The Status Janitors oversee the delivery and completion of the [Status white paper]( by the end of Q1, with a hard deadline of the end of Q2 2019.
- Report organisational progress regularly during Town Hall
- Regular check-ins with swarms
* Security audit timing
* [NN] What do we want to audit? Our entire codebase? status-go and our smart contracts only? status-react? DApps should probably have their own securit audit (TN and DAO)
* Launch (i.e. public app store) release scope
* [NN] Can be determined once we see the critical path
* Teller Network [P0] (Iuri and co + Wallet for hooks)
* Tribute to Talk [P0] (Chat swarm)
* Anti-spam [P2]
* Sticker Market [P0] (Extensions)
* Network Incentivisation [P1] (Core)
-- [OT] With this, do we mean a possibly half-baked solution assuming the existing protocol? One concern would be if we change things around later on, but we can also provide this and clarify it isn't great and will likely be replaced. It depends on how much weight we put on ticking off boxes in whitepaper.
* DApp store / Discover [P1] (Andy/DevRel)
* User acquisition engine [P2]
* Web of Trust / Trustlines [P3]
-- Get legal guidance on what is acceptable for completion of the White Paper --