import { keccak256 } from 'ethereum-cryptography/keccak' import { getPublicKey, sign, utils } from 'ethereum-cryptography/secp256k1' import { bytesToHex, concatBytes, hexToBytes, } from 'ethereum-cryptography/utils' export class Account { public privateKey: string public publicKey: string public chatKey: string constructor() { const privateKey = utils.randomPrivateKey() const publicKey = getPublicKey(privateKey) const chatKey = getPublicKey(privateKey, true) this.privateKey = bytesToHex(privateKey) // this.publicKey = bytesToHex(publicKey) this.publicKey = '0x04ac419dac9a8bbb58825a3cde60eef0ee71b8cf6c63df611eeefc8e7aac7c79b55954b679d24cf5ec82da7ed921caf240628a9bfb3450c5111a9cffe54e631811' // TODO?: add 0x prefix to public key this.chatKey = bytesToHex(chatKey) } // sig must be a 65-byte compact ECDSA signature containing the recovery id as the last element. sign = async (payload: Uint8Array) => { const hash = keccak256(payload) const [signature, recoverId] = await sign(hash, this.privateKey, { recovered: true, der: false, }) return concatBytes(signature, new Uint8Array([recoverId])) } }