Added ns filtering, `logging-enabled`. Misc housekeeping.

This commit is contained in:
Peter Taoussanis 2012-07-03 16:29:11 +07:00
parent cfc2a60c8e
commit 0177e7236b
1 changed files with 112 additions and 64 deletions

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
[clj-stacktrace.repl :as stacktrace]
[postal.core :as postal])
(:import [java.util Date Locale]
;;;; Default configuration and appenders
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
" [" ns "] - " message))
(defn str-println
"Like 'println' but prints all objects to output stream as a single
"Like `println` but prints all objects to output stream as a single
atomic string. This is faster and avoids interleaving race conditions."
[& xs]
(print (str (str/join \space xs) \newline)))
@ -29,11 +29,17 @@
:doc, :min-level, :enabled?, :async?, :max-message-per-msecs, :fn?
An appender's fn takes a single map argument with keys:
:ap-config, :level, :error?, :instant, :timestamp, :ns, :message, :more
:ap-config, :level, :error?, :instant, :timestamp, :ns, :message, :more,
:profiling-stats (when applicable)
See source code for examples."
(atom {:current-level :debug
;;; Allow log filtering by namespace patterns (e.g. ["my-app.*"]).
;;; Useful for turning off logging in noisy libraries, etc.
:ns-whitelist []
:ns-blacklist []
{:doc "Prints everything to *out*."
@ -63,6 +69,7 @@
:body (if (seq more) (str/join " " more)
"<no additional arguments>")))))}}
;; Will be given to all appenders via :ap-config key
{:timestamp-pattern "yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss ZZ" ; SimpleDateFormat pattern
:locale nil ; A Locale object, or nil
@ -71,11 +78,14 @@
;; {:from "" :to ""}
:postal nil}}))
(defn set-config! [[k & ks] val] (swap! config assoc-in (cons k ks) val))
(defn set-level! [level] (set-config! [:current-level] level))
;;;; Define and sort logging levels
(def ^:private ordered-levels [:trace :debug :info :warn :error :fatal :report])
(def ^:private scored-levels (zipmap ordered-levels (range)))
(defn check-level
(defn assert-valid-level
[x] (when-not (some #{x} ordered-levels)
(throw (Exception. (str "Invalid logging level: " x)))))
@ -85,14 +95,6 @@
(defn sufficient-level?
[level] (>= (compare-levels level (:current-level @config)) 0))
;;;; Config helpers
(defn set-config! [[k & ks] val] (swap! config assoc-in (cons k ks) val))
(defn set-level!
(check-level level)
(set-config! [:current-level] level))
;;;; Appender-fn decoration
(defn- make-timestamp-fn
@ -107,8 +109,8 @@
(comment ((make-timestamp-fn "yyyy-MMM-dd" nil) (Date.)))
(defn- wrap-appender-fn
"Wraps compile-time appender fn with additional capabilities controlled by
compile-time config."
"Wraps compile-time appender fn with additional runtime capabilities
controlled by compile-time config."
[{apfn :fn :keys [async? max-message-per-msecs] :as appender}]
;; Wrap to add compile-time stuff to runtime appender arguments
@ -132,7 +134,7 @@
((fn [apfn]
(if-not max-message-per-msecs
(let [ ;; {:msg last-appended-time-msecs ...}
(let [;; {:msg last-appended-time-msecs ...}
flood-timers (atom {})]
(fn [{:keys [message] :as apfn-args}]
@ -157,10 +159,13 @@
(when (seq expired-timers)
(apply swap! flood-timers dissoc expired-timers))))))))))))
;;;; Appender-fn caching
;;;; Caching
(def juxt-cache
"Per-level, combined relevant appender-fns:
;;; Appender-fns
(def appenders-juxt-cache
"Per-level, combined relevant appender-fns to allow for fast runtime
appender-fn dispatch:
{:level (juxt wrapped-appender-fn wrapped-appender-fn ...) or nil
(atom {}))
@ -176,63 +181,97 @@
(comment (relevant-appenders :debug)
(relevant-appenders :trace))
(defn- cache-appenders!
"Prime 'juxt-cache' for fast runtime appender-fn dispatch."
(defn- cache-appenders-juxt!
(->> (zipmap
(->> ordered-levels
(map (fn [l] (let [rel-aps (relevant-appenders l)]
;; Return nil if no relevant appenders
(when-let [ap-ids (keys rel-aps)]
(->> ap-ids
(map #(wrap-appender-fn (rel-aps %)))
(apply juxt))))))))
(reset! juxt-cache)))
(->> ordered-levels
(map (fn [l] (let [rel-aps (relevant-appenders l)]
;; Return nil if no relevant appenders
(when-let [ap-ids (keys rel-aps)]
(->> ap-ids
(map #(wrap-appender-fn (rel-aps %)))
(apply juxt))))))))
(reset! appenders-juxt-cache)))
(cache-appenders!) ; Actually cache default appenders now
;;; Namespace filter
(def ns-filter-cache "@ns-filter-cache => (fn relevant-ns? [ns] ...)"
(atom (constantly true)))
(defn- ns-match?
[ns match]
(-> (str "^" (-> (str match) (.replace "." "\\.") (.replace "*" "(.*)")) "$")
re-pattern (re-find (str ns)) boolean))
(defn- cache-ns-filter!
(let [{:keys [ns-whitelist ns-blacklist]} @config]
(fn relevant-ns? [ns]
(and (or (empty? ns-whitelist)
(some (partial ns-match? ns) ns-whitelist))
(or (empty? ns-blacklist)
(not-any? (partial ns-match? ns) ns-blacklist))))))
(reset! ns-filter-cache)))
;;; Prime initial caches and recache on config change
;; Automatically re-cache any time appenders change
config "appender-watch"
config "config-cache-watch"
(fn [key ref old-state new-state]
(when (not= (dissoc old-state :current-level)
(dissoc new-state :current-level))
;;;; Define logging macros
(defmacro logging-enabled?
"Returns true when current logging level is sufficient and current namespace
is unfiltered."
(assert-valid-level level)
`(and (sufficient-level? ~level) (@ns-filter-cache ~*ns*)))
(defmacro log*
"Prepares given arguments for, and then dispatches to all relevant
[level base-args & args]
(assert-valid-level level)
`(when-let [juxt-fn# (@appenders-juxt-cache ~level)] ; Any relevant appenders?
(let [[x1# & xs#] (list ~@args)
has-throwable?# (instance? Throwable x1#)
~base-args ; Allow flexibility to inject exta args
{:level ~level
:error? (>= (compare-levels ~level :error) 0)
:instant (Date.)
:ns (str ~*ns*)
:message (if has-throwable?# (or (first xs#) x1#) x1#)
:more (if has-throwable?#
(conj (vec (rest xs#))
(str "\n" (stacktrace/pst-str x1#)))
(vec xs#))})]
(juxt-fn# appender-args#)
(defmacro log
"Dispatches given arguments to relevant appender-fns iff logging level is
"When logging is enabled, actually logs given arguments with relevant
appender-fns. Generic form of standard level-loggers (trace, info, etc.)."
{:arglists '([level message & more] [level throwable message & more])}
[level & args]
(check-level level)
`(let [level# ~level]
(when (sufficient-level? level#)
(when-let [juxt-fn# (@juxt-cache level#)] ; Any relevant appenders?
(let [[x1# & xs#] (list ~@args)
has-throwable?# (instance? Throwable x1#)
{:level level#
:error? (>= (compare-levels level# :error) 0)
:instant (Date.)
:ns (str ~*ns*)
:message (if has-throwable?# (or (first xs#) x1#) x1#)
:more (if has-throwable?#
(conj (vec (rest xs#))
(str "\n" (stacktrace/pst-str x1#)))
(vec xs#))}]
(juxt-fn# appender-args#)
(comment (log :fatal "arg1")
(log :debug "arg1" "arg2")
(log :debug (Exception.) "arg1" "arg2")
(log :debug (Exception.))
(log :trace "arg1"))
(assert-valid-level level)
`(when (logging-enabled? ~level)
(log* ~level {} ~@args)))
(defmacro spy
"Evaluates expression and logs its form and result. Always returns the result.
@ -240,7 +279,7 @@
([expr] `(spy :debug ~expr))
([level expr]
(let [r# ~expr] (log ~level '~expr ~expr) r#)
(let [result# ~expr] (log ~level '~expr ~expr) result#)
(catch Exception e#
(log ~level '~expr (str "\n" (stacktrace/pst-str e#)))
(throw e#)))))
@ -262,9 +301,18 @@
;;;; Dev/tests
(log :fatal "arg1")
(log :debug "arg1" "arg2")
(log :debug (Exception.) "arg1" "arg2")
(log :debug (Exception.))
(log :trace "arg1")
(set-config! [:ns-blacklist] [])
(set-config! [:ns-blacklist] ["taoensso.timbre*"])
(info "foo" "bar")
(trace (Thread/sleep 5000))
(time (dotimes [n 10000] (trace "This won't log"))) ; Minimum overhead +/- 4.5ms
(time (dotimes [n 10000] (trace "This won't log"))) ; Overhead 5ms/10ms
(time (dotimes [n 5] (info "foo" "bar")))
(spy (* 6 5 4 3 2 1))
(info (Exception. "noes!") "bar")