
817 lines
38 KiB

/*global contract, config, it, assert, embark, web3, before, describe, beforeEach*/
const TestUtils = require("../utils/testUtils");
const SellerLicense = embark.require('Embark/contracts/SellerLicense');
const ArbitrationLicense = embark.require('Embark/contracts/ArbitrationLicense');
const MetadataStore = embark.require('Embark/contracts/MetadataStore');
const Escrow = embark.require('Embark/contracts/Escrow');
const StandardToken = embark.require('Embark/contracts/StandardToken');
const SNT = embark.require('Embark/contracts/SNT');
const ESCROW_FUNDED = 1;
const _ESCROW_PAID = 2;
let accounts;
let arbitrator, arbitrator2;
let _deltaTime = 0; // TODO: this can be fixed with ganache-cli v7, and evm_revert/snapshot to reset state between tests
const feePercent = 1;
deployment: {
// The order here corresponds to the order of `web3.eth.getAccounts`, so the first one is the `defaultAccount`
accounts: [
mnemonic: "foster gesture flock merge beach plate dish view friend leave drink valley shield list enemy",
balance: "5 ether",
numAddresses: "10"
contracts: {
"MiniMeToken": { "deploy": false },
"MiniMeTokenFactory": {
"SNT": {
"instanceOf": "MiniMeToken",
"args": [
License: {
deploy: false
SellerLicense: {
instanceOf: "License",
args: ["$SNT", 10, "$StakingPool"]
ArbitrationLicense: {
instanceOf: "License",
args: ["$SNT", 10, "$StakingPool"]
StakingPool: {
file: 'staking-pool/contracts/StakingPool.sol',
args: ["$SNT"]
MetadataStore: {
args: ["$SellerLicense", "$ArbitrationLicense"]
Escrow: {
args: ["0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "$SellerLicense", "$ArbitrationLicense", "$MetadataStore", "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002", feePercent * 1000]
StandardToken: {
}, (_err, web3_accounts) => {
accounts = web3_accounts;
arbitrator = accounts[8];
arbitrator2 = accounts[9];
contract("Escrow", function() {
const {toBN} = web3.utils;
const tradeAmount = 1000000;
const feeAmount = Math.round(tradeAmount * (feePercent / 100));
// util
let expirationTime = parseInt((new Date()).getTime() / 1000, 10) + (5 * 86400);
const expireTransaction = async() => {
const addTime = 5 * 86400;
await TestUtils.increaseTime(addTime + 1);
expirationTime += addTime;
let receipt, escrowId, escrowTokenId, _offerId, sntOfferId, ethOfferId, tokenOfferId, hash, signature, nonce;
let created;
before(async () => {
await SNT.methods.generateTokens(accounts[0], 1000).send();
const encodedCall =;
await SNT.methods.approveAndCall(SellerLicense.options.address, 10, encodedCall).send({from: accounts[0]});
// Register arbitrators
await SNT.methods.generateTokens(arbitrator, 1000).send();
await SNT.methods.generateTokens(arbitrator2, 1000).send();
const encodedCall2 =;
await SNT.methods.approveAndCall(ArbitrationLicense.options.address, 10, encodedCall2).send({from: arbitrator});
await SNT.methods.approveAndCall(ArbitrationLicense.options.address, 10, encodedCall2).send({from: arbitrator2});
receipt = await MetadataStore.methods.addOffer(TestUtils.zeroAddress, "0x00", "London", "USD", "Iuri", [0], 1, arbitrator).send({from: accounts[0]});
ethOfferId =;
receipt = await MetadataStore.methods.addOffer(StandardToken.options.address, "0x00", "London", "USD", "Iuri", [0], 1, arbitrator).send({from: accounts[0]});
tokenOfferId =;
receipt = await MetadataStore.methods.addOffer(SNT.options.address, "0x00", "London", "USD", "Iuri", [0], 1, arbitrator).send({from: accounts[0]});
sntOfferId =;
describe("Creating a new escrow", async () => {
it("Buyer can create escrow", async () => {
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(ethOfferId, 123, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[1]});
const created =;
assert(!!created, "Created() not triggered");
assert.equal(created.returnValues.offerId, ethOfferId, "Invalid offerId");
assert.equal(created.returnValues.buyer, accounts[1], "Invalid buyer");
it("Seller should be able to create escrows", async () => {
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(ethOfferId, 123, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[0]});
const created =;
assert(!!created, "Created() not triggered");
assert.equal(created.returnValues.offerId, ethOfferId, "Invalid offerId");
assert.equal(created.returnValues.buyer, accounts[1], "Invalid buyer");
escrowId = created.returnValues.escrowId;
it("Created escrow should contain valid data", async () => {
const escrow = await Escrow.methods.transactions(escrowId).call();
assert.equal(escrow.offerId, ethOfferId, "Invalid offerId");
assert.equal(escrow.buyer, accounts[1], "Invalid buyer");
assert.equal(escrow.tokenAmount, 123, "Invalid trade amount");
assert.equal(escrow.status, ESCROW_CREATED, "Invalid status");
it("Seller should be able to fund escrow", async () => {
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(ethOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[0]});
escrowId =;
receipt = await{from: accounts[0], value: tradeAmount + feeAmount});
const funded =;
assert(!!funded, "Funded() not triggered");
it("Funded escrow should contain valid data", async () => {
const ethFeeBalance = await Escrow.methods.feeTokenBalances(TestUtils.zeroAddress).call();
assert.strictEqual(parseInt(ethFeeBalance, 10), feeAmount, 'Invalid fee balance');
const contractBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(Escrow.options.address);
assert.equal(contractBalance, feeAmount + tradeAmount, "Invalid contract balance");
const escrow = await Escrow.methods.transactions(escrowId).call();
assert.equal(escrow.tokenAmount, tradeAmount, "Invalid amount");
assert.equal(escrow.status, ESCROW_FUNDED, "Invalid status");
it("Escrows can be created with ERC20 tokens", async () => {
await[0], tradeAmount + feeAmount).send();
const balanceBeforeCreation = await StandardToken.methods.balanceOf(accounts[0]).call();
await StandardToken.methods.approve(Escrow.options.address, tradeAmount + feeAmount).send({from: accounts[0]});
const allowance = await StandardToken.methods.allowance(accounts[0], Escrow.options.address).call();
assert(allowance >= tradeAmount + feeAmount, "Allowance needs to be equal or higher to the amount plus the fee");
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(tokenOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[0]});
const created =;
assert(!!created, "Created() not triggered");
escrowTokenId =;
receipt = await{from: accounts[0]});
const funded =;
assert(!!funded, "Funded() not triggered");
const balanceAfterCreation = await StandardToken.methods.balanceOf(accounts[0]).call();
assert(toBN(balanceAfterCreation), toBN(balanceBeforeCreation).sub(toBN(tradeAmount)), "Token value wasn't deducted");
const contractBalance = await StandardToken.methods.balanceOf(Escrow.options.address).call();
assert(toBN(contractBalance), toBN(tradeAmount), "Contract token balance is incorrect");
const escrow = await Escrow.methods.transactions(escrowTokenId).call();
assert.equal(escrow.tokenAmount, tradeAmount, "Invalid amount");
it("Can fund an SNT escrow with approveAndCall", async () => {
await SNT.methods.approve(Escrow.options.address, 0).send({from: accounts[0]});
await SNT.methods.generateTokens(accounts[0], tradeAmount + feeAmount).send();
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
let receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(sntOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[0]});
const created =;
escrowTokenId =;
SNT.options.jsonInterface.push(Escrow.options.jsonInterface.find(x => === 'Funded'));
const encodedCall =;
receipt = await SNT.methods.approveAndCall(Escrow.options.address, tradeAmount + feeAmount, encodedCall).send({from: accounts[0]});
const funded =;
assert(!!funded, "Funded() not triggered");
describe("Canceling an escrow", async () => {
it("A seller cannot cancel an unexpired funded escrow", async () => {
// Create and Fund
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.createAndFund(ethOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[0], value: tradeAmount + feeAmount});
created =;
escrowId = created.returnValues.escrowId;
try {
receipt = await Escrow.methods.cancel(escrowId).send({from: accounts[0]});'should have reverted before');
} catch (error) {
assert.strictEqual(error.message, "VM Exception while processing transaction: revert Can only be canceled after expiration");
it("A seller can cancel their ETH escrows", async () => {
// Create
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(ethOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[1]});
created =;
escrowId = created.returnValues.escrowId;
// Fund
receipt = await{from: accounts[0], value: tradeAmount + feeAmount});
await expireTransaction();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.cancel(escrowId).send({from: accounts[0]});
let Canceled =;
assert(!!Canceled, "Canceled() not triggered");
let escrow = await Escrow.methods.transactions(escrowId).call();
assert.equal(escrow.status, ESCROW_CANCELED, "Should have been canceled");
it("A seller can cancel their expired token escrows and gets back the fee", async () => {
await[0], tradeAmount + feeAmount).send();
await StandardToken.methods.approve(Escrow.options.address, tradeAmount + feeAmount).send({from: accounts[0]});
const balanceBeforeCreation = await StandardToken.methods.balanceOf(accounts[0]).call();
const contractBalanceBeforeCreation = await StandardToken.methods.balanceOf(Escrow.options.address).call();
// Create
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(tokenOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[1]});
created =;
escrowTokenId = created.returnValues.escrowId;
// Fund
receipt = await{from: accounts[0]});
await expireTransaction();
await Escrow.methods.cancel(escrowTokenId).send({from: accounts[0]});
const balanceAfterCancelation = await StandardToken.methods.balanceOf(accounts[0]).call();
const contractBalanceAfterCancelation = await StandardToken.methods.balanceOf(Escrow.options.address).call();
let escrow = await Escrow.methods.transactions(escrowTokenId).call();
assert.equal(escrow.status, ESCROW_CANCELED, "Should have been canceled");
assert.equal(balanceBeforeCreation, balanceAfterCancelation, "Invalid seller balance");
assert.equal(contractBalanceBeforeCreation, contractBalanceAfterCancelation, "Invalid contract balance");
it("A buyer can cancel an escrow that hasn't been funded yet", async () => {
// Create
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(ethOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[1]});
created =;
escrowId = created.returnValues.escrowId;
// Fund
receipt = await{from: accounts[0], value: tradeAmount + feeAmount});
receipt = await Escrow.methods.cancel(escrowId).send({from: accounts[1]});
let Canceled =;
assert(!!Canceled, "Canceled() not triggered");
it("A buyer can cancel an escrow that has been funded", async () => {
// Create
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(ethOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[1]});
created =;
escrowId = created.returnValues.escrowId;
// Fund
receipt = await{from: accounts[0], value: tradeAmount + feeAmount});
receipt = await Escrow.methods.cancel(escrowId).send({from: accounts[1]});
let Canceled =;
assert(!!Canceled, "Canceled() not triggered");
it("An escrow can only be canceled once", async () => {
// Create
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(ethOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[1]});
created =;
escrowId = created.returnValues.escrowId;
// Fund
receipt = await{from: accounts[0], value: tradeAmount + feeAmount});
await expireTransaction();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.cancel(escrowId).send({from: accounts[0]});
try {
receipt = await Escrow.methods.cancel(escrowId).send({from: accounts[0]});'should have reverted before');
} catch (error) {
assert.strictEqual(error.message, "VM Exception while processing transaction: revert Only transactions in created or funded state can be canceled");
it("Accounts different from the escrow owner cannot cancel escrows", async() => {
// Create
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(ethOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[1]});
created =;
escrowId = created.returnValues.escrowId;
// Fund
receipt = await{from: accounts[0], value: tradeAmount + feeAmount});
try {
receipt = await Escrow.methods.cancel(escrowId).send({from: accounts[2]});'should have reverted before');
} catch (error) {
assert.strictEqual(error.message, "VM Exception while processing transaction: revert Only participants can invoke this function");
it("A seller cannot cancel an escrow marked as paid", async () => {
// Create
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(ethOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[1]});
created =;
escrowId = created.returnValues.escrowId;
// Fund
receipt = await{from: accounts[0], value: tradeAmount + feeAmount});
receipt = await{from: accounts[1]});
try {
receipt = await Escrow.methods.cancel(escrowId).send({from: accounts[0]});'should have reverted before');
} catch (error) {
assert.strictEqual(error.message, "VM Exception while processing transaction: revert Only transactions in created or funded state can be canceled");
describe("Releasing escrows", async () => {
beforeEach(async() => {
// Create
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(ethOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[1]});
created =;
escrowId = created.returnValues.escrowId;
// Fund
receipt = await{from: accounts[0], value: tradeAmount + feeAmount});
it("An invalid escrow cannot be released", async() => {
try {
await Escrow.methods.release(999).send({from: accounts[0]}); // Invalid escrow'should have reverted before');
} catch (error) {
it("Accounts different from the seller cannot release an escrow", async () => {
try {
await Escrow.methods.release(escrowId).send({from: accounts[1]}); // Buyer tries to release'should have reverted before');
} catch (error) {
assert.strictEqual(error.message, "VM Exception while processing transaction: revert Only the seller can invoke this function");
it("Escrow owner can release his funds to the buyer", async () => {
const buyerBalanceBeforeEscrow = await web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[1]);
receipt = await Escrow.methods.release(escrowId).send({from: accounts[0]});
const buyerBalanceAfterEscrow = await web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[1]);
const released =;
assert(!!released, "Released() not triggered");
const escrow = await Escrow.methods.transactions(escrowId).call();
assert.equal(escrow.status, ESCROW_RELEASED, "Should have been released");
assert.equal(toBN(escrow.tokenAmount).add(toBN(buyerBalanceBeforeEscrow)), buyerBalanceAfterEscrow, "Invalid buyer balance");
it("Escrow owner can release token funds to the buyer", async () => {
await StandardToken.methods.approve(Escrow.options.address, tradeAmount + feeAmount).send({from: accounts[0]});
// Create
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(tokenOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[1]});
created =;
escrowTokenId = created.returnValues.escrowId;
// Fund
receipt = await{from: accounts[0]});
const buyerBalanceBeforeEscrow = await StandardToken.methods.balanceOf(accounts[1]).call();
const contractBalanceBeforeEscrow = await StandardToken.methods.balanceOf(Escrow.options.address).call();
const escrow = await Escrow.methods.transactions(escrowTokenId).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.release(escrowTokenId).send({from: accounts[0]});
const buyerBalanceAfterEscrow = await StandardToken.methods.balanceOf(accounts[1]).call();
const contractBalanceAfterEscrow = await StandardToken.methods.balanceOf(Escrow.options.address).call();
assert.equal(toBN(escrow.tokenAmount).add(toBN(buyerBalanceBeforeEscrow)), buyerBalanceAfterEscrow, "Invalid buyer balance");
const after = toBN(contractBalanceBeforeEscrow).sub(toBN(tradeAmount).add(toBN(feeAmount)));
assert.equal(contractBalanceAfterEscrow, after, "Invalid contract balance");
it("Released escrow cannot be released again", async() => {
await Escrow.methods.release(escrowId).send({from: accounts[0]});
try {
receipt = await Escrow.methods.release(escrowId).send({from: accounts[0]});'should have reverted before');
} catch (error) {
assert.strictEqual(error.message, "VM Exception while processing transaction: revert Invalid transaction status");
it("Released escrow cannot be canceled", async() => {
await Escrow.methods.release(escrowId).send({from: accounts[0]});
try {
receipt = await Escrow.methods.cancel(escrowId).send({from: accounts[0]});'should have reverted before');
} catch (error) {
assert.strictEqual(error.message, "VM Exception while processing transaction: revert Only transactions in created or funded state can be canceled");
it("Canceled escrow cannot be released", async() => {
await expireTransaction();
await Escrow.methods.cancel(escrowId).send({from: accounts[0]});
try {
receipt = await Escrow.methods.release(escrowId).send({from: accounts[0]});'should have reverted before');
} catch (error) {
assert.strictEqual(error.message, "VM Exception while processing transaction: revert Invalid transaction status");
describe("Buyer notifies payment of escrow", async () => {
beforeEach(async() => {
// Create
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(ethOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[1]});
created =;
escrowId = created.returnValues.escrowId;
// Fund
receipt = await{from: accounts[0], value: tradeAmount + feeAmount});
it("A random account should not be able to mark a transaction as paid", async () => {
try {
receipt = await{from: accounts[7]});'should have reverted before');
} catch (error) {
assert.strictEqual(error.message, "VM Exception while processing transaction: revert Only participants can invoke this function");
it("A buyer should be able to mark an escrow transaction as paid", async () => {
receipt = await{from: accounts[1]});
const paid =;
assert(!!paid, "Paid() not triggered");
assert.equal(paid.returnValues.escrowId, escrowId, "Invalid escrow id");
it("Anyone should be able to mark an escrow transaction as paid on behalf of the buyer", async () => {
// Create
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(ethOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[1]});
escrowId =;
// Fund
receipt = await{from: accounts[0], value: tradeAmount + feeAmount});
const messageToSign = await Escrow.methods.paySignHash(escrowId).call();
signature = await web3.eth.sign(messageToSign, accounts[1]);
receipt = await Escrow.methods['pay(uint256,bytes)'](escrowId, signature).send({from: accounts[9]});
const paid =;
assert(!!paid, "Paid() not triggered");
assert.equal(paid.returnValues.escrowId, escrowId, "Invalid escrowId");
it("A seller cannot cancel paid escrows", async () => {
receipt = await{from: accounts[1]});
await expireTransaction();
try {
receipt = await Escrow.methods.cancel(escrowId).send({from: accounts[0]});'should have reverted before');
} catch (error) {
assert.strictEqual(error.message, "VM Exception while processing transaction: revert Only transactions in created or funded state can be canceled");
describe("Rating a released Transaction", async() => {
beforeEach(async() => {
// Create
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(ethOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[1]});
created =;
escrowId = created.returnValues.escrowId;
// Fund
receipt = await{from: accounts[0], value: tradeAmount + feeAmount});
await Escrow.methods.release(escrowId).send({from: accounts[0]});
it("should not allow a score that's less than 1", async() => {
try {
await Escrow.methods.rateTransaction(escrowId, 0).send({from: accounts[1]});'should have reverted: should not allow a score last less than 1');
} catch(error) {
assert.ok(error.message.indexOf('Rating needs to be at least 1') >= 0);
it("should not allow a score to be more than 5", async() => {
try {
await Escrow.methods.rateTransaction(escrowId, 6).send({from: accounts[1]});'should have reverted: should not allow a score to be more than 5');
} catch(error) {
assert.ok(error.message.indexOf('Rating needs to be at less than or equal to 5'));
for(let i=1; i<=5; i++) {
it("should allow a score of " + i, async() => {
await Escrow.methods.rateTransaction(escrowId, i).send({from: accounts[1]});
const transaction = await Escrow.methods.transactions(escrowId).call();
assert.equal(transaction.rating, i.toString());
it("should only allow rating once", async() => {
await Escrow.methods.rateTransaction(escrowId, 3).send({from: accounts[1]});
let transaction = await Escrow.methods.transactions(escrowId).call();
assert.equal(transaction.rating, "3");
try {
await Escrow.methods.rateTransaction(escrowId, 2).send({from: accounts[1]});
} catch(error) {
assert.ok(error.message.indexOf('Transaction already rated') >= 0);
it("should only allow the buyer to rate the transaction", async() => {
try {
receipt = await Escrow.methods.rateTransaction(escrowId, 4).send({from: accounts[0]});'should have reverted: should only allow the buyer to rate the transaction');
} catch(error) {
assert.ok(error.message.indexOf('Only the buyer can invoke this function') >= 0);
describe("Rating an unreleased Transaction", async() => {
let receipt, created, escrowId;
beforeEach(async() => {
// Create
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(ethOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[1]});
created =;
escrowId = created.returnValues.escrowId;
// Fund
receipt = await{from: accounts[0], value: tradeAmount + feeAmount});
it("should not allow rating an unreleased transaction", async() => {
try {
await Escrow.methods.rateTransaction(escrowId, 4).send({from: accounts[0]});'should have reverted: should not allow a score last less than 1');
} catch(error) {
assert.ok(error.message.indexOf('Transaction not released yet') >= 0);
describe("Getting a user rating", async() => {
let receipt, created, escrowId, seller;
beforeEach(async() => {
seller = accounts[0];
for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
let buyer = accounts[i];
let rating = i;
const isPaused = await Escrow.methods.paused().call();
if (isPaused) {
receipt = await Escrow.methods.unpause().send({from: seller});
// Create
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: buyer});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, buyer);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(buyer).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(ethOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: buyer});
created =;
escrowId = created.returnValues.escrowId;
// Fund
receipt = await{from: seller, value: tradeAmount + feeAmount});
await Escrow.methods.release(escrowId).send({from: seller});
await Escrow.methods.rateTransaction(escrowId, rating).send({from: buyer});
it("should calculate the user rating", async() => {
const arrAvg = arr => arr.reduce((a,b) => a + b, 0) / arr.length;
const events = await Escrow.getPastEvents('Rating', {fromBlock: 1, filter: {seller}});
let ratings = events.slice(events.length - 5).map((e) => parseInt(e.returnValues.rating, 10));
assert.equal(arrAvg(ratings), 3, "The seller rating is not correct");
describe("Escrow fees", async() => {
it("fee balance should increase with escrow funding", async() => {
const ethFeeBalanceBefore = await Escrow.methods.feeTokenBalances(TestUtils.zeroAddress).call();
const totalEthBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(Escrow.options.address);
// Create
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(ethOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[1]});
created =;
escrowId = created.returnValues.escrowId;
// Fund
receipt = await{from: accounts[0], value: tradeAmount + feeAmount});
const ethFeeBalance = await Escrow.methods.feeTokenBalances(TestUtils.zeroAddress).call();
const totalEthAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(Escrow.options.address);
assert.strictEqual(parseInt(ethFeeBalance, 10), parseInt(ethFeeBalanceBefore, 10) + feeAmount, "Fee balance did not increase");
assert.strictEqual(parseInt(totalEthAfter, 10), parseInt(totalEthBefore, 10) + feeAmount + tradeAmount, "Total balance did not increase");
describe("Other operations", async () => {
it("Paused contract allows withdrawal by owner only on active escrows", async () => {
// Create
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(ethOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[1]});
created =;
const releasedEscrowId = created.returnValues.escrowId;
// Fund
receipt = await{from: accounts[0], value: tradeAmount + feeAmount});
await Escrow.methods.release(releasedEscrowId).send({from: accounts[0]});
// Create
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(ethOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[1]});
created =;
escrowId = created.returnValues.escrowId;
// Fund
receipt = await{from: accounts[0], value: tradeAmount + feeAmount});
await[0], tradeAmount + feeAmount).send();
const balanceBeforeCreation = await StandardToken.methods.balanceOf(accounts[0]).call();
const contractBalanceBeforeCancelation = await StandardToken.methods.balanceOf(Escrow.options.address).call();
await StandardToken.methods.approve(Escrow.options.address, tradeAmount + feeAmount).send({from: accounts[0]});
// Create
hash = await MetadataStore.methods.getDataHash("U", "0x00").call({from: accounts[1]});
signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, accounts[1]);
nonce = await MetadataStore.methods.user_nonce(accounts[1]).call();
receipt = await Escrow.methods.create(tokenOfferId, tradeAmount, 140, "0x00", "L", "U", nonce, signature).send({from: accounts[1]});
created =;
escrowTokenId = created.returnValues.escrowId;
// Fund
receipt = await{from: accounts[0]});
try {
receipt = await Escrow.methods.withdraw_emergency(escrowTokenId).send({from: accounts[0]});'should have reverted before');
} catch (error) {
assert.strictEqual(error.message, "VM Exception while processing transaction: revert Contract must be paused");
receipt = await Escrow.methods.pause().send({from: accounts[0]});
const paused =;
assert(!!paused, "Paused() not triggered");
try {
receipt = await Escrow.methods.withdraw_emergency(releasedEscrowId).send({from: accounts[0]});'should have reverted before');
} catch (error) {
assert.strictEqual(error.message, "VM Exception while processing transaction: revert Cannot withdraw from escrow in a stage different from FUNDED. Open a case");
await Escrow.methods.withdraw_emergency(escrowId).send({from: accounts[0]});
let escrow = await Escrow.methods.transactions(escrowId).call();
assert.equal(escrow.status, ESCROW_CANCELED, "Should be canceled");
await Escrow.methods.withdraw_emergency(escrowTokenId).send({from: accounts[0]});
const balanceAfterCancelation = await StandardToken.methods.balanceOf(accounts[0]).call();
const contractBalanceAfterCancelation = await StandardToken.methods.balanceOf(Escrow.options.address).call();
assert.equal(contractBalanceAfterCancelation, contractBalanceBeforeCancelation, "Invalid contract balance");
assert.equal(balanceBeforeCreation, balanceAfterCancelation, "Invalid seller balance");