yenda f98e013cff
fix login after logout when opening app from a notification
moves most of the fx that are suppose to happen only at app startup
to an init/start-app fn so that init/initialize-app which is also
called after logout doesn't repeat unecessary fxs
2018-10-17 17:24:34 +03:00

170 lines
6.3 KiB

(ns status-im.notifications.core
(:require [goog.object :as object]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[status-im.react-native.js-dependencies :as rn]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[status-im.accounts.login.core :as accounts.login]
[ :as chat-model]
[status-im.utils.platform :as platform]
[status-im.utils.fx :as fx]))
;; Work in progress namespace responsible for push notifications and interacting
;; with Firebase Cloud Messaging.
(when-not platform/desktop?
(def firebase (object/get rn/react-native-firebase "default")))
;; NOTE: Only need to explicitly request permissions on iOS.
(defn request-permissions []
(if platform/desktop?
(re-frame/dispatch [:notifications.callback/request-notifications-permissions-granted {}])
(-> (.requestPermission (.messaging firebase))
(fn [_]
(log/debug "notifications-granted")
(re-frame/dispatch [:notifications.callback/request-notifications-permissions-granted {}]))
(fn [_]
(log/debug "notifications-denied")
(re-frame/dispatch [:notifications.callback/request-notifications-permissions-denied {}]))))))
(when-not platform/desktop?
(defn get-fcm-token []
(-> (.getToken (.messaging firebase))
(.then (fn [x]
(log/debug "get-fcm-token: " x)
(re-frame/dispatch [:notifications.callback/get-fcm-token-success x])))))
(defn on-refresh-fcm-token []
(.onTokenRefresh (.messaging firebase)
(fn [x]
(log/debug "on-refresh-fcm-token: " x)
(re-frame/dispatch [:notifications.callback/get-fcm-token-success x]))))
;; TODO(oskarth): Only called in background on iOS right now.
;; NOTE(oskarth): Hardcoded data keys :sum and :msg in status-go right now.
(defn on-notification []
(.onNotification (.notifications firebase)
(fn [event-js]
(let [event (js->clj event-js :keywordize-keys true)
data (select-keys event [:sum :msg])
aps (:aps event)]
(log/debug "on-notification event: " (pr-str event))
(log/debug "on-notification aps: " (pr-str aps))
(log/debug "on-notification data: " (pr-str data))))))
(def channel-id "status-im")
(def channel-name "Status")
(def sound-name "message.wav")
(def group-id "im.status.ethereum.MESSAGE")
(def icon "ic_stat_status_notification")
(defn create-notification-channel []
(let [channel (firebase.notifications.Android.Channel. channel-id
(.setSound channel sound-name)
(.setShowBadge channel true)
(.enableVibration channel true)
(.. firebase
(createChannel channel)
(then #(log/debug "Notification channel created:" channel-id)
#(log/error "Notification channel creation error:" channel-id %)))))
(fx/defn handle-push-notification
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} {:keys [from to] :as event}]
(let [current-public-key (get-in cofx [:db :current-public-key])]
(if (= to current-public-key)
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (update db :push-notifications/stored dissoc to)}
(chat-model/navigate-to-chat from nil))
{:db (assoc-in db [:push-notifications/stored to] from)})))
(defn parse-notification-payload [s]
(js/JSON.parse s)
(catch :default _
#js {})))
(defn handle-notification-event [event]
(let [msg (object/get (.. event -notification -data) "msg")
data (parse-notification-payload msg)
from (object/get data "from")
to (object/get data "to")]
(log/debug "on notification" (pr-str msg))
(when (and from to)
(re-frame/dispatch [:notifications/notification-event-received {:from from
:to to}]))))
(defn handle-initial-push-notification
(.. firebase
(then (fn [event]
(when event
(handle-notification-event event))))))
(defn on-notification-opened []
(.. firebase
(onNotificationOpened handle-notification-event)))
(defn init []
(when platform/android?
(defn display-notification [{:keys [title body from to]}]
(let [notification (firebase.notifications.Notification.)]
(.. notification
(setTitle title)
(setBody body)
(setData (js/JSON.stringify #js {:from from
:to to}))
(setSound sound-name)
(-android.setChannelId channel-id)
(-android.setAutoCancel true)
(-android.setPriority firebase.notifications.Android.Priority.Max)
(-android.setGroup group-id)
(-android.setGroupSummary true)
(-android.setSmallIcon icon))
(.. firebase
(displayNotification notification)
(then #(log/debug "Display Notification" title body))
(then #(log/debug "Display Notification error" title body))))))
(fx/defn process-stored-event [cofx address]
(when-not platform/desktop?
(let [to (get-in cofx [:db :accounts/accounts address :public-key])
from (get-in cofx [:db :push-notifications/stored to])]
(when from
(handle-push-notification cofx
{:from from
:to to})))))
(fn [_]
(when platform/mobile?
(fn [_]