mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 21:07:21 +00:00
The linter would fail if there were removed files, as it would try to lint them but would not find them. Similarly, untracked files would not be linted. This commit changes the behavior so that untracked files are linted and removed files are ignored, that way we can run it before committing if there are unstaged changes that include removed/untracked files.
404 lines
15 KiB
404 lines
15 KiB
.PHONY: nix-add-gcroots clean nix-clean run-metro test release _list _fix-node-perms _tmpdir-rm
help: SHELL := /bin/sh
help: ##@other Show this help
@perl -e '$(HELP_FUN)' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
# This is a code for automatic help generator.
# It supports ANSI colors and categories.
# To add new item into help output, simply add comments
# starting with '##'. To add category, use @category.
GREEN := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 2)
RED := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 1)
WHITE := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 7)
YELLOW := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 3)
RESET := $(shell tput -Txterm sgr0)
%help; \
while(<>) { push @{$$help{$$2 // 'options'}}, [$$1, $$3] if /^([a-zA-Z\-]+)\s*:.*\#\#(?:@([a-zA-Z\-]+))?\s(.*)$$/ }; \
print "Usage: make [target]\n\nSee STARTING_GUIDE.md for more info.\n\n"; \
for (sort keys %help) { \
print "${WHITE}$$_:${RESET}\n"; \
for (@{$$help{$$_}}) { \
$$sep = " " x (32 - length $$_->[0]); \
print " ${YELLOW}$$_->[0]${RESET}$$sep${GREEN}$$_->[1]${RESET}\n"; \
}; \
print "\n"; \
HOST_OS := $(shell uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
# This can come from Jenkins
ifndef BUILD_TAG
export BUILD_TAG := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
# We don't want to use /run/user/$UID because it runs out of space too easilly.
export TMPDIR = /tmp/tmp-status-mobile-$(BUILD_TAG)
# This has to be specified for both the Node.JS server process and the Qt process.
export REACT_SERVER_PORT ?= 5001
export NODE_OPTIONS += --openssl-legacy-provider
# The path can be anything, but home is usually safest.
export KEYSTORE_PATH ?= $(HOME)/.gradle/status-im.keystore
# Our custom config is located in nix/nix.conf
export NIX_CONF_DIR = $(PWD)/nix
# Location of symlinks to derivations that should not be garbage collected
export _NIX_GCROOTS = /nix/var/nix/gcroots/per-user/$(USER)/status-mobile
# Defines which variables will be kept for Nix pure shell, use semicolon as divider
# Useful for Android release builds
TMP_BUILD_NUMBER := $(shell ./scripts/version/gen_build_no.sh | cut -c1-10)
# MacOS root is read-only, read nix/README.md for details
UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)
ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin)
# Nix targets
# WARNING: This has to be located right before all the targets.
SHELL := ./nix/scripts/shell.sh
shell: export TARGET ?= default
shell: ##@prepare Enter into a pre-configured shell
@echo "${YELLOW}Nix shell is already active$(RESET)"
nix-repl: SHELL := /bin/sh
nix-repl: ##@nix Start an interactive Nix REPL
nix repl default.nix
nix-gc-protected: SHELL := /bin/sh
@echo -e "$(YELLOW)The following paths are protected:$(RESET)" && \
ls -1 $(_NIX_GCROOTS) | sed 's/^/ - /'
nix-gc: export TARGET := nix
nix-gc: nix-gc-protected ##@nix Garbage collect all packages older than 20 days from /nix/store
nix-store --gc
nix-clean: export TARGET := default
nix-clean: ##@nix Remove all status-mobile build artifacts from /nix/store
nix-purge: SHELL := /bin/sh
nix-purge: ##@nix Completely remove Nix setup, including /nix directory
nix-update-gradle: export TARGET := gradle
nix-update-gradle: ##@nix Update maven nix expressions based on current gradle setup
nix-update-clojure: export TARGET := clojure
nix-update-clojure: ##@nix Update maven Nix expressions based on current clojure setup
nix-update-gems: export TARGET := default
nix-update-gems: ##@nix Update Ruby gems in fastlane/Gemfile.lock and fastlane/gemset.nix
nix-update-pods: export TARGET := ios
nix-update-pods: ##@nix Update CocoaPods in ios/Podfile.lock
cd ios && pod update
# General targets
_fix-node-perms: SHELL := /bin/sh
_fix-node-perms: ##@prepare Fix permissions so that directory can be cleaned
$(shell test -d node_modules && chmod -R 744 node_modules)
$(shell test -d node_modules.tmp && chmod -R 744 node_modules.tmp)
$(TMPDIR): SHELL := /bin/sh
$(TMPDIR): ##@prepare Create a TMPDIR for temporary files
@mkdir -p "$(TMPDIR)"
# Make sure TMPDIR exists every time make is called
_tmpdir-mk: $(TMPDIR)
-include _tmpdir-mk
_tmpdir-rm: SHELL := /bin/sh
_tmpdir-rm: ##@prepare Remove TMPDIR
rm -fr "$(TMPDIR)"
_install-hooks: SHELL := /bin/sh
_install-hooks: ##@prepare Create prepare-commit-msg git hook symlink
@ln -s -f ../../scripts/hooks/prepare-commit-msg .git/hooks
-include _install-hooks
# Remove directories and ignored files
clean: SHELL := /bin/sh
clean: _fix-node-perms _tmpdir-rm ##@prepare Remove all output folders
git clean -dXf
# Remove directories, ignored and non-ignored files
purge: SHELL := /bin/sh
purge: _fix-node-perms _tmpdir-rm ##@prepare Remove all output folders
git clean -dxf
watchman-clean: export TARGET := watchman
watchman-clean: ##@prepare Delete repo directory from watchman
watchman watch-del $${STATUS_MOBILE_HOME}
pod-install: export TARGET := ios
pod-install: ##@prepare Run 'pod install' to install podfiles and update Podfile.lock
cd ios && pod install; cd --
update-fleets: ##@prepare Download up-to-date JSON file with current fleets state
curl -s https://fleets.status.im/ \
| sed 's/"warning": "/"warning": "DO NOT EDIT! /' \
> resources/config/fleets.json
$(KEYSTORE_PATH): export TARGET := keytool
keystore: $(KEYSTORE_PATH) ##@prepare Generate a Keystore for signing Android APKs
fdroid-max-watches: SHELL := /bin/sh
fdroid-max-watches: ##@prepare Bump max_user_watches to avoid ENOSPC errors
sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288
fdroid-nix-dir: SHELL := /bin/sh
fdroid-nix-dir: ##@prepare Create /nix directory for F-Droid Vagrant builders
mkdir -m 0755 /nix
chown vagrant /nix
fdroid-fix-tmp: SHELL := /bin/sh
fdroid-fix-tmp: ##@prepare Fix TMPDIR permissions so Vagrant user is the owner
chown -R vagrant "$(TMPDIR)"
fdroid-build-env: fdroid-max-watches fdroid-nix-dir fdroid-fix-tmp ##@prepare Setup build environment for F-Droud build
fdroid-pr: export TARGET := android-sdk
fdroid-pr: ##@prepare Create F-Droid release PR
ifndef APK
$(error APK env var not defined)
scripts/fdroid-pr.sh "$(APK)"
xcode-clean: SHELL := /bin/sh
xcode-clean: XCODE_HOME := $(HOME)/Library/Developer/Xcode
xcode-clean: ##@prepare Clean XCode derived data and archives
rm -fr $(XCODE_HOME)/DerivedData/StatusIm-* $(XCODE_HOME)/Archives/*/StatusIm*
# Release builds
release: release-android release-ios ##@build Build release for Android and iOS
build-fdroid: export BUILD_ENV = prod
build-fdroid: export BUILD_TYPE = release
build-fdroid: export ANDROID_ABI_SPLIT = false
build-fdroid: export ANDROID_ABI_INCLUDE = armeabi-v7a;arm64-v8a;x86;x86_64
build-fdroid: ##@build Build release for F-Droid
build-android: export BUILD_ENV ?= prod
build-android: export BUILD_TYPE ?= nightly
build-android: export BUILD_NUMBER ?= $(TMP_BUILD_NUMBER)
build-android: export ANDROID_ABI_SPLIT ?= false
build-android: export ANDROID_ABI_INCLUDE ?= armeabi-v7a;arm64-v8a;x86
build-android: ##@build Build unsigned Android APK
release-android: export TARGET := keytool
release-android: export KEYSTORE_PATH ?= $(HOME)/.gradle/status-im.keystore
release-android: keystore build-android ##@build Build signed Android APK
@scripts/sign-android.sh result/app-release-unsigned.apk
release-ios: export TARGET := ios
release-ios: export BUILD_ENV ?= prod
release-ios: watchman-clean ##@build Build release for iOS release
@git clean -dxf -f target/ios && \
$(MAKE) jsbundle-ios && \
xcodebuild -workspace ios/StatusIm.xcworkspace -scheme StatusIm -configuration Release -destination 'generic/platform=iOS' -UseModernBuildSystem=N clean archive
jsbundle-android: SHELL := /bin/sh
jsbundle-android: export TARGET := android
jsbundle-android: export BUILD_ENV ?= prod
jsbundle-android: ##@jsbundle Compile JavaScript and Clojurescript into app directory
# Call nix-build to build the 'targets.mobile.android.jsbundle' attribute and copy the.js files to the project root
nix/scripts/build.sh targets.mobile.android.jsbundle && \
mv result/*.js ./
jsbundle-ios: export TARGET := ios
jsbundle-ios: export BUILD_ENV ?= prod
jsbundle-ios: ##@jsbundle Compile JavaScript and Clojure into index.ios.js
yarn shadow-cljs release mobile
# status-go lib
status-go-android: SHELL := /bin/sh
status-go-android: ##@status-go Compile status-go for Android app
nix/scripts/build.sh targets.status-go.mobile.android
status-go-ios: SHELL := /bin/sh
status-go-ios: ##@status-go Compile status-go for iOS app
nix/scripts/build.sh targets.status-go.mobile.ios
status-go-library: SHELL := /bin/sh
status-go-library: ##@status-go Compile status-go for node-js
nix/scripts/build.sh targets.status-go.library
# Watch, Build & Review changes
run-clojure: export TARGET := clojure
run-clojure: ##@run Watch for and build Clojure changes for mobile
yarn shadow-cljs watch mobile
run-metro: export TARGET := clojure
run-metro: ##@run Start Metro to build React Native changes
run-re-frisk: export TARGET := clojure
run-re-frisk: ##@run Start re-frisk server
yarn shadow-cljs run re-frisk-remote.core/start
# TODO: Migrate this to a Nix recipe, much the same way as nix/mobile/android/targets/release-android.nix
run-android: export TARGET := android
run-android: ##@run Build Android APK and start it on the device
npx react-native run-android --appIdSuffix debug
run-ios: export TARGET := ios
run-ios: ##@run Build iOS app and start it in a simulator/device
ifneq ("$(SIMULATOR)", "")
npx react-native run-ios --simulator="$(SIMULATOR)"
npx react-native run-ios
# Tests
# Get all clojure files, including untracked, excluding removed
define find_all_clojure_files
$$(comm -23 <(sort <(git ls-files --cached --others --exclude-standard)) <(sort <(git ls-files --deleted)) | grep -e \.clj$$ -e \.cljs$$ -e \.cljc$$ -e \.edn)
lint: export TARGET := default
lint: ##@test Run code style checks
@sh scripts/lint-re-frame-in-quo-components.sh && \
clj-kondo --config .clj-kondo/config.edn --cache false --lint src && \
ALL_CLOJURE_FILES=$(call find_all_clojure_files) && \
zprint '{:search-config? true}' -sfc $$ALL_CLOJURE_FILES
# NOTE: We run the linter twice because of https://github.com/kkinnear/zprint/issues/271
lint-fix: export TARGET := default
lint-fix: ##@test Run code style checks and fix issues
ALL_CLOJURE_FILES=$(call find_all_clojure_files) && \
zprint '{:search-config? true}' -sw $$ALL_CLOJURE_FILES && \
zprint '{:search-config? true}' -sw $$ALL_CLOJURE_FILES
shadow-server: export TARGET := clojure
shadow-server:##@ Start shadow-cljs in server mode for watching
yarn shadow-cljs server
test-watch: export TARGET := clojure
test-watch: ##@ Watch tests and re-run no changes to cljs files
yarn install
nodemon --exec 'yarn shadow-cljs compile mocks && yarn shadow-cljs compile test && node --require ./test-resources/override.js target/test/test.js' -e cljs
test-watch-for-repl: export TARGET := clojure
test-watch-for-repl: ##@ Watch tests and support REPL connections
yarn install
rm -f target/test/test.js
concurrently --kill-others --prefix-colors 'auto' --names 'build,repl' \
'yarn shadow-cljs compile mocks && yarn shadow-cljs watch test --verbose' \
'until [ -f ./target/test/test.js ] ; do sleep 1 ; done ; node --require ./test-resources/override.js ./target/test/test.js --repl'
test: export TARGET := clojure
test: ##@test Run tests once in NodeJS
# Here we create the gyp bindings for nodejs
yarn install
yarn shadow-cljs compile mocks && \
yarn shadow-cljs compile test && \
node --require ./test-resources/override.js target/test/test.js
run-visual-test-ios: export TARGET := clojure
run-visual-test-ios: XCODE_DERIVED_DATA := $(HOME)/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
run-visual-test-ios: APPLICATION_NAME := StatusIm-brfnruzfrkkycpbndmdoeyrigthc
run-visual-test-ios: export TEST_BINARY_PATH := $(XCODE_DERIVED_DATA)/$(APPLICATION_NAME)/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/StatusIm.app
run-visual-test-ios: ##@test Run tests once in NodeJS
detox test --configuration ios.sim.debug
component-test-watch: export TARGET := clojure
component-test-watch: export COMPONENT_TEST := true
component-test-watch: export BABEL_ENV := test
component-test-watch: ##@ Watch tests and re-run no changes to cljs files
yarn install
nodemon --exec 'yarn shadow-cljs compile component-test && jest --config=test/jest/jest.config.js' -e cljs
component-test: export TARGET := clojure
component-test: export COMPONENT_TEST := true
component-test: export BABEL_ENV := test
component-test: ##@test Run tests once in NodeJS
# Here we create the gyp bindings for nodejs
yarn install
yarn shadow-cljs compile component-test && \
jest --config=test/jest/jest.config.js
# Other
geth-connect: export TARGET := android-sdk
geth-connect: ##@other Connect to Geth on the device
adb forward tcp:8545 tcp:8545 && \
build/bin/geth attach http://localhost:8545
android-clean: export TARGET := gradle
android-clean: ##@prepare Clean Gradle state
git clean -dxf -f ./android/app/build; \
[[ -d android/.gradle ]] && cd android && ./gradlew clean
android-ports: export TARGET := android-sdk
android-ports: ##@other Add proxies to Android Device/Simulator
adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 && \
adb reverse tcp:3449 tcp:3449 && \
adb reverse tcp:4567 tcp:4567 && \
adb forward tcp:5561 tcp:5561
android-devices: export TARGET := android-sdk
android-devices: ##@other Invoke adb devices
adb devices
android-logcat: export TARGET := android-sdk
android-logcat: ##@other Read status-mobile logs from Android phone using adb
adb logcat | grep -e RNBootstrap -e ReactNativeJS -e ReactNative -e StatusModule -e StatusNativeLogs -e 'F DEBUG :' -e 'Go :' -e 'GoLog :' -e 'libc :'
android-install: export TARGET := android-sdk
android-install: export BUILD_TYPE ?= release
android-install: ##@other Install APK on device using adb
adb install result/app-$(BUILD_TYPE).apk
_list: SHELL := /bin/sh
@$(MAKE) -pRrq -f $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) : 2>/dev/null | awk -v RS= -F: '/^# File/,/^# Finished Make data base/ {if ($$1 !~ "^[#.]") {print $$1}}' | sort | egrep -v -e '^[^[:alnum:]]' -e '^$@$$'
repl-clojure: export TARGET := clojure
repl-clojure: ##@repl Start Clojure repl for mobile App
yarn shadow-cljs cljs-repl mobile
repl-nix: nix-repl ##@repl Start an interactive Nix REPL