<!-- "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." Provide a simplified and layman-accessible explanation of the Idea. -->
Status app should be fast enough to provide user smooth and nice experience - no lags and UI freezes.
## Swarm Participants
<!-- Each contributor pledges to the idea with their FOCUS value. (hours per week) -->
<!-- Here all roles in swarm are defined and filled, one of the contributors should responsibility of the Idea as Lead. -->
<!-- Testing/Evaluation support role is also mandatory to check in on specified Goal dates or earlier. -->
<!-- Lead Contributor is the Owner of the Idea. If required, they can get support from a PM, but should be responsible for end to end execution of the Idea. This includes ensuring appropriate resources are allocated, setting realistic timelines and milestones, and any post-launch metrics or bug fixes that are attributed to the Idea -->
<!-- A swarm requires at minimum 3 contributors and 1 evaluator/tester -->
<!-- 'Contributor' should be replaced with a descriptive role type. -->
- Lead Contributor: @dmitryn
- Testing & Evaluation: @Serhy
- Contributor: @rasom
- Contributor: @janherich
- Contributor: @yenda
- Contributor: @mandrigin
- Contributor: @flexsurfer
- UX: tba
<!-- - Contributor: @username -->
## Product Overview
<!-- A short (~200 word) description and motivation of the Idea. Without clear explanation the Idea should not proceed. Can include User Stories -->
<!-- Testing/Evaluation role accepts responsbility to checkin at Goal dates, -->
<!-- forces discussion to continue implementation or recommend disband and post-mortem. -->
App should be fast from user standpoint - switching screens, sending/receiving messages, dapp browsing. Every UI component should be responsible and provide almost immediate feedback to the user. For long-running operations spinner should be shown.
<!-- What functionality are you adding? What will this look like from a user perspective? Why is this important? -->
### Requirements & Dependencies
<!-- Are there bugs or feature requests in other repositories that are part of this Idea? -->
<!-- There is no approval unless the idea requires to be reviewed by supporting organelles (Financial, Hiring, or Design). -->
<!-- The Swarm must develop a fully fleshed out Requirements document for the idea to proceed, to the satisfaction of participants. -->
Somewhat depends on 87-new-protocol idea to be finished to validate perfomance user story about getting many messages from offline (app freezes while doing that) https://github.com/status-im/status-react/issues/3095
### Minimum Viable Product
<!-- Mandatory, completes the Idea in the fastest route possible, can be hacky, needed to feel progress. See https://imgur.com/a/HVlw3 -->