Add Simple Rotating File Appender

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mopemoepe 2013-10-24 09:53:56 +09:00
parent de9d1b001e
commit 33fbbb9c98

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
(ns taoensso.timbre.appenders.rotor
[ File FilenameFilter])
[clj-stacktrace.repl :as stacktrace]
[ :as io]
[taoensso.timbre :as t]))
(defn- ^FilenameFilter file-filter
"Returns a Java FilenameFilter instance which only matches
files with the given `basename`."
(reify FilenameFilter
(accept [_ _ name]
(.startsWith name basename))))
(defn- matching-files
"Returns a seq of files with the given `basepath` in the
same directory."
(let [f (-> basepath io/file (.getAbsoluteFile))]
(-> (.getParentFile f)
(.listFiles (file-filter (.getName f)))
(defn- rotate-logs
"Performs log file rotation for the given files matching `basepath`
and up to a maximum of `max-count`. Historical versions are suffixed
with a 3-digit index, e.g.
logs/app.log ; current log file
logs/app.log.001 ; most recent log file
logs/app.log.002 ; second most recent log file etc.
If the max number of files has been reached, the oldest one
will be deleted. In future, there will be a suffix fn to customize
the naming of archived logs."
[basepath max-count]
(let [abs-path (-> basepath io/file (.getAbsolutePath))
logs (->> basepath
(take max-count)
(map (fn [^File x] (.getAbsolutePath x)))
num-logs (count logs)
overflow? (> num-logs max-count)]
(when overflow?
(io/delete-file (first logs)))
(loop [[log & more] (if overflow? (rest logs) logs) n num-logs]
(when log
(.renameTo (io/file log) (io/file (format "%s.%03d" abs-path n)))
(recur more (dec n))))))
(defn appender-fn [{:keys [ap-config prefix throwable message]}]
(let [{:keys [path max-size backlog]
:or {max-size (* 1024 1024)
backlog 5}} (:rotor ap-config)]
(when path
(when (> (.length (io/file path)) max-size)
(rotate-logs path backlog))
(spit path
(t/str-println prefix "-" message
(t/stacktrace throwable)))
:append true)
(catch _)))))
(def rotor-appender
{:doc (str "Simple Rotating File Appender.\n"
"Needs :rotor config map in :shared-appender-config, e.g.:
{:path \"logs/app.log\"
:max-size (* 512 1024)
:backlog 5}")
:min-level nil
:enabled? true
:async? false
:limit-per-msecs nil
:fn appender-fn})