mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 11:16:31 +00:00
nb - major refactor (see commit msg for details)
CHANGES * DEPRECATED: `red`, `green`, `blue` -> use `color-str` instead. * Logging level is now located in `level-atom` rather than `config`. This is in prep for new config types. Old in-config levels will be respected (i.e. change is backwards compatible). * DEPRECATED: config `prefix-fn` has been replaced by the more flexible `fmt-output-fn`. Change is backwards compatible. * Built-in appenders have been simplified using the new `default-output` appender arg. * Per-appender `:prefix` option dropped - was unnecessary. If an appender wants custom output formatting, it can do so w/o using an in-config formatter. FIXES * Messages are now generated _after_ middleware has been applied, allowing better filtering performance and more intuitive behaviour (e.g. changes to args in middleware will now automatically percolate to message content).
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,10 +22,6 @@
(str (ansi-color color) (apply str xs) (ansi-color :reset))))
(def red (partial color-str :red))
(def green (partial color-str :green))
(def yellow (partial color-str :yellow))
(def default-out (java.io.OutputStreamWriter. System/out))
(def default-err (java.io.PrintWriter. System/err))
@ -41,134 +37,132 @@
(when throwable
(str separator (aviso-ex/format-exception throwable))))
;;;; Default configuration and appenders
;;;; Logging levels
;; Level precendence: compile-time > dynamic > atom
(def compile-time-level
(def level-compile-time
"Constant, compile-time logging level determined by the `TIMBRE_LOG_LEVEL`
environment variable. When set, overrules dynamically-configurable logging
level as a performance optimization (e.g. for use in performance sensitive
production environments)."
(keyword (System/getenv "TIMBRE_LOG_LEVEL")))
(def ^:dynamic *current-level* nil)
(def ^:dynamic *level-dynamic* nil)
(defmacro with-log-level
"Allows thread-local config logging level override. Useful for dev & testing."
[level & body] `(binding [*current-level* ~level] ~@body))
[level & body] `(binding [*level-dynamic* ~level] ~@body))
(utils/defonce* config
"This map atom controls everything about the way Timbre operates.
(def level-atom (atom :debug))
(defn set-level! [level] (reset! level-atom level))
An appender is a map with keys:
:doc, :min-level, :enabled?, :async?, :limit-per-msecs, :fn
An appender's fn takes a single map argument with keys:
:level, :throwable
:message, ; Stringified logging macro args, or nil
:args, ; Raw logging macro args (`info`, etc.)
:ap-config ; `shared-appender-config`
:prefix ; Output of `prefix-fn`
:profile-stats ; From `profile` macro
And also: :instant, :timestamp, :hostname, :ns, :error?
(def ^:private levels-ordered [:trace :debug :info :warn :error :fatal :report])
(def ^:private levels-scored (assoc (zipmap levels-ordered (next (range))) nil 0))
Middleware are fns (applied right-to-left) that transform the map argument
dispatched to appender fns. If any middleware returns nil, no dispatching
will occur (i.e. the event will be filtered).
(defn error-level? [level] (boolean (#{:error :fatal} level))) ; For appenders, etc.
See source code for examples. See `set-config!`, `merge-config!`, `set-level!`
for convenient config editing."
(atom {:current-level :debug ; See also `with-log-level`
(defn- level-checked-score [level]
(or (levels-scored level)
(throw (Exception. (format "Invalid logging level: %s" level)))))
;;; Control log filtering by namespace patterns (e.g. ["my-app.*"]).
;;; Useful for turning off logging in noisy libraries, etc.
:ns-whitelist []
:ns-blacklist []
(def ^:private levels-compare (memoize (fn [x y] (- (level-checked-score x)
(level-checked-score y)))))
;; Fns (applied right-to-left) to transform/filter appender fn args.
;; Useful for obfuscating credentials, pattern filtering, etc.
:middleware []
(declare config)
(defn- level-sufficient? [level]
(>= (levels-compare level
(or level-compile-time
(:current-level @config) ; DEPRECATED, here for backwards comp
@level-atom)) 0))
;;; Control :timestamp format
:timestamp-pattern "yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss ZZ" ; SimpleDateFormat pattern
:timestamp-locale nil ; A Locale object, or nil
;;;; Default configuration and appenders
;; Control :prefix format ; TODO Generalize to output pattern
(fn [{:keys [level timestamp hostname ns]}]
(str timestamp " " hostname " " (-> level name str/upper-case)
" [" ns "]"))
(def example-config
An appender is a map with keys:
:doc, :min-level, :enabled?, :async?, :limit-per-msecs, :fn
;; Will be provided to all appenders via :ap-config key
:shared-appender-config {}
An appender's fn takes a single map with keys:
:level, :throwable
:args, ; Raw logging macro args (as given to `info`, etc.).
:message, ; Stringified logging macro args, or nil.
:default-output ; Output of `fmt-output-fn`, used by built-in appenders.
:ap-config ; `shared-appender-config`.
:profile-stats ; From `profile` macro.
And also: :instant, :timestamp, :hostname, :ns, :error?
{:doc "Prints to *out* or *err* as appropriate. Enabled by default."
:min-level nil :enabled? true :async? false :limit-per-msecs nil
:fn (fn [{:keys [error? prefix throwable message]}]
(binding [*out* (if error? *err* *out*)]
(str-println prefix "-" message (stacktrace throwable))))}
Middleware are fns (applied right-to-left) that transform the map
dispatched to appender fns. If any middleware returns nil, no dispatching
will occur (i.e. the event will be filtered).
{:doc "Spits to (:spit-filename :shared-appender-config) file."
:min-level nil :enabled? false :async? false :limit-per-msecs nil
:fn (fn [{:keys [ap-config prefix throwable message]}]
(when-let [filename (:spit-filename ap-config)]
(try (spit filename
(str-println prefix "-" message
(stacktrace throwable)))
:append true)
(catch java.io.IOException _))))}}}))
The `example-config` code contains more details.
See also `set-config!`, `merge-config!`, `set-level!`."
{;;; Control log filtering by namespace patterns (e.g. ["my-app.*"]).
;;; Useful for turning off logging in noisy libraries, etc.
:ns-whitelist []
:ns-blacklist []
;; Fns (applied right-to-left) to transform/filter appender fn args.
;; Useful for obfuscating credentials, pattern filtering, etc.
:middleware []
;;; Control :timestamp format
:timestamp-pattern "yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss ZZ" ; SimpleDateFormat pattern
:timestamp-locale nil ; A Locale object, or nil
:prefix-fn ; DEPRECATED, here for backwards comp
(fn [{:keys [level timestamp hostname ns]}]
(str timestamp " " hostname " " (-> level name str/upper-case)
" [" ns "]"))
;; Default output formatter used by built-in appenders. Custom appenders
;; may (but are not required to use) its output (:default-output).
(fn [{:keys [level throwable message timestamp hostname ns]}]
;; <timestamp> <hostname> <LEVEL> [<ns>] - <message> <throwable>
(format "%s %s %s [%s] - %s%s"
timestamp hostname (-> level name str/upper-case) ns (or message "")
(or (stacktrace throwable "\n") "")))
:shared-appender-config {} ; Provided to all appenders via :ap-config key
{:doc "Prints to *out*/*err*. Enabled by default."
:min-level nil :enabled? true :async? false :limit-per-msecs nil
:fn (fn [{:keys [error? default-output]}]
(binding [*out* (if error? *err* *out*)]
(str-println default-output)))}
{:doc "Spits to `(:spit-filename :shared-appender-config)` file."
:min-level nil :enabled? false :async? false :limit-per-msecs nil
:fn (fn [{:keys [ap-config default-output]}]
(when-let [filename (:spit-filename ap-config)]
(try (spit filename default-output :append true)
(catch java.io.IOException _))))}}})
(utils/defonce* config (atom example-config))
(defn set-config! [ks val] (swap! config assoc-in ks val))
(defn merge-config! [& maps] (apply swap! config utils/merge-deep maps))
(defn set-level! [level] (set-config! [:current-level] level))
;;;; Define and sort logging levels
(def ^:private ordered-levels [:trace :debug :info :warn :error :fatal :report])
(def ^:private scored-levels (assoc (zipmap ordered-levels (next (range))) nil 0))
(defn error-level? [level] (boolean (#{:error :fatal} level)))
(defn- checked-level-score [level]
(or (scored-levels level)
(throw (Exception. (str "Invalid logging level: " level)))))
(def compare-levels
(memoize (fn [x y] (- (checked-level-score x) (checked-level-score y)))))
(defn sufficient-level?
[level] (>= (compare-levels level (or compile-time-level
(:current-level @config))) 0))
;;;; Appender-fn decoration
(defn- wrap-appender-fn
"Wraps compile-time appender fn with additional runtime capabilities
controlled by compile-time config."
[{apfn :fn :keys [async? limit-per-msecs prefix-fn] :as appender}]
[{apfn :fn :keys [async? limit-per-msecs] :as appender}]
(let [limit-per-msecs (or (:max-message-per-msecs appender)
limit-per-msecs)] ; Backwards-compatibility
limit-per-msecs)] ; Backwards comp
(->> ; Wrapping applies per appender, bottom-to-top
;; Per-appender prefix-fn support (cmp. default prefix-fn)
;; TODO Currently undocumented, candidate for removal
((fn [apfn]
(if-not prefix-fn
(fn [apfn-args]
(apfn (assoc apfn-args
:prefix (prefix-fn apfn-args)))))))
;; Rate limit support
((fn [apfn]
(if-not limit-per-msecs
(if-not limit-per-msecs apfn
(let [timers (atom {})] ; {:hash last-appended-time-msecs ...}
(fn [{ns :ns [x1 & _] :args :as apfn-args}]
(let [now (System/currentTimeMillis)
@ -189,8 +183,7 @@
;; Async (agent) support
((fn [apfn]
(if-not async?
(if-not async? apfn
(let [agent (agent nil :error-mode :continue)]
(fn [apfn-args] (send-off agent (fn [_] (apfn apfn-args)))))))))))
@ -208,7 +201,7 @@
(comment ((make-timestamp-fn "yyyy-MMM-dd" nil) (Date.)))
(def get-hostname
(def ^:private get-hostname
(utils/memoize-ttl 60000
(fn []
(let [p (promise)]
@ -227,28 +220,53 @@
(->> ; Wrapping applies per juxt, bottom-to-top
;; Post-middleware stuff
((fn [juxtfn]
;; Compile-time:
(let [{ap-config :shared-appender-config
:keys [timestamp-pattern timestamp-locale
prefix-fn fmt-output-fn]} @config
timestamp-fn (make-timestamp-fn timestamp-pattern timestamp-locale)]
(fn [juxtfn-args]
;; Runtime:
(when-let [{:keys [instant msg-type args]} juxtfn-args]
(let [juxtfn-args (if-not msg-type juxtfn-args ; tools.logging
(-> juxtfn-args
(dissoc :msg-type)
(assoc :message
(when-not (empty? args)
(case msg-type
:format (apply format args)
:print-str (apply print-str args)
:nil nil)))))]
(merge juxtfn-args
{:timestamp (timestamp-fn instant)
;; DEPRECATED, here for backwards comp:
:prefix (when-let [f prefix-fn] (f juxtfn-args))
:default-output (when-let [f fmt-output-fn] (f juxtfn-args))}))))))))
;; Middleware transforms/filters support
((fn [juxtfn]
;; Compile-time:
(if-let [middleware (seq (:middleware @config))]
(let [composed-middleware
(apply comp (map (fn [mf] (fn [args] (when args (mf args))))
(fn [juxtfn-args]
;; Runtime:
(when-let [juxtfn-args (composed-middleware juxtfn-args)]
(juxtfn juxtfn-args))))
;; Add compile-time stuff to runtime appender args
;; Pre-middleware stuff
((fn [juxtfn]
(let [{ap-config :shared-appender-config
:keys [timestamp-pattern timestamp-locale prefix-fn]} @config
timestamp-fn (make-timestamp-fn timestamp-pattern timestamp-locale)]
(fn [{:keys [instant] :as juxtfn-args}]
(let [juxtfn-args (merge juxtfn-args {:ap-config ap-config
:timestamp (timestamp-fn instant)
:hostname (get-hostname)})]
(juxtfn (assoc juxtfn-args :prefix (prefix-fn juxtfn-args))))))))))
;; Compile-time:
(let [{ap-config :shared-appender-config} @config]
(fn [juxtfn-args]
;; Runtime:
(juxtfn (merge juxtfn-args {:ap-config ap-config
:hostname (get-hostname)}))))))))
;;;; Caching
@ -264,7 +282,7 @@
(defn- relevant-appenders [level]
(->> (:appenders @config)
(filter #(let [{:keys [enabled? min-level]} (val %)]
(and enabled? (>= (compare-levels level min-level) 0))))
(and enabled? (>= (levels-compare level min-level) 0))))
(into {})))
(comment (relevant-appenders :debug)
@ -273,8 +291,8 @@
(defn- cache-appenders-juxt! []
(->> ordered-levels
(->> levels-ordered
(map (fn [l] (let [rel-aps (relevant-appenders l)]
;; Return nil if no relevant appenders
(when-let [ap-ids (keys rel-aps)]
@ -319,8 +337,25 @@
;;;; Logging macros
(defmacro logging-enabled?
"Returns true iff current logging level is sufficient and current namespace
unfiltered. The namespace test is runtime, the logging-level test compile-time
iff a compile-time logging level was specified."
(if level-compile-time
(when (level-sufficient? level)
`(@ns-filter-cache ~(str *ns*)))
`(and (level-sufficient? ~level) (@ns-filter-cache ~(str *ns*)))))
(comment (def compile-time-level :info)
(def compile-time-level nil)
(macroexpand-1 '(logging-enabled? :debug)))
(defn send-to-appenders! "Implementation detail - subject to change."
[level base-appender-args log-vargs ns throwable message & [juxt-fn file line]]
[;; Args provided by both Timbre, tools.logging:
level base-appender-args log-vargs ns throwable message
;; Additional args provided by Timbre only:
& [juxt-fn msg-type file line]]
(when-let [juxt-fn (or juxt-fn (@appenders-juxt-cache level))]
(conj (or base-appender-args {})
@ -332,26 +367,14 @@
:error? (error-level? level)
:args log-vargs ; No tools.logging support
:throwable throwable
:message message}))
:message message ; Timbre: nil, tools.logging: nil or string
:msg-type msg-type ; Timbre: nnil, tools.logging: nil
(defmacro logging-enabled?
"Returns true iff current logging level is sufficient and current namespace
unfiltered. The namespace test is runtime, the logging-level test compile-time
iff a compile-time logging level was specified."
(if compile-time-level
(when (sufficient-level? level)
`(@ns-filter-cache ~(str *ns*)))
`(and (sufficient-level? ~level) (@ns-filter-cache ~(str *ns*)))))
(def compile-time-level :info)
(def compile-time-level nil)
(macroexpand-1 '(logging-enabled? :debug)))
(defmacro log* "Implementation detail - subject to change."
[message-fn level base-appender-args & log-args]
[msg-type level base-appender-args & log-args]
{:pre [(#{:nil :print-str :format} msg-type)]}
`(when (logging-enabled? ~level)
(when-let [juxt-fn# (@appenders-juxt-cache ~level)]
(let [[x1# & xn# :as xs#] (vector ~@log-args)
@ -363,21 +386,20 @@
~(str *ns*)
(when has-throwable?# x1#)
(when-let [mf# ~message-fn]
(when-not (empty? log-vargs#)
(apply mf# log-vargs#)))
nil ; Timbre generates msg only after middleware
(let [file# ~*file*] (when (not= file# "NO_SOURCE_PATH") file#))
;; TODO Waiting on http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJ-865:
~(:line (meta &form)))))))
(defmacro log "Logs using print-style args."
{:arglists '([level & message] [level throwable & message])}
[level & sigs] `(log* print-str ~level {} ~@sigs))
[level & sigs] `(log* :print-str ~level {} ~@sigs))
(defmacro logf "Logs using format-style args."
{:arglists '([level fmt & fmt-args] [level throwable fmt & fmt-args])}
[level & sigs] `(log* format ~level {} ~@sigs))
[level & sigs] `(log* :format ~level {} ~@sigs))
(defmacro log-errors [& body] `(try ~@body (catch Throwable t# (error t#))))
(defmacro log-and-rethrow-errors [& body]
@ -412,7 +434,7 @@
[& sigs#] `(logf ~~level ~@sigs#)))))
(defmacro ^:private def-loggers []
`(do ~@(map (fn [level] `(def-logger ~level)) ordered-levels)))
`(do ~@(map (fn [level] `(def-logger ~level)) levels-ordered)))
(def-loggers) ; Actually define a logger for each logging level
@ -446,6 +468,10 @@
{:arglists '([expr] [level expr] [level name expr])}
[& args] `(spy ~@args))
(def red "DEPRECATED: Use `color-str` instead." (partial color-str :red))
(def green "DEPRECATED: Use `color-str` instead." (partial color-str :green))
(def yellow "DEPRECATED: Use `color-str` instead." (partial color-str :yellow))
;;;; Dev/tests
@ -466,8 +492,8 @@
(trace (Thread/sleep 5000))
(time (dotimes [n 10000] (trace "This won't log"))) ; Overhead 5ms/10ms
(time (dotimes [n 5] (info "foo" "bar")))
(spy (* 6 5 4 3 2 1))
(spy :debug :factorial6 (* 6 5 4 3 2 1))
(spy :info (* 6 5 4 3 2 1))
(spy :info :factorial6 (* 6 5 4 3 2 1))
(info (Exception. "noes!") "bar")
(spy (/ 4 0))
@ -476,12 +502,13 @@
;; Middleware
(info {:name "Robert Paulson" :password "Super secret"})
[(fn [{:keys [hostname message] :as args}]
(cond (= hostname "filtered-host") nil ; Filter
(map? message)
(if (contains? message :password)
(assoc args :message (assoc message :password "*****"))
:else args))]))
(set-config! [:middleware] [])
(set-config! [:middleware]
[(fn [{:keys [hostname message args] :as ap-args}]
(if (= hostname "filtered-host") nil ; Filter
(assoc ap-args :args
;; Replace :password vals in any map args:
(mapv (fn [arg] (if-not (map? arg) arg
(if-not (contains? arg :password) arg
(assoc arg :password "****"))))
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
;; tools.logging message may be a string (for `logp`/`logf` calls) or raw
;; argument (for `log` calls). Note that without an :args equivalent for
;; `write!`, the best we can do is `[message]`. This inconsistency means
;; that :args consumers (like the rate limiter and Postal appender) will
;; necessarily behave differently under tools.logging.
;; that :args consumers will necessarily behave differently under
;; tools.logging.
(timbre/send-to-appenders! level {} [message] logger-ns throwable
(when (string? message) message))))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user