Jakub Sokołowski c97559793c
nix: upgrade nixpkgs to latest nixos-22.11
Notable upgrades:

* Bash `5.1` to `5.2`
* Git `2.37.3` to `2.40.1`
* Curl `7.85.0` to `8.0.1`
* OpenSSL `3.0.5` to `3.0.8`
* Go `1.18.6` to `1.18.9`
* NodeJS `18.9.1` to `18.16.0`
* Java `1.8.0_322` to `11.0.11`
* Ruby `3.1.2` to `3.1.4`
* Python `2.7.18` to `3.10.11`
* Clojure `` to ``
* Clj-kondo `v2022.10.05` to `v2023.04.14`
* Zprint `1.2.5` to `1.2.6`
* Bundler `2.3.22` to `2.4.13`
* Gradle `6.9.2` to `6.9.4`
* Android Platform Tools `33.0.2` to `33.0.3`
* Android SDK Tools to Android SDK Command-Line Tools


* Zprint since the version in `nixpkgs` was newer than in overlay.
* Xcode wrapper definition was removed since my fixes were merged:

Signed-off-by: Jakub Sokołowski <>
2023-06-20 12:53:06 +02:00

42 lines
1.1 KiB

# Defines the default shell that is used when target is not specified.
# It is also merged with all the other shells for a complete set of tools.
{ config ? {}
, pkgs ? import ./pkgs.nix { inherit config; } }:
inherit (pkgs) mkShell;
in mkShell {
name = "status-mobile-shell"; # for identifying all shells
buildInputs = with pkgs; lib.unique ([
# core utilities that should always be present in a shell
bash curl wget file unzip flock procps
git gnumake jq ncurses gnugrep parallel
lsof # used in
# build specific utilities
clojure maven watchman
# lint specific utilities
clj-kondo zprint
# other nice to have stuff
yarn nodejs python310
] # and some special cases
++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ cocoapods clang tcl ]
++ lib.optionals (!stdenv.isDarwin) [ gcc8 ]
# avoid terminal issues
# default locale
# just a nicety for easy access to node scripts
shellHook = ''
export STATUS_MOBILE_HOME=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
export PATH="$STATUS_MOBILE_HOME/node_modules/.bin:$PATH"