**Subspace** can be used with [redux](https://redux.js.org/). **Subspace** returns [`Observables`](https://rxjs-dev.firebaseapp.com/guide/observable), which you can subscribe to, and if this subscription has access to the redux store, it will be able to dispatch actions when the observable emits an event.
The variable `MyContractInstance` is a `web3.eth.Contract` object pointing to a deployed contract address. You can use a DApp framework like [Embark](https://embark.status.im/docs/contracts_javascript.html) to easily import that contract instance: `import { MyContract } from './embarkArtifacts/contracts';`, or use web3.js directly (just like in the example [source code](https://github.com/status-im/subspace/blob/master/examples/redux/src/MyContract.js#L36-L42))