Igor Mandrigin d2d8e43535
Ignore Desktop builds for release.
Currently, we don't release desktop betas and it isn't given that the
release schedule will be synchronized. So, for simplicity of support,
let's not build desktop against release branches.

Signed-off-by: Jakub Sokołowski <>
2018-09-04 11:24:44 -04:00

164 lines
4.3 KiB

def version() {
return readFile("${env.WORKSPACE}/VERSION").trim()
def getBuildType() {
def jobName = env.JOB_NAME
if (jobName.startsWith('status-react/pull requests')) {
return 'pr'
if (jobName.startsWith('status-react/nightly')) {
return 'nightly'
if (jobName.startsWith('status-react/release')) {
return 'release'
return params.BUILD_TYPE
def buildBranch(name = null, buildType) {
/* need to drop origin/ to match definitions of child jobs */
def branchName = env.GIT_BRANCH.replace('origin/', '')
/* always pass the BRANCH and BUILD_TYPE params with current branch */
def b = build(
job: name,
/* this allows us to analize the job even after failure */
propagate: false,
parameters: [
[name: 'BRANCH', value: branchName, $class: 'StringParameterValue'],
[name: 'BUILD_TYPE', value: buildType, $class: 'StringParameterValue'],
/* BlueOcean seems to not show child-build links */
print "Build: ${b.getAbsoluteUrl()} (${b.result})"
if (b.result != 'SUCCESS') {
error("Build Failed")
return b
def copyArts(projectName, buildNo) {
projectName: projectName,
target: 'pkg',
flatten: true,
selector: specific("${buildNo}")
def installJSDeps(platform) {
def attempt = 1
def maxAttempts = 10
def installed = false
/* prepare environment for specific platform build */
sh "scripts/ ${platform}"
while (!installed && attempt <= maxAttempts) {
println "#${attempt} attempt to install npm deps"
sh 'npm install'
installed = fileExists('node_modules/web3/index.js')
attemp = attempt + 1
def doGitRebase() {
try {
sh 'git rebase origin/develop'
} catch (e) {
sh 'git rebase --abort'
throw e
def tagBuild(increment = false) {
def opts = (increment ? '--increment' : '')
$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
credentialsId: 'status-im-auto',
usernameVariable: 'GIT_USER',
passwordVariable: 'GIT_PASS'
]]) {
return sh(
returnStdout: true,
script: "./scripts/ ${opts}"
def getDirPath(path) {
return path.tokenize('/')[0..-2].join('/')
def getFilename(path) {
return path.tokenize('/')[-1]
def uploadArtifact(path) {
/* defaults for upload */
def domain = ''
def bucket = 'status-im'
credentialsId: 'digital-ocean-access-keys',
usernameVariable: 'DO_ACCESS_KEY',
passwordVariable: 'DO_SECRET_KEY'
)]) {
sh """
s3cmd \\
--acl-public \\
--host='${domain}' \\
--host-bucket='%(bucket)s.${domain}' \\
--access_key=${DO_ACCESS_KEY} \\
--secret_key=${DO_SECRET_KEY} \\
put ${path} s3://${bucket}/
return "https://${bucket}.${domain}/${getFilename(path)}"
def timestamp() {
def now = new Date(currentBuild.timeInMillis)
return now.format('yyMMdd-HHmmss', TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))
def gitCommit() {
return GIT_COMMIT.take(6)
def pkgFilename(type, ext) {
return "StatusIm-${timestamp()}-${gitCommit()}-${type}.${ext}"
def githubNotify(apkUrl, e2eUrl, ipaUrl, dmgUrl, appUrl, changeId) {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'GIT_HUB_TOKEN', variable: 'githubToken')]) {
def message = (
"#### :white_check_mark: CI BUILD SUCCESSFUL\\n" +
"Jenkins job: [${currentBuild.displayName}](${currentBuild.absoluteUrl})\\n"+
"##### Mobile\\n" +
"* [Android](${apkUrl}), ([e2e](${e2eUrl}))\\n" +
"* [iOS](${ipaUrl})\\n")
if (dmgUrl != null && appUrl != null) {
message = message +
"##### Desktop\\n" +
"* [MacOS](${dmgUrl})\\n" +
"* [AppImage](${appUrl})"
def script = (
"curl "+
"-u status-im:${githubToken} " +
"-H 'Content-Type: application/json' " +
"--data '{\"body\": \"${message}\"}' " +
def ghOutput = sh(returnStdout: true, script: script)
println("Result of github comment curl: " + ghOutput);
def getParentRunEnv(name) {
def c = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(hudson.model.Cause$UpstreamCause)
if (c == null) { return null }
return c.getUpstreamRun().getEnvironment()[name]
return this