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synced 2025-02-03 22:56:19 +00:00
Problem: failed equality checks as in "(is (= expected actual))" will give a single, long line of output that for anything but the simplest data structures is unreadable by humans, and the output doesn't give a useful diff. Solution: use library https://github.com/nubank/matcher-combinators and its test directive "match?" which will pinpoint where two data structures differ. Then, instead of "(is (= ...", use "(is (match? expected actual)". It works beautifully. The library offers other nice matchers, but the majority of the time match? is sufficient. Can we use another test runner like Kaocha? kaocha-cljs2 (https://github.com/lambdaisland/kaocha-cljs2) would be able to print better test errors out of the box, among other features, but I have no clue if it would work well or at all in our stack (in theory yes, but it's a larger piece of work).
84 lines
5.7 KiB
84 lines
5.7 KiB
{:config-paths ["status-im"]
:lint-as {status-im.utils.views/defview clojure.core/defn
status-im.utils.views/letsubs clojure.core/let
reagent.core/with-let clojure.core/let
status-im.utils.fx/defn clj-kondo.lint-as/def-catch-all
utils.re-frame/defn clj-kondo.lint-as/def-catch-all
quo.react/with-deps-check clojure.core/fn
quo.previews.preview/list-comp clojure.core/for
status-im.utils.styles/def clojure.core/def
status-im.utils.styles/defn clojure.core/defn
test-helpers.unit/deftest-sub clojure.core/defn
taoensso.tufte/defnp clojure.core/defn}
:linters {:case-duplicate-test {:level :error}
:case-quoted-test {:level :error}
:case-symbol-test {:level :error}
:clj-kondo-config {:level :error}
:cond-else {:level :error}
:consistent-alias {:level :error
:aliases {clojure.set set
clojure.string string
clojure.walk walk
malli.core malli
malli.dev.pretty malli.pretty
malli.dev.virhe malli.virhe
malli.error malli.error
malli.generator malli.generator
malli.transform malli.transform
malli.util malli.util
schema.core schema
taoensso.timbre log}}
:deprecated-namespace {:level :warning}
:docstring-blank {:level :error}
:equals-true {:level :error}
:inline-def {:level :error}
:invalid-arity {:skip-args [status-im.utils.fx/defn utils.re-frame/defn]}
:loop-without-recur {:level :error}
:minus-one {:level :error}
:misplaced-docstring {:level :error}
:missing-body-in-when {:level :error}
:missing-clause-in-try {:level :error}
:missing-else-branch {:level :error}
:not-empty? {:level :error}
:plus-one {:level :error}
:redundant-do {:level :error}
:redundant-let {:level :error}
:refer-all {:level :error}
:shadowed-var {:level :error
;; We temporarily use :include to define an
;; allowlist of core Clojure vars. In the
;; future, as we progressively fix shadowed
;; vars, we should be able to delete this
;; option and lint all vars.
:exclude [type name]}
:single-operand-comparison {:level :error}
:syntax {:level :error}
:unbound-destructuring-default {:level :error}
:uninitialized-var {:level :error}
:unknown-require-option {:level :error}
:unreachable-code {:level :error}
:unresolved-namespace {:level :error}
;; TODO remove number when this is fixed
;; https://github.com/borkdude/clj-kondo/issues/867
:unresolved-symbol {:exclude [PersistentPriorityMap.EMPTY
;; When the namespace
;; matcher-combinators.test is loaded, it
;; extends cljs.test/is macro with
;; directives `match?` and
;; `thrown-match?`.
:unresolved-var {:level :error}
:unsorted-required-namespaces {:level :error}
:unused-alias {:level :warning}
:unused-binding {:level :error}
:unused-import {:level :error}
:unused-namespace {:level :error}
:unused-private-var {:level :error}
:unused-referred-var {:level :error}
:use {:level :error}}
:config-in-ns {mocks.js-dependencies {:linters {:clojure-lsp/unused-public-var {:level :off}}}}}