
296 lines
7.9 KiB

std/[tables, parseutils, strutils, os, sequtils, json],
chronos, websock/websock, chronicles, stew/byteutils
# workaround https://github.com/status-im/nim-serialization/issues/43
from serialization import serializedFieldName
from json_serialization import Reader, init, readValue, handleReadException
import json_serialization/std/options
export sequtils, strutils, os, tables
export chronos, options, chronicles, websock
export json_serialization
Client* = ref object
requestId: int
requests: Table[string, Future[Response]]
subbed: Table[string, AsyncQueue[string]]
connection: WSSession
testRun: string
testPlan: string
testCase: string
testInstanceCount: int
testGroupId: string
testHostname: string
testSubnet: string
LinkShape* = object
latency: int
jitter: int
bandwidth: int
loss: float
corrupt: float
corrupt_corr: float
reorder: float
reorder_corr: float
duplicate: float
duplicate_corr: float
NetworkConf* = object
network: string
ipv4 {.serializedFieldName: "IPv4".}: Option[string]
ipv6 {.serializedFieldName: "IPv6".}: Option[string]
enable: bool
default: LinkShape
callback_state: string
callback_target: Option[int]
routing_policy: string
SignalEntryRequest* = object
state: string
SignalEntryResponse* = object
seq: int
BarrierRequest* = object
state: string
target: int
Subscribe* = object
topic: string
PublishRequest* = object
topic: string
event {.serializedFieldName: "payload".}: Option[Event]
networkConf {.serializedFieldName: "payload".}: Option[NetworkConf]
payload: Option[JsonNode]
Event* = object
#workaround https://github.com/status-im/nim-json-serialization/pull/50
dummy: string
success_event: Option[SuccessEvent]
message_event: Option[MessageEvent]
StdoutEvent = object
event: Event
MessageEvent* = object
message: string
SuccessEvent* = object
group: string
Request* = object
id: string
signal_entry: Option[SignalEntryRequest]
publish: Option[PublishRequest]
barrier: Option[BarrierRequest]
subscribe: Option[Subscribe]
Response* = object
id: string
signal_entry: Option[SignalEntryResponse]
subscribe: Option[string]
error: string
proc request(c: Client, r: Request): Future[Response] {.async.} =
let retFut = newFuture[Response]("sendRequest")
var r2 = r
r2.id = $c.requestId
c.requests[r2.id] = retFut
await c.connection.send(r2.toJson())
#echo "sending:", r2.toJson()
return await retFut
proc getContext(c: Client): string =
"run:" & c.testRun & ":plan:" & c.testPlan & ":case:" & c.testCase
proc getState(c: Client, state: string): string =
c.getContext & ":states:" & state
proc signal*(c: Client, state: string): Future[int] {.async.} =
## Signal that we reached `state`, returns how many times
## `state` was reached
let r = await c.request(Request(
signal_entry: some(SignalEntryRequest(
state: c.getState(state)
return r.signal_entry.get().seq
proc waitForBarrier*(c: Client, state: string, target: int) {.async.} =
## Wait for `state` to be reached `target` times
discard await c.request(Request(
barrier: some(BarrierRequest(
state: c.getState(state),
target: target
proc signalAndWait*(c: Client, state: string, target: int): Future[int] {.async.} =
## Signal that we reached `state`, wait for it to be reached `target` times,
## and returns how much time it was reached before us
result = await c.signal(state)
await c.waitForBarrier(state, target)
proc success(c: Client): Future[int] {.async.} =
let r = await c.request(Request(
publish: some(PublishRequest(
topic: c.getContext() & ":run_events",
event: some Event(
success_event: some(SuccessEvent(
group: c.testGroupId
echo StdoutEvent(
event: Event(
success_event: some(SuccessEvent(
group: c.testGroupId
proc recordMessage*(c: Client, s: string) =
## Record message
let e = StdoutEvent(
event: Event(
message_event: some(MessageEvent(message: s))
echo e.toJson()
proc waitNetwork*(c: Client) {.async.} =
## Wait for network to be setup
if getEnv("TEST_SIDECAR") == "true":
await c.waitForBarrier("network-initialized", c.testInstanceCount)
# magic value
c.recordMessage("network initialisation successful")
proc updateNetworkParameter*(c: Client, n: NetworkConf) {.async.} =
let r = await c.request(Request(
publish: some PublishRequest(
topic: c.getContext() & ":topics:network:" & c.testHostname,
networkConf: some n
proc subscribe*(c: Client, topic: string): AsyncQueue[string] =
## Subscribe to `topic`. Returns a queue that will be filled with each new entry
let id = c.requestId
result = newAsyncQueue[string](1000)
c.subbed[$id] = result
asyncSpawn c.connection.send(Request(
id: $id,
subscribe: some Subscribe(
topic: c.getContext() & ":topics:" & topic
proc subscribe*[T](c: Client, topic: string, _: type[T]): AsyncQueue[T] =
theQueue = c.subscribe(topic)
resQueue = newAsyncQueue[T](1000)
proc getter {.async.} =
mixin decode
while true:
let elem = await theQueue.popFirst()
let decoded = json_serialization.decode(Json, elem, T, allowUnknownFields = true)
asyncSpawn getter()
proc publish*(c: Client, topic: string, content: JsonNode) {.async.} =
## Publish `content` to `topic`
let r = await c.request(Request(
publish: some PublishRequest(
topic: c.getContext() & ":topics:" & topic,
payload: some content
proc publish*[T](c: Client, topic: string, content: T) {.async.} =
mixin toJson
let asJsonNode = json_serialization.decode(Json, content.toJson(), JsonNode)
await c.publish(topic, asJsonNode)
proc param*[T](c: Client, _: type[T], name: string): T =
let params = getEnv("TEST_INSTANCE_PARAMS").split("|").mapIt(it.split("=", 2)).mapIt((it[0], it[1])).toTable()
let param = params[name]
when T is string:
elif T is bool:
param == "true"
elif T is Ordinal:
{.error: "Unsupported type for param".}
proc runner(todo: proc(c: Client): Future[void] {.gcsafe.}) {.async.} =
c = Client(
testRun: getEnv("TEST_RUN"),
testPlan: getEnv("TEST_PLAN"),
testCase: getEnv("TEST_CASE"),
testGroupId: getEnv("TEST_GROUP_ID"),
testHostname: getEnv("HOSTNAME"),
testSubnet: getEnv("TEST_SUBNET")
discard parseInt(getEnv("TEST_INSTANCE_COUNT"), c.testInstanceCount)
serviceHost = if existsEnv("SYNC_SERVICE_HOST"): getEnv("SYNC_SERVICE_HOST") else: "testground-sync-service"
servicePort = if existsEnv("SYNC_SERVICE_PORT"): getEnv("SYNC_SERVICE_PORT") else: "5050"
fullWsAddress = serviceHost & ":" & servicePort
c.connection = await WebSocket.connect(fullWsAddress, "/")
defer: await c.connection.close()
proc readLoop {.async.} =
while true:
v = string.fromBytes(await c.connection.recvMsg())
parsed = json_serialization.decode(Json, v, Response, allowUnknownFields = true)
#echo "got:", v
if parsed.id in c.requests:
elif parsed.id in c.subbed:
echo "Unknown response id!!!", parsed.id
theTest = todo(c)
loop = readLoop()
await theTest or loop
await theTest.cancelAndWait()
await loop.cancelAndWait()
template testground*(c: untyped, b: untyped) =
proc todo(c: Client) {.async.} =
await c.waitNetwork()
discard await c.success()
#for key, val in envPairs():
# echo key, ":", val