mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 21:07:21 +00:00
192 lines
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192 lines
5.8 KiB
common = load 'ci/common.groovy'
qtBin = '/opt/qt59/bin'
packageFolder = './StatusImPackage'
external_modules_dir = [
external_fonts = [
def cleanupBuild() {
sh """
rm -rf \\
node_modules ${packageFolder} \\
desktop/modules desktop/node_modules
def cleanupAndDeps() {
sh 'cp .env.jenkins .env'
sh 'lein deps'
def slackNotify(message, color = 'good') {
color: color,
channel: '#jenkins-desktop',
message: "develop (${env.CHANGE_BRANCH}) ${message} ${env.BUILD_URL}"
def buildClojureScript() {
sh 'rm -f index.desktop.js'
sh 'lein prod-build-desktop'
sh "mkdir ${packageFolder}"
sh """
react-native bundle \\
--entry-file index.desktop.js \\
--dev false --platform desktop \\
--bundle-output ${packageFolder}/StatusIm.jsbundle \\
--assets-dest ${packageFolder}/assets
def uploadArtifact(filename) {
def domain = 'ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com'
def bucket = 'status-im-desktop'
credentialsId: 'digital-ocean-access-keys',
usernameVariable: 'DO_ACCESS_KEY',
passwordVariable: 'DO_SECRET_KEY'
)]) {
sh """
s3cmd \\
--acl-public \\
--host='${domain}' \\
--host-bucket='%(bucket)s.${domain}' \\
--access_key=${DO_ACCESS_KEY} \\
--secret_key=${DO_SECRET_KEY} \\
put ${filename} s3://${bucket}/
def url = "https://${bucket}.${domain}/${filename}"
return url
/* MAIN --------------------------------------------------*/
def prepDeps() {
def compileLinux() {
/* add path for QT installation binaries */
env.PATH = "${qtBin}:${env.PATH}"
dir('desktop') {
sh 'rm -rf CMakeFiles CMakeCache.txt cmake_install.cmake Makefile'
sh """
cmake -Wno-dev \\
-DEXTERNAL_MODULES_DIR='${external_modules_dir.join(";")}' \\
-DDESKTOP_FONTS='${external_fonts.join(";")}' \\
-DJS_BUNDLE_PATH='${workspace}/${packageFolder}/StatusIm.jsbundle' \\
sh 'make'
def bundleLinux(type = 'nightly') {
def pkg
dir(packageFolder) {
sh 'rm -rf StatusImAppImage'
/* TODO this needs to be fixed: status-react/issues/5378 */
sh 'cp /opt/StatusImAppImage.zip ./'
sh 'unzip ./StatusImAppImage.zip'
sh 'rm -rf AppDir'
sh 'mkdir AppDir'
sh "cp -r ./deployment/linux/usr ${packageFolder}/AppDir"
sh "cp ./deployment/linux/.env ${packageFolder}/AppDir"
sh "cp ./desktop/bin/StatusIm ${packageFolder}/AppDir/usr/bin"
sh 'wget https://github.com/probonopd/linuxdeployqt/releases/download/continuous/linuxdeployqt-continuous-x86_64.AppImage'
sh 'chmod a+x ./linuxdeployqt-continuous-x86_64.AppImage'
sh 'rm -f Application-x86_64.AppImage'
sh 'rm -f StatusIm-x86_64.AppImage'
sh "ldd ${packageFolder}/AppDir/usr/bin/StatusIm"
sh """
./linuxdeployqt-continuous-x86_64.AppImage \\
${packageFolder}/AppDir/usr/share/applications/StatusIm.desktop \\
-verbose=3 -always-overwrite -no-strip \\
-no-translations -bundle-non-qt-libs \\
-qmake=${qtBin}/qmake \\
-extra-plugins=imageformats/libqsvg.so \\
dir(packageFolder) {
sh 'ldd AppDir/usr/bin/StatusIm'
sh 'cp -r assets/share/assets AppDir/usr/bin'
sh 'cp -rf StatusImAppImage/* AppDir/usr/bin'
sh 'rm -f AppDir/usr/bin/StatusIm.AppImage'
sh """
./linuxdeployqt-continuous-x86_64.AppImage \\
${packageFolder}/AppDir/usr/share/applications/StatusIm.desktop \\
-verbose=3 -appimage -qmake=${qtBin}/qmake
dir(packageFolder) {
sh 'ldd AppDir/usr/bin/StatusIm'
sh 'rm -rf StatusIm.AppImage'
pkg = common.pkgFilename(type, 'AppImage')
sh "mv ../StatusIm-x86_64.AppImage ${pkg}"
return "${packageFolder}/${pkg}".drop(2)
def compileMacOS() {
/* add path for QT installation binaries */
env.PATH = "/Users/administrator/qt/5.9.1/clang_64/bin:${env.PATH}"
dir('desktop') {
sh 'rm -rf CMakeFiles CMakeCache.txt cmake_install.cmake Makefile'
sh """
cmake -Wno-dev \\
-DEXTERNAL_MODULES_DIR='${external_modules_dir.join(";")}' \\
-DDESKTOP_FONTS='${external_fonts.join(";")}' \\
-DJS_BUNDLE_PATH='${workspace}/${packageFolder}/StatusIm.jsbundle' \\
sh 'make'
def bundleMacOS(type = 'nightly') {
def pkg = common.pkgFilename(type, 'dmg')
dir(packageFolder) {
sh 'git clone https://github.com/vkjr/StatusAppFiles.git'
sh 'unzip StatusAppFiles/StatusIm.app.zip'
sh 'cp -r assets/share/assets StatusIm.app/Contents/MacOs'
sh 'chmod +x StatusIm.app/Contents/MacOs/ubuntu-server'
sh 'cp ../desktop/bin/StatusIm StatusIm.app/Contents/MacOs'
sh 'cp -f ../deployment/macos/Info.plist StatusIm.app/Contents'
sh """
macdeployqt StatusIm.app -verbose=1 -dmg \\
sh 'rm -fr StatusAppFiles'
sh "mv StatusIm.dmg ${pkg}"
return "${packageFolder}/${pkg}".drop(2)
return this