import { Waku, WakuMessage } from "js-waku"; import { idToContactCodeTopic } from "./contentTopic"; import { Identity } from "./identity"; import { StatusUpdate_StatusType } from "./proto/communities/v1/status_update"; import { bufToHex } from "./utils"; import { StatusUpdate } from "./wire/status_update"; const STATUS_BROADCAST_INTERVAL = 300000; export class Contacts { waku: Waku; identity: Identity; private callback: (publicKey: string, clock: number) => void; private contacts: string[] = []; /** * Contacts holds a list of user contacts and listens to their status broadcast * * When watched user broadcast callback is called. * * Class also broadcasts own status on contact-code topic * * @param identity identity of user that is used to broadcast status message * * @param waku waku class used to listen to broadcast and broadcast status * * @param callback callback function called when user status broadcast is received */ public constructor( identity: Identity, waku: Waku, callback: (publicKey: string, clock: number) => void ) { this.waku = waku; this.identity = identity; this.callback = callback; this.startBroadcast(); this.addContact(bufToHex(identity.publicKey)); } /** * Add contact to watch list of status broadcast * * When user broadcasts its status callback is called * * @param publicKey public key of user */ public addContact(publicKey: string): void { if (!this.contacts.find((e) => publicKey === e)) { const now = new Date(); const callback = (wakuMessage: WakuMessage): void => { if (wakuMessage.payload) { const msg = StatusUpdate.decode(wakuMessage.payload); this.callback(publicKey, msg.clock ?? 0); } }; this.contacts.push(publicKey); this.callback(publicKey, 0);[idToContactCodeTopic(publicKey)], { callback: (msgs) => msgs.forEach((e) => callback(e)), timeFilter: { startTime: new Date(now.getTime() - STATUS_BROADCAST_INTERVAL * 2), endTime: now, }, }); this.waku.relay.addObserver(callback, [idToContactCodeTopic(publicKey)]); } } private startBroadcast(): void { const send = async (): Promise => { const statusUpdate = StatusUpdate.create( StatusUpdate_StatusType.AUTOMATIC, "" ); const msg = await WakuMessage.fromBytes( statusUpdate.encode(), idToContactCodeTopic(bufToHex(this.identity.publicKey)) ); this.waku.relay.send(msg); }; send(); setInterval(send, STATUS_BROADCAST_INTERVAL); } }