utils: add `rate-limit` fn

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Peter Taoussanis 2013-11-29 21:54:44 +07:00
parent 94a2d4d687
commit 39e568f4fc
1 changed files with 36 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -30,6 +30,42 @@
(swap! cache assoc args cv)
(defn rate-limit
"Returns a `(fn [& [id]])` that returns either `nil` (limit okay) or number of
msecs until next rate limit window (rate limited)."
[ncalls-limit window-ms]
(let [state (atom [nil {}])] ; [<pull> {<id> {[udt-window-start ncalls]}}]
(fn [& [id]]
(when (<= (rand) 0.001) ; GC
(let [instant (System/currentTimeMillis)]
(swap! state
(fn [[_ m]]
[nil (reduce-kv
(fn [m* id [udt-window-start ncalls]]
(if (> (- instant udt-window-start) window-ms) m*
(assoc m* id [udt-window-start ncalls]))) {} m)]))))
(let [instant (System/currentTimeMillis)]
(swap! state
(fn [[_ m]]
(if-let [[udt-window-start ncalls] (m id)]
(if (> (- instant udt-window-start) window-ms)
[nil (assoc m id [instant 1])]
(if (< ncalls ncalls-limit)
[nil (assoc m id [udt-window-start (inc ncalls)])]
[(- (+ udt-window-start window-ms) instant) m]))
[nil (assoc m id [instant 1])]))))
(nth 0)))))
(def rl (rate-limit 10 10000))
(repeatedly 10 #(rl (rand-nth [:a :b :c])))
(rl :a)
(rl :b)
(rl :c))
(defn merge-deep-with ; From clojure.contrib.map-utils
"Like `merge-with` but merges maps recursively, applying the given fn
only when there's a non-map at a particular level.