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synced 2025-02-05 23:04:59 +00:00
33 lines
1.1 KiB
33 lines
1.1 KiB
digraph ladder {
ranksep=".5"; nodesep="1"; splines="line";
node [shape=point fontsize=10];
edge [dir=none fontsize=10];
// Column labels
a [shape=Square label="Contact A"];
w [shape=Square label="Notification Server"];
b [shape=Square label="Contact B"];
// Draw the 3 column headings, no line
{ rank=same; edge[style=invis] a -> w -> b }
// Draw the columns
a -> a1 [style=dotted weight=1000];
w -> w1 [style=dotted];
b -> b1 [style=dotted weight=1000];
a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> a4 -> a5 [weight=1000];
a3 [xlabel="Contact A wants\nto send a message\nto Contact B" weight=1000];
w1 -> w2 -> w3 -> w4 -> w5 [weight=1000];
b1 -> b2 -> b3 -> b4 -> b5 [weight=1000];
// Now each step in the ladder
{ rank=same; a1 -> w1 [dir=forward label="Requests topic\nfor notifications\nto Contact B"] }
{ rank=same; a2 -> w2 [dir=back label="Replies with its Whisper topic"] }
{ rank=same;
w3 [shape=none style=invis width=0 height=0 label=""]
a3 -> w3;
w3 -> b3 [dir=forward label="Sends message\nwith agreed topic"] }
{ rank=same; a4 -> w4 [dir=forward label="Sends message using topic received"] }
} |