> This is a **MAJOR** update. Your custom appenders **WILL BREAK**. Your configuration **MIGHT BREAK**. Your call sites should be fine. I've updated all bundled appenders, but **haven't tested** any 3rd-party appenders.
Apologies for the hassle in migrating. The changes made here all bring serious benefits (performance, simplicity, future extensibility, cross-platform support) and I'm confident that v4's the last time I'll need to touch the core design. Future work will be focused on polish, stability, and better+more bundled appenders.
> Major update, non-breaking though users with custom appenders are encouraged to view the _Changes_ section below. This version polishes up the codebase and general design. Tightened up a few aspects of how appenders and appender middleware work. Added a serializing Carmine appender (I use something similar in prod most of the time). Also finally added facilities for ad hoc (non-atom) logging configuration.
> Overall quite happy with the state of Timbre as of this release. No major anticipated improvements/changes from here (modulo bugs).
* Appender rate limits now specified in a more flexible format: `[ncalls window-msecs]`, e.g. `[1 2000]` for 1 write / 2000 msecs.
* Appender rate limits now also apply (at 1/4 ncalls) to any _particular_ logging arguments in the same time window. This helps prevent a particular logging call from flooding the limiter and preventing other calls from getting through.
*`sometimes` macro that executes body with given probability. Useful for sampled logging (e.g. email a report for 0.01% of user logins in production).
*`log` and `logf` macros now take an optional logging config map as their first argument: `(log :info "hello") => use @timbre/config`, `(log <config> :info "hello") => use <config>`.
* Appenders can now specify an optional `:fmt-output-opts` that'll get passed to `fmt-output-fn` for any special formatting requirements they may have (e.g. the Postal email appender provides an arg to suppress ANSI colors in stacktrace output).
* **EXPERIMENTAL**: stacktraces now formatted with `io.aviso/pretty` rather than clj-stacktrace. Feedback on this (esp. coloring) welcome!
* **DEPRECATED**: `red`, `green`, `blue` -> use `color-str` instead.
* **DEPRECATED**: config `prefix-fn` has been replaced by the more flexible `fmt-output-fn`. Change is backwards compatible.
* **REMOVED**: Per-appender `:prefix` option dropped - was unnecessary. If an appender wants custom output formatting, it can do so w/o using an in-config formatter.
* **DEPRECATED**: atom logging level is now located in `level-atom` rather than `config`. Old in-config levels will be respected (i.e. change is backwards compatible).
* **DEPRECATED**: appender rate limits are now specified as `:rate-limit [ncalls window-msecs]` rather than `:limit-per-msecs ncalls`. Change is backwards compatible.
* Messages are now generated _after_ middleware has been applied, allowing better filtering performance and more intuitive behaviour (e.g. changes to args in middleware will now automatically percolate to message content).
*`(logf <level> "hello %s")` was throwing due to lack of formatting args.
* Added `with-log-level` for thread-local logging levels: `(with-level :trace (trace "This will log!"))`. Esp. useful for developing & unit tests, etc.
* **BREAKING**: `:more` appender arg has been dropped. `:message` arg is now a string of all arguments as joined by `logp`/`logf`. Appenders that need unjoined logging arguments (i.e. raw arguments as given to `logp`/`logf`) should use the new `:log-args` vector.
* **BREAKING**: Stacktraces are no longer automatically generated at the `log`-macro level. Stacktraces are now left as an appender implementation detail. A `:throwable` appender argument has been added along with a `stacktrace` fn.