Swap `utils/round-to` arg order

This commit is contained in:
Peter Taoussanis 2013-01-24 21:58:28 +07:00
parent 9179e393d7
commit b1d60d1bee
2 changed files with 5 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
(defn plog-stats
"{::pname [time1 time2 ...] ...} => {::pname {:min <min-time> ...} ...}"
(reduce (fn [m [pname times]]
(reduce (fn [m [pname times]] ; TODO reduce-kv for Clojure 1.4+
(let [count (count times)
time (reduce + times)
mean (long (/ time count))
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
ft (fn [nanosecs]
(let [pow #(Math/pow 10 %)
ok-pow? #(>= nanosecs (pow %))
to-pow #(utils/round-to (/ nanosecs (pow %1)) %2)]
to-pow #(utils/round-to %2 (/ nanosecs (pow %1)))]
(cond (ok-pow? 9) (str (to-pow 9 1) "s")
(ok-pow? 6) (str (to-pow 6 0) "ms")
(ok-pow? 3) (str (to-pow 3 0) "μs")

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@ -47,11 +47,11 @@
(defn round-to
"Rounds argument to given number of decimal places."
[x places]
[places x]
(if (zero? places)
(Math/round (double x))
(let [modifier (Math/pow 10.0 places)]
(/ (Math/round (* x modifier)) modifier))))
(comment (round-to 10 0)
(round-to 10.123 2))
(comment (round-to 0 10)
(round-to 2 10.123))