Concurrent TCP Checker

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Tevin Zhang 2016-12-06 17:23:50 +08:00
parent ce742af518
commit 2d9369c3f0
1 changed files with 191 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -4,48 +4,210 @@ import (
func parseFlag() (addr string, timeout time.Duration) {
var timeoutMS int
// Flag definition
flag.IntVar(&timeoutMS, "timeout", 1000, "Timeout for the whole process(domain resolving is included)")
flag.StringVar(&addr, "addr", "", "TCP address to test")
// Parse flags
if _, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", addr); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Can not resolve '%s': %s", addr, err)
timeout = time.Duration(timeoutMS) * time.Millisecond
// Counter is an atomic counter for multiple metrics.
type Counter struct {
counters map[int]*uint64
func main() {
// Parse flag
addr, timeout := parseFlag()
log.Printf("Checking %s with timeout %s", addr, timeout)
// Create checker
s := tcp.NewChecker(true)
// Init checker
if err := s.InitChecker(); err != nil {
log.Fatal("Initializing failed:", err)
// NewCounter creates Counter with given IDs.
func NewCounter(ids *Counter {
counter := &Counter{}
return counter
// Declare declares the ID of counters.
// NOTE: This must be called before counting, and should only be called once.
func (c *Counter) Declare(ids {
c.counters = make(map[int]*uint64, len(ids))
for _, id := range ids {
var i uint64
c.counters[id] = &i
// Check addr
err := s.CheckAddr(addr, timeout)
// Print error
// Inc increases the counter of given ID by one and returns the new value.
func (c *Counter) Inc(i int) uint64 {
return atomic.AddUint64(c.counters[i], 1)
// Count returns the value of counter with given ID.
func (c *Counter) Count(i int) uint64 {
return atomic.LoadUint64(c.counters[i])
// Available counter names.
const (
CRequest int = iota
// Config contains all available options.
type Config struct {
Addr string
Timeout time.Duration
Requests int
Concurrency int
func parseConfig() *Config {
var conf Config
var timeoutMS int
// Flag definition
flag.IntVar(&timeoutMS, "t", 1000, "Timeout in millisecond for the whole checking process(domain resolving is included)")
flag.StringVar(&conf.Addr, "a", "", "TCP address to test")
flag.IntVar(&conf.Requests, "n", 1, "Number of requests to perform")
flag.IntVar(&conf.Concurrency, "c", 1, "Number of checks to perform simultaneously")
// Parse flags
if _, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", conf.Addr); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Can not resolve '%s': %s", conf.Addr, err)
conf.Timeout = time.Duration(timeoutMS) * time.Millisecond
return &conf
func setupSignal(exit chan bool) {
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)
// ConcurrentChecker wrapper of tcp.Checker with concurrent checking capacibilities.
type ConcurrentChecker struct {
conf *Config
counter *Counter
checker *tcp.Checker
queue chan bool
closed chan bool
wg sync.WaitGroup
// NewConcurrentChecker creates a checker.
func NewConcurrentChecker(conf *Config) *ConcurrentChecker {
return &ConcurrentChecker{
conf: conf,
counter: NewCounter(CRequest, CSucceed, CErrConnect, CErrTimeout, CErrOther),
checker: tcp.NewChecker(true),
queue: make(chan bool),
closed: make(chan bool),
// Count returns the count of given ID.
func (cc *ConcurrentChecker) Count(i int) uint64 {
return cc.counter.Count(i)
// Launch initialize the checker.
func (cc *ConcurrentChecker) Launch() error {
if err := cc.checker.InitChecker(); err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < cc.conf.Concurrency; i++ {
go cc.worker()
go func() {
for i := 0; i < cc.conf.Requests; i++ {
cc.queue <- true
return nil
func (cc *ConcurrentChecker) doCheck() {
err := cc.checker.CheckAddr(cc.conf.Addr, cc.conf.Timeout)
switch err {
case tcp.ErrTimeout:
log.Fatalf("Connect to '%s' timed out", addr)
case nil:
log.Printf("Connect to '%s' succeeded", addr)
if e, ok := err.(*tcp.ErrConnect); ok {
log.Fatalf("Connect to '%s' failed: %s", addr, e)
if _, ok := err.(*tcp.ErrConnect); ok {
} else {
log.Fatalf("Error occurred while connecting to '%s': %s", addr, err)
// Wait returns a chan which is closed when all checks are done.
func (cc *ConcurrentChecker) Wait() chan bool {
c := make(chan bool)
go func() {
return c
// Stop stops the workers.
func (cc *ConcurrentChecker) Stop() {
func (cc *ConcurrentChecker) worker() {
for {
select {
case <-cc.queue:
case <-cc.closed:
func main() {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
conf := parseConfig()
log.Printf(`Checking %s with the following configurations:
Timeout: %s
Requests: %d
Concurrency: %d`, conf.Addr, conf.Timeout, conf.Requests, conf.Concurrency)
checker := NewConcurrentChecker(conf)
defer checker.Stop()
var exit = make(chan bool)
go setupSignal(exit)
startedAt := time.Now()
if err := checker.Launch(); err != nil {
log.Fatal("Initializing failed: ", err)
select {
case <-exit:
case <-checker.Wait():
duration := time.Now().Sub(startedAt)
log.Printf("Finished %d/%d checks in %s\n", checker.Count(CRequest), conf.Requests, duration)
log.Printf(" Succeed: %d\n", checker.Count(CSucceed))
log.Printf(" Errors: connect %d, timeout %d, other %d\n", checker.Count(CErrConnect), checker.Count(CErrTimeout), checker.Count(CErrOther))