Audrius Molis addaeba706 Added password validation for Restore Access flow #1224
Added password validation for Restore Access flow #1224
2017-12-06 16:16:42 +01:00

91 lines
3.9 KiB

(ns status-im.constants
(:require [status-im.i18n :as i18n]
[status-im.utils.ethereum.core :as ethereum]
[status-im.utils.types :as types]
[status-im.utils.config :as config]))
(def ethereum-rpc-url "http://localhost:8545")
(def server-address "")
;; (def server-address "")
;; (def server-address "http://localhost:3000/")
(def text-content-type "text/plain")
(def content-type-log-message "log-message")
(def content-type-command "command")
(def content-type-command-request "command-request")
(def content-type-wallet-command "wallet-command")
(def content-type-wallet-request "wallet-request")
(def content-type-status "status")
(def min-password-length 6)
(def max-chat-name-length 20)
(def response-suggesstion-resize-duration 100)
(def default-number-of-messages 20)
(def blocks-per-hour 120)
(def console-chat-id "console")
(def default-network "testnet_rpc")
(def default-wallet-transactions
{:type [{:id :inbound :label (i18n/label :t/incoming) :checked? true}
{:id :outbound :label (i18n/label :t/outgoing) :checked? true}
{:id :pending :label (i18n/label :t/pending) :checked? true}
;; TODO(jeluard) Restore once we support postponing transaction
{:id :postponed :label (i18n/label :t/postponed) :checked? true}]}})
(defn- transform-config [networks]
(->> networks
(map (fn [[network-name {:keys [config] :as data}]]
[network-name (assoc data
:config (types/clj->json config)
:raw-config config)]))
(into {})))
(def mainnet-networks
{"mainnet" {:id "mainnet",
:name "Mainnet",
:config {:NetworkId (ethereum/chain-id :mainnet)
:DataDir "/ethereum/mainnet"}}
"mainnet_rpc" {:id "mainnet_rpc",
:name "Mainnet with upstream RPC",
:config {:NetworkId (ethereum/chain-id :mainnet)
:DataDir "/ethereum/mainnet_rpc"
:UpstreamConfig {:Enabled true
:URL ""}}}})
(def testnet-networks
{"testnet" {:id "testnet",
:name "Ropsten",
:config {:NetworkId (ethereum/chain-id :ropsten)
:DataDir "/ethereum/testnet"}}
"testnet_rpc" {:id "testnet_rpc",
:name "Ropsten with upstream RPC",
:config {:NetworkId (ethereum/chain-id :ropsten)
:DataDir "/ethereum/testnet_rpc"
:UpstreamConfig {:Enabled true
:URL ""}}}
"rinkeby" {:id "rinkeby",
:name "Rinkeby",
:config {:NetworkId (ethereum/chain-id :rinkeby)
:DataDir "/ethereum/rinkeby"}}
"rinkeby_rpc" {:id "rinkeby_rpc",
:name "Rinkeby with upstream RPC",
:config {:NetworkId (ethereum/chain-id :rinkeby)
:DataDir "/ethereum/rinkeby_rpc"
:UpstreamConfig {:Enabled true
:URL ""}}}})
(def default-networks
(merge testnet-networks
(when config/mainnet-networks-enabled? mainnet-networks))))
(def ^:const send-transaction-no-error-code "0")
(def ^:const send-transaction-default-error-code "1")
(def ^:const send-transaction-password-error-code "2")
(def ^:const send-transaction-timeout-error-code "3")
(def ^:const send-transaction-discarded-error-code "4")