added team section

This commit is contained in:
Andrei Mironov 2017-03-23 15:16:26 +02:00
parent 1fa5a6fd10
commit 33abf4ba3d
29 changed files with 459 additions and 171 deletions

View File

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src/img/new-site/andrey.png Normal file

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@ -1 +1 @@
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@ -1 +1 @@
<svg width="551" height="1126" viewBox="0 0 551 1126" xmlns=""><title>phone_new</title><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M460.174 1a87.8 87.8 0 0 1 4.535.117c12.37.636 24.145.021 36.21 3.609 11.814 3.513 22.91 9.889 30.908 19.408 11.317 13.47 15.428 31.587 15.444 49.62-.001 1.732-.114 963.719 0 964.082-.64 19.362-1.576 40.667-11.998 57.456-7.262 11.699-18.747 20.522-31.949 24.4-12.353 3.63-25.297 4.976-39.381 5.228-1.25.053-2.506.08-3.769.08H87.748c-13.581 0-28.206-1.144-41.263-5.003-17.112-5.058-30.799-16.173-37.938-32.708-3.427-7.938-5.798-15.507-6.673-24.948-.874-9.442-.755-16.66-.874-25.208 0 0 .129-956.132 0-958.107.045-1.574 0-3.292 0-5.272 0-18.26 3.927-36.7 15.662-50.256 7.32-8.457 17.19-14.51 27.783-18.063 12.879-4.32 25.44-3.63 38.733-4.317A88.347 88.347 0 0 1 87.748 1h372.426z" stroke="#D2D7DB" stroke-width="2" fill="#F6F8F9"/><path d="M547.271 368.21h1.865c1.03 0 1.864.694 1.864 1.554v65.861c0 .859-.828 1.554-1.864 1.554h-1.865v-68.968zm0 98.793h1.865c1.03 0 1.864.706 1.864 1.577v84.455c0 .871-.828 1.577-1.864 1.577h-1.865v-87.609z" fill="#CCD1D5"/><path d="M212.898 60.124c0-3.313 2.489-6 5.545-6h182.91c3.063 0 5.545 2.693 5.545 6 0 3.314-2.488 6-5.545 6h-182.91c-3.062 0-5.545-2.693-5.545-6zm-73 0c0-3.313 2.693-6 6-6 3.314 0 6 2.693 6 6 0 3.314-2.693 6-6 6-3.313 0-6-2.693-6-6zM179.983 1070.42c0-3.314 2.498-6 5.576-6h176.849c3.079 0 5.575 2.693 5.575 6 0 3.313-2.498 6-5.575 6h-176.85c-3.079 0-5.575-2.693-5.575-6z" stroke="#D2D7DB" stroke-width="2" fill="#EEF2F5"/></g></svg>
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@ -323,6 +323,82 @@
<div class="slide slide--five">
<div class="slide__inner">
<div class="slide__header slide__header--inversed">
<h2 class="slide__title">A Community Driven Project</h2>
<p class="slide__description">Status is built together with its users. Were completely open source and anyone is free to contribute. Together we can shape the future of Status, and facilitate the transition to a more open internet.</p>
<div class="slide__bg-image">
<div class="slide__bg-icon">
<div class="slide__bg-icon-inner"></div>
<div class="contributors">
<h5 class="contributors__title">Core contributors</h5>
<ul class="contributors__list">
<li class="contributor contributor--carl">
<div class="contributor__pic"></div>
<div class="contributor__info">
<div class="contributor__info__name">Carl</div>
<div class="contributor__info__position">Co-founder</div>
<li class="contributor contributor--jarrad">
<div class="contributor__pic"></div>
<div class="contributor__info">
<div class="contributor__info__name">Jarrad</div>
<div class="contributor__info__position">Co-founder</div>
<li class="contributor contributor--roman">
<div class="contributor__pic"></div>
<div class="contributor__info">
<div class="contributor__info__name">Roman</div>
<div class="contributor__info__position">Lead Clojure</div>
<li class="contributor contributor--victor">
<div class="contributor__pic"></div>
<div class="contributor__info">
<div class="contributor__info__name">Victor</div>
<div class="contributor__info__position">Go</div>
<li class="contributor contributor--alexander">
<div class="contributor__pic"></div>
<div class="contributor__info">
<div class="contributor__info__name">Alexander</div>
<div class="contributor__info__position">Clojure</div>
<li class="contributor contributor--andrey">
<div class="contributor__pic"></div>
<div class="contributor__info">
<div class="contributor__info__name">Andrey</div>
<div class="contributor__info__position">Clojure</div>
<li class="contributor contributor--gustavo">
<div class="contributor__pic"></div>
<div class="contributor__info">
<div class="contributor__info__name">Gustavo</div>
<div class="contributor__info__position">Clojure</div>
<li class="contributor contributor--andrei">
<div class="contributor__pic"></div>
<div class="contributor__info">
<div class="contributor__info__name">Andrey</div>
<div class="contributor__info__position">Design</div>
<div class="slide slide--four">
<div class="slide__inner">
<div class="slide__header">

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@ -12,5 +12,6 @@
@import "slide--two";
@import "slide--three";
@import "slide--four";
@import "slide--five";
@import "footer";

src/scss/slide--five.scss Normal file
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