Idea: 146-status-go-sdk
Title: Status GO-SDK
Status: Draft
Created: 2018-04-03
Provide an easy to use GO-SDK library to allow community developers easily interact with status messaging.
Swarm Participants
- Lead Contributor: @adriacidre
- Contributor:
- Contributor:
- Testing & Evaluation: @lukaszfryc
Product Overview
Product Description
One of the main goals of status is to grow its community, however is not easy to work on status-go project as a community developer. Is not easy to set up an environment
- Identify where to start
- Interact with status messaging system.
- Test your changes
The idea behind this swarm is to simplify this by allowing community developers to interact with status, based uniquely on status-go library.
Requirements & Dependencies
- Easy to use SDK : Using a sdk should be as easy as using any other messaging system, allowing you to subscribe or publish to specific chats.
- The less dependencies the better : ATM and in order to interact with status messaging system we need to interact with code on status-go and status-react repos. This should be simplified to allow devs work only on top of status-go
- Quick dev environment setup : Following the previous point, if we’re only based on status-go, dev environment should be trivial. Should be easy to build apps and distribute them as binaries for different platforms.
Minimum Viable Product
MVP should allow a developer to accomplish some minimal actions:
- Connect : creates a new connection
- Close : closes active connection
- Auth : login as a specific user
- Subscribe : subscribe to a channel
- Unsubscribe : unsubscribe from a channel
- Publish : send a message.
All methods should work for 1to1, groups and public chats.
With this methods building a simple autoresponder bot
should be as simple as:
// Connect to the default status url and defer closing the connection
st, _ := status.Connect(st.DefaultAddr) // -> localhost:51515
defer st.Close()
// Authenticate as an specific user
st, _ = status.Auth([]byte(“S3cretT0ken”))
// Subscribes to any message on chat chatID
sub, _ := st.Subscribe("chatID", func(m *st.Msg) {
// Replies the received message
m.Reply([]byte("I can help!”))
// Simple message publisher
st.Publish(“buddy_token", []byte("Hello World"))
SDK should be provided with different, easy to follow and well documented examples (TBD):
- Autoresponder bot (nice for testing)
- Google assistant integration
- Slack proxy (use status from slack)
- Reminders (set and get reminders)
Useful links & Dependencies
- — and #humans-need-not-apply bots.
- Pre-existing issue -
New Status App communication protocol -
Goal Date: TBD
Description: TBD
Testing Days required: TBD
Success Metrics
- A dev who is unfamiliar with the SDK is able to set up his environment and build a simple chatbot in under 2 hours, just by following the documentation.
Exit criteria:
Same as success metrics.
Supporting Role Communication
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