Icaro Motta 563f1c588d
Improve test failure readability (#18049)
Problem: failed equality checks as in "(is (= expected actual))" will give a
single, long line of output that for anything but the simplest data structures
is unreadable by humans, and the output doesn't give a useful diff.

Solution: use library https://github.com/nubank/matcher-combinators and its test
directive "match?" which will pinpoint where two data structures differ. Then,
instead of "(is (= ...", use "(is (match? expected actual)". It works

The library offers other nice matchers, but the majority of the time match? is

Can we use another test runner like Kaocha? kaocha-cljs2
(https://github.com/lambdaisland/kaocha-cljs2) would be able to print better
test errors out of the box, among other features, but I have no clue if it would
work well or at all in our stack (in theory yes, but it's a larger piece of
2023-12-05 17:20:54 -03:00

84 lines
5.7 KiB

{:config-paths ["status-im"]
:lint-as {status-im.utils.views/defview clojure.core/defn
status-im.utils.views/letsubs clojure.core/let
reagent.core/with-let clojure.core/let
status-im.utils.fx/defn clj-kondo.lint-as/def-catch-all
utils.re-frame/defn clj-kondo.lint-as/def-catch-all
quo.react/with-deps-check clojure.core/fn
quo.previews.preview/list-comp clojure.core/for
status-im.utils.styles/def clojure.core/def
status-im.utils.styles/defn clojure.core/defn
test-helpers.unit/deftest-sub clojure.core/defn
taoensso.tufte/defnp clojure.core/defn}
:linters {:case-duplicate-test {:level :error}
:case-quoted-test {:level :error}
:case-symbol-test {:level :error}
:clj-kondo-config {:level :error}
:cond-else {:level :error}
:consistent-alias {:level :error
:aliases {clojure.set set
clojure.string string
clojure.walk walk
malli.core malli
malli.dev.pretty malli.pretty
malli.dev.virhe malli.virhe
malli.error malli.error
malli.generator malli.generator
malli.transform malli.transform
malli.util malli.util
schema.core schema
taoensso.timbre log}}
:deprecated-namespace {:level :warning}
:docstring-blank {:level :error}
:equals-true {:level :error}
:inline-def {:level :error}
:invalid-arity {:skip-args [status-im.utils.fx/defn utils.re-frame/defn]}
:loop-without-recur {:level :error}
:minus-one {:level :error}
:misplaced-docstring {:level :error}
:missing-body-in-when {:level :error}
:missing-clause-in-try {:level :error}
:missing-else-branch {:level :error}
:not-empty? {:level :error}
:plus-one {:level :error}
:redundant-do {:level :error}
:redundant-let {:level :error}
:refer-all {:level :error}
:shadowed-var {:level :error
;; We temporarily use :include to define an
;; allowlist of core Clojure vars. In the
;; future, as we progressively fix shadowed
;; vars, we should be able to delete this
;; option and lint all vars.
:exclude [type name]}
:single-operand-comparison {:level :error}
:syntax {:level :error}
:unbound-destructuring-default {:level :error}
:uninitialized-var {:level :error}
:unknown-require-option {:level :error}
:unreachable-code {:level :error}
:unresolved-namespace {:level :error}
;; TODO remove number when this is fixed
;; https://github.com/borkdude/clj-kondo/issues/867
:unresolved-symbol {:exclude [PersistentPriorityMap.EMPTY
;; When the namespace
;; matcher-combinators.test is loaded, it
;; extends cljs.test/is macro with
;; directives `match?` and
;; `thrown-match?`.
:unresolved-var {:level :error}
:unsorted-required-namespaces {:level :error}
:unused-alias {:level :warning}
:unused-binding {:level :error}
:unused-import {:level :error}
:unused-namespace {:level :error}
:unused-private-var {:level :error}
:unused-referred-var {:level :error}
:use {:level :error}}
:config-in-ns {mocks.js-dependencies {:linters {:clojure-lsp/unused-public-var {:level :off}}}}}