn [data & [opts]]) -> string output."
[data & [opts]]
(let [{:keys [level ?err_ vargs_ msg_ ?ns-str hostname_ timestamp_]} data]
#+clj (force timestamp_) #+clj " "
@ -54,33 +57,37 @@
(declare default-err default-out ensure-spit-dir-exists!)
(def example-config
"Example (+default) Timbre config map.
"Example (+default) Timbre v4 config map.
*** Please see the `taoensso.timbre.appenders.example-appender` ns if you
plan to write your own Timbre appender ***
An appender is a map with keys:
:doc ; Optional docstring.
:min-level ; Level keyword, or nil (=> no minimum level).
:doc ; Optional docstring
:min-level ; Level keyword, or nil (=> no minimum level)
:enabled? ;
:async? ; Dispatch using agent? Useful for slow appenders.
:rate-limit ; [[ncalls-limit window-ms] <...>], or nil.
:async? ; Dispatch using agent? Useful for slow appenders
:rate-limit ; [[ncalls-limit window-ms] <...>], or nil
:data-hash-fn ; Used by rate-limiter, etc.
:opts ; Any appender-specific opts
:fn ; (fn [data-map]), with keys described below.
:fn ; (fn [data-map]), with keys described below
An appender's fn takes a single data map with keys:
:config ; Entire config map (this map)
:config ; Entire config map (this map, etc.)
:appender-id ; Id of appender currently being dispatched to
:appender ; Entire appender map currently being dispatched to
:appender-opts ; (:opts (:appender <data-map>)), for convenience
:appender-opts ; Duplicates (:opts <appender-map>), for convenience
:instant ; java.util.Date or js/Date
:instant ; Platform date (java.util.Date or js/Date)
:level ; Keyword
:error-level? ; Is level :error or :fatal?
:?ns-str ; String, or nil
:?file ; String, or nil (waiting on CLJ-865)
:?line ; Integer, or nil ('')
:?file ; String, or nil ; Waiting on CLJ-865
:?line ; Integer, or nil ; Waiting on CLJ-865
:?err_ ; Delay - first-argument error
:?err_ ; Delay - first-argument platform error
:vargs_ ; Delay - raw args vector
:hostname_ ; Delay - string (clj only)
:msg_ ; Delay - args string
@ -91,45 +98,46 @@
<Also, any *context* keys, which get merged into data map>
As a matter of middleware hygiene, prefer using `force` to @/`deref`
when retrieving getting delayed values.
Middleware are fns (applied left->right) that transform the data map
dispatched to appender fns. If any middleware returns nil, NO dispatching
will occur (i.e. the event will be filtered).
Middleware are simple (fn [data]) -> ?data fns (applied left->right) that
transform the data map dispatched to appender fns. If any middleware returns
nil, NO dispatching will occur (i.e. the event will be filtered).
The `example-config` source code contains further settings and details.
See also `set-config!`, `merge-config!`, `set-level!`."
{:level :debug
{:level :debug ; e/o #{:trace :debug :info :warn :error :fatal :report}
:whitelist [] ; "my-ns.*", etc.
:blacklist [] ;
:middleware [] ; (fns [data])->?data, applied left->right
:middleware [] ; (fns [data]) -> ?data, applied left->right
:output-fn default-output-fn
#+clj :timestamp-opts #+clj default-timestamp-opts
:output-fn default-output-fn ; (fn [data]) -> string
#+clj :timestamp-opts
#+clj default-timestamp-opts ; {:pattern _ :locale _ :timezone _}
{:println ; Appender id
;; Appender <map>:
{:doc "Prints to (:stream <appender-opts>) IO stream. Enabled by default."
:min-level nil :enabled? true :async? false :rate-limit nil
:opts {;; e/o #{:std-err :std-out :auto <stream>}:
:stream :auto}
;; Any custom appender opts:
:opts {:stream :auto ; e/o #{:std-err :std-out :auto <stream>}
(fn [data]
(let [{:keys [output-fn error? appender-opts]} data
{:keys [stream]} appender-opts
out (case stream
(nil :auto) (if error? default-err *out*)
:std-err default-err
:std-out default-out
(binding [*out* out] (println (output-fn data)))))}
stream (case stream
(nil :auto) (if error? default-err *out*)
:std-err default-err
:std-out default-out
(binding [*out* stream] (println (output-fn data)))))}
{:doc "Spits to (:spit-filename <appender-opts>) file."
@ -148,7 +156,7 @@
(set-config! example-config)
(infof "Hello %s" "world :-)"))
(enc/defonce* ^:dynamic *config* example-config)
(enc/defonce* ^:dynamic *config* "See `example-config` for info." example-config)
(defmacro with-config [config & body] `(binding [*config* ~config] ~@body))
(defmacro with-merged-config [config & body]
`(binding [*config* (enc/nested-merge *config* ~config)] ~@body))
@ -157,7 +165,7 @@
#+cljs (set! *config* (f *config*))
#+clj (alter-var-root #'*config* f))
(defn set-config! [m] (swap-config! (fn [_] m)))
(defn set-config! [m] (swap-config! (fn [_old] m)))
(defn merge-config! [m] (swap-config! (fn [old] (enc/nested-merge old m))))
(defn set-level! [level] (swap-config! (fn [m] (merge m {:level level}))))
@ -196,6 +204,7 @@
;;;; ns filter
(def ^:private compile-ns-filters
"(fn [whitelist blacklist]) -> (fn [ns]) -> ?unfiltered-ns"
(let [->re-pattern
(fn [x]
@ -213,7 +222,7 @@
;; (nil? whitelist) (fn [ns] false)
;; (nil? whitelist) (fn [ns] false) ; Might be surprising
(empty? whitelist*) (fn [ns] true)
:else (fn [ns] (some #(re-find % ns) whitelist*)))
@ -222,13 +231,13 @@
(empty? blacklist*) (fn [ns] true)
:else (fn [ns] (not (some #(re-find % ns) blacklist*))))]
[white-filter black-filter])))))
(fn [ns] (when (and (white-filter ns) (black-filter ns)) ns)))))))
(def ^:private ns-filter
"(fn [whitelist blacklist ns]) -> ?unfiltered-ns"
(fn [whitelist blacklist ns]
(let [[white-filter black-filter] (compile-ns-filters whitelist blacklist)]
(when (and (white-filter ns) (black-filter ns)) ns)))))
((compile-ns-filters whitelist blacklist) ns))))
(comment (qb 10000 (ns-filter ["foo.*"] ["foo.baz"] "foo.bar")))
@ -240,17 +249,17 @@
;;;; Utils
(defmacro delay-vec [coll] (mapv (fn [in] `(delay ~in)) coll))
(qb 10000 (delay :foo) (fn [] :foo))
(macroexpand '(delay-vec [(do (println "hi") :x) :y :z])))
(defn- ->delay [x] (if (delay? x) x (delay x)))
(defn- vsplit-err1 [[v1 :as v]] (if-not (enc/error? v1) [nil v] (enc/vsplit-first v)))
(vsplit-err1 [:a :b :c])
(vsplit-err1 [(Exception.) :a :b :c]))
(defn default-data-hash-fn [data]
(defn default-data-hash-fn
"Used for rate limiters, some appenders (e.g. Carmine), etc.
Goal: (hash data-1) = (hash data-2) iff data-1 \"the same\" as data-2 for
rate-limiting purposes, etc."
(let [{:keys [?ns-str ?line vargs_]} data
vargs (force vargs_)]
@ -272,7 +281,11 @@
;;;; Logging core
(defn log? [level & [?ns-str config]]
(defn log?
"Would Timbre currently log at the given logging level?
* ns filtering requires a compile-time `?ns-str` to be provided.
* Non-global config requires an explicit `config` to be provided."
[level & [?ns-str config]]
(let [config (or config *config*)]
(and (level>= level (get-active-level config))
(ns-filter (:whitelist config) (:blacklist config) (or ?ns-str ""))
@ -280,16 +293,18 @@
(comment (log? :trace))
(def ^:dynamic *context* "General-purpose dynamic logging context." nil)
(def ^:dynamic *context*
"General-purpose dynamic logging context. Context will be merged into
appender data map at logging time." nil)
(defmacro with-context [context & body] `(binding [*context* ~context] ~@body))
(declare get-hostname)
(defn log* "Core fn-level logger. Implementation detail."
[config level ?ns-str ?file ?line msg-type dvargs & [base-data]]
[config level ?ns-str ?file ?line msg-type vargs_ & [base-data]]
(when (log? level ?ns-str config)
(let [instant (enc/now-dt)
vargs*_ (delay (vsplit-err1 (mapv force dvargs)))
vargs*_ (delay (vsplit-err1 (force vargs_)))
?err_ (delay (get @vargs*_ 0))
vargs_ (delay (get @vargs*_ 1))
data (merge base-data *context*
@ -305,7 +320,7 @@
#+clj :hostname_ #+clj (delay (get-hostname))
:error-level? (#{:error :fatal} level)})
(fn [vargs_] ; *After* middleware, etc.
(fn [vargs_] ; For use *after* middleware, etc.
(when-not (nil? msg-type)
(when-let [vargs (have [:or nil? vector?] (force vargs_))]
(case msg-type
@ -340,7 +355,7 @@
(not (rl-fn data-hash))))))
(let [{:keys [async?] apfn :fn} appender
msg_ (delay (msg-fn (:vargs_ data)))
msg_ (delay (or (msg-fn (:vargs_ data)) #_""))
output-fn (or (:output-fn appender)
(:output-fn config)
@ -356,26 +371,25 @@
{:locale locale :timezone timezone})
(:instant data))))
data ; Final data prep before going to appender
(merge data
{:appender-id id
:appender appender
:appender-opts (:opts appender)
:appender-opts (:opts appender) ; For convenience
:msg_ msg_
:msg-fn msg-fn
:output-fn output-fn
#+clj :timestamp_ #+clj timestamp_})]
(if-not async?
(apfn data)
(apfn data) ; Allow errors to throw
(send-off (get-agent id) (fn [_] (apfn data)))))))
(enc/clj1098 (:appenders config))))))
(log* *config* :info
nil nil nil :print (delay-vec [(do (println "hi") :x) :y])))
(log* *config* :info nil nil nil :print (delay [(do (println "hi") :x) :y])))
;;;; Logging macros
@ -391,7 +405,7 @@
;; TODO Waiting on http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJ-865:
?line (:line (meta &form))]
`(log* ~config ~level ~ns-str ~?file ~?line ~msg-type
(delay-vec ~args) ~base-data)))))
(delay ~(vec args)) ~base-data)))))
(defmacro ^:private def-logger [level]
(let [level-name (name level)]
@ -462,7 +476,7 @@
(require '[taoensso.timbre.profiling :as profiling
:refer (pspy pspy* profile defnp p p*)]))
;;;; Public utils
;;;; Misc public utils
(defn color-str [color & xs]
@ -475,7 +489,6 @@
#+clj (def default-out (java.io.OutputStreamWriter. System/out))
#+clj (def default-err (java.io.PrintWriter. System/err))
(defmacro with-default-outs [& body]
`(binding [*out* default-out, *err* default-err] ~@body))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
(ns taoensso.timbre.appenders.example-appender
"An example of how Timbre appenders should be written.
Please mention any requirements/dependencies in this docstring."
{:author "Peter Taoussanis"} ; <- Your name here
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre]
[taoensso.encore :as encore]))
;;;; Any private util fns, etc.
;; ...
(defn make-appender-fn
"(fn [make-config-map]) -> (fn [appender-data-map]) -> logging side effects."
[make-config] ; Any config that can influence the appender-fn construction
(let [{:keys []} make-config]
(fn [data] ; Data map as provided to middleware + appenders
(let [{:keys [instant level ?err_ vargs_ output-fn
config ; Entire config map in effect
appender ; Entire appender map in effect
;; = (:opts <appender-map>), for convenience. You'll
;; usually want to store+access runtime appender config
;; stuff here to let users change config without recreating
;; their appender fn:
;; <...>
;; See `timbre/example-config` for info on all available args
{:keys [my-arbitrary-appender-opt1]} appender-opts
;;; Use `force` to realise possibly-delayed args:
?err (force ?err_) ; ?err non-nil iff first given arg was an error
vargs (force vargs_) ; Vector of raw args (excl. possible first error)
;; You'll often want a formatted string with ns, timestamp, vargs, etc.
;; A formatter (fn [logging-data-map & [opts]]) -> string is
;; provided for you under the :output-fn key. Prefer using this fn
;; to your own formatter when possible, since the user can
;; configure the :output-fn formatter in a standard way that'll
;; influence all participating appenders. It may help to look at
;; the source code for `taoensso.timbre/default-output-fn`!
any-special-output-fn-opts {} ; Output-fn can use these opts
output-string (output-fn data any-special-output-fn-opts)]
(println (str my-arbitrary-appender-opt1 output-string))))))
(defn make-appender ; Prefer generic name to `make-foo-appender`, etc.
"Your docstring describing the appender, its options, etc."
[& [appender-config make-appender-config]]
(let [default-appender-config
{:doc "My appender docstring"
:enabled? true ; Please enable your appender by default
:min-level :debug
:rate-limit [[5 (encore/ms :mins 1)] ; 5 calls/min
[100 (encore/ms :hours 1)] ; 100 calls/hour
;; Any default appender-specific opts. These'll be accessible to your
;; appender fn under the :appender-opts key for convenience:
:opts {:my-arbitrary-appender-opt1 "hello world, "}}
;;; Here we'll prepare the final appender map as described in
;;; `timbre/example-config`:
appender-config (merge default-appender-config appender-config)
appender-fn (make-appender-fn make-appender-config)
appender (merge appender-config {:fn appender-fn})]
;; Your examples, tests, etc. here
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
;; Limitations inline
(write! [_ level throwable message]
(let [config *config* ; No support for explicit config
(let [config timbre/*config* ; No support for explicit config
?ns-str nil ; No support
?file nil ; ''
?line nil ; ''
Reference in New Issue
Block a user