mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 05:31:08 +00:00
292 lines
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292 lines
7.2 KiB
import * as colors from '@status-im/colors'
import { scrollbarWidth } from 'tailwind-scrollbar-utilities'
import { fontFamily } from 'tailwindcss/defaultTheme'
import plugin from 'tailwindcss/plugin'
import type { Config } from 'tailwindcss'
export const screens = {
// We simulate the desktop first approach by using min-width 1px above the max-width of the previous breakpoint to match the design breakpoints
// Otherwise, we would have to use max-width approach and change the entire codebase styles
sm: '431px',
md: '641px',
'2md': '768px',
lg: '869px',
xl: '1024px',
'2xl': '1281px',
'3xl': '1441px',
// TODO to be defined by design for pro-users
'4xl': '1601px',
export default {
darkMode: 'media',
future: {
hoverOnlyWhenSupported: true,
content: [
// './app/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx,mdx}',
theme: {
fontFamily: {
sans: ['Inter', ...fontFamily.sans],
mono: fontFamily.mono,
// use <Text /> from @status-im/components or arbitrary values
// note: https://tailwindcss.com/docs/font-size#providing-a-default-line-height for `[fontSize, { lineHeight?, letterSpacing?, fontWeight? }]`
fontSize: {
// note: not in design system
240: [
lineHeight: '13.25rem',
letterSpacing: '-0.6rem',
// note: not in design system
120: [
lineHeight: '5.25rem',
letterSpacing: '-0.1575rem',
88: [
lineHeight: '5.25rem',
letterSpacing: '-0.1155rem',
// note: not in design system
76: [
lineHeight: '4.25rem',
letterSpacing: '-0.095rem',
64: [
lineHeight: '4.25rem',
letterSpacing: '-0.08rem',
// note: not in design system
48: [
lineHeight: '3.125rem',
letterSpacing: '-0.06rem',
40: [
lineHeight: '2.75rem',
letterSpacing: '-0.05rem',
27: [
lineHeight: '2rem',
letterSpacing: '-0.0354375rem',
19: [
lineHeight: '1.75rem',
letterSpacing: '-0.019rem',
15: [
lineHeight: '1.359375rem',
letterSpacing: '-0.0084375rem',
13: [
lineHeight: '1.1375rem',
letterSpacing: '-0.0024375rem',
11: [
lineHeight: '0.97625rem',
letterSpacing: '-0.0034375rem',
colors: colors,
fontWeight: {
regular: '400',
400: '400',
medium: '500',
500: '500',
semibold: '600',
600: '600',
bold: '700',
700: '700',
boxShadow: {
1: '0px 2px 20px rgba(9, 16, 28, 0.04)',
2: '0px 4px 20px rgba(9, 16, 28, 0.08)',
3: '0px 8px 30px rgba(9, 16, 28, 0.12);',
extend: {
spacing: {
30: '7.5rem',
borderRadius: {
'4xl': '2rem',
maxWidth: {
page: '1504',
transitionProperty: {
height: 'height',
keyframes: {
heightIn: {
from: { height: '0' },
// to: { height: 296 },
to: { height: 'var(--radix-navigation-menu-viewport-height)' },
heightOut: {
from: { height: 'var(--radix-navigation-menu-viewport-height)' },
// from: { height: 296 },
to: { height: '0' },
slide: {
from: {
transform: 'translateX(0)',
to: {
transform: 'translateX(-100%)',
slideInFromBottom: {
from: {
transform: 'translateY(200px)',
to: {
transform: 'translateY(0)',
marquee1: {
'0%': { transform: 'translateX(0%)' },
'100%': { transform: 'translateX(-100%)' },
explanationIn: {
'0%': { opacity: '0', transform: 'scale(0.7)' },
'80%': { opacity: '0.8', transform: 'scale(1.02)' },
'100%': { opacity: '1', transform: 'scale(1)' },
explanationOut: {
'0%': { opacity: '1', transform: 'scale(1)' },
'100%': { opacity: '0', transform: 'scale(0.7)' },
explanationSlide: {
'0%': {
transform: 'translateY(100px)',
opacity: '0',
'100%': {
transform: 'translateY(0px)',
opacity: '1',
marquee2: {
'0%': { transform: 'translateX(100%)' },
'100%': { transform: 'translateX(0%)' },
// dialog
'overlay-enter': {
from: { opacity: '0' },
to: { opacity: '1' },
'overlay-exit': {
'0%': { opacity: '1' },
'100%': { opacity: '0' },
'drawer-enter': {
from: { opacity: '0', transform: 'translateY(100%)' },
to: { opacity: '1', transform: 'translateY(0)' },
'drawer-exit': {
from: { opacity: '1', transform: 'translateY(0)' },
to: { opacity: '0', transform: 'translateY(100%)' },
'dialog-enter': {
from: {
opacity: '0',
transform: 'translate(-50%, -48%) scale(0.96)',
to: {
opacity: '1',
transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1)',
'dialog-exit': {
from: { opacity: '1', transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1)' },
to: { opacity: '0', transform: 'translate(-50%, -48%) scale(0.96)' },
animation: {
heightIn: 'heightIn 250ms ease',
heightOut: 'heightOut 250ms ease',
slide: '45s slide infinite linear',
slideInFromBottom: 'slideInFromBottom 0.5s ease',
marquee1: 'marquee1 180s linear infinite',
marquee2: 'marquee2 180s linear infinite',
explanationIn: 'explanationIn 150ms ease',
explanationOut: 'explanationIn 150ms ease reverse',
explanationSlideUp: 'explanationSlide 180ms ease',
explanationSlideDown: 'explanationSlide 180ms ease reverse',
backgroundImage: {
'repeating-linear-gradient(-75deg, #E7EAEE, #E7EAEE 4px, rgba(161, 171, 188, 0.2) 0px, rgba(161, 171, 188, 0.2) 6px)',
plugins: [
// add scrollbar utilities before lands in tailwindcss
// @see https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/pull/5732
// scrollbarColor(),
// scrollbarGutter(),
plugin(({ matchUtilities }) => {
perspective: value => ({
perspective: value,
} satisfies Config