Icaro Motta 225e3b1c2f
DX: Preload user and dev.user namespace (#19927)
Preload the user namespace (src/user.cljs and src/dev/user.cljs) for the mobile
target and for dev-only purposes. The files are git-ignored.

Just a reminder that you'll be responsible for making sure your user namespace
is correct. If it's broken in any way (e.g. calling non-existent code) the app
will crash at initialization (dev-only environment obviously).

Why? When the app initializes, it loads namespaces that were required at least
once. If you create a user namespace, it won't be automatically required for
you. And if you, like some Clojure devs, like to use the user namespace as
your safe heaven for experimentation and dev-only utilities, you'll need to
remember to evaluate the namespace at least once.

This is tedious and many times I forgot to do so and the app crashed because the
compiler didn't know where the symbols were coming from.
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