mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 01:24:39 +00:00
- add missing Lint step for mobile builds - add missing upload steps for android - prefix fastlane calls with bundle exec - update slackSend to format for PR builds - silence fastlane notifying slack, Jenkins already does Signed-off-by: Jakub Sokołowski <jakub@status.im>
103 lines
3.4 KiB
103 lines
3.4 KiB
pipeline {
agent { label 'master' }
options {
numToKeepStr: '10',
daysToKeepStr: '30',
artifactNumToKeepStr: '10',
stages {
stage('Tag') {
steps { script {
cmn = load('ci/common.groovy')
/* to avoid missing build tag parallel builds */
print "Build Number: ${cmn.tagBuild(true)}"
} }
stage('Build') {
parallel {
stage('MacOS') { steps { script {
osx = cmn.buildBranch('status-react/combined/desktop-macos')
} } }
stage('Linux') { steps { script {
nix = cmn.buildBranch('status-react/combined/desktop-linux')
} } }
stage('iOS') { steps { script {
ios = cmn.buildBranch('status-react/combined/mobile-ios')
} } }
stage('Android') { steps { script {
dro = cmn.buildBranch('status-react/combined/mobile-android')
} } }
stage('Android e2e') { steps { script {
e2e = cmn.buildBranch('status-react/combined/mobile-android', 'e2e')
} } }
stage('Archive') {
steps { script {
sh('rm -f pkg/*')
cmn.copyArts('status-react/combined/desktop-macos', osx.number)
cmn.copyArts('status-react/combined/desktop-linux', nix.number)
cmn.copyArts('status-react/combined/mobile-android', dro.number)
cmn.copyArts('status-react/combined/mobile-android', e2e.number)
} }
stage('Upload') {
when { expression { params.BUILD_TYPE == 'nightly' } }
steps { script {
e2eUrl = cmn.uploadArtifact(findFiles(glob: 'pkg/*.e2e.apk')[0].path)
apkUrl = cmn.uploadArtifact(findFiles(glob: "pkg/*.${params.BUILD_TYPE}.apk")[0].path)
dmgUrl = cmn.uploadArtifact(findFiles(glob: 'pkg/*.dmg')[0].path)
appUrl = cmn.uploadArtifact(findFiles(glob: 'pkg/*.AppImage')[0].path)
/* special case for iOS Diawi links */
ipaUrl = ios.getBuildVariables().get('DIAWI_URL')
} }
stage('Notify') {
steps { script {
message: (
(CHANGE_ID != null ?
"Build PR #${BRANCH_NAME}(${CHANGE_BRANCH}) success! " :
"Build ${params.BUILD_TYPE} success! "
"<${currentBuild.absoluteUrl}|${currentBuild.displayName}> "+
(params.BUILD_TYPE == 'nightly' ?
"Packages: "+
"<${apkUrl}|Android>, "+
"(<${e2eUrl}|e2e>), "+
"<${ipaUrl}|iOS>, "+
"<${dmgUrl}|MacOS>, "+
"<${appUrl}|AppImage>" :
"Packages: "+
"<${dro.getBuildVariables().get('DIAWI_URL')}|Android>, "+
color: 'good'
} }
stage('Publish') {
when { expression { params.BUILD_TYPE == 'nightly' } }
steps {
job: 'misc/status-im.github.io-update_env',
parameters: [
[name: 'APK_URL', value: apkUrl, $class: 'StringParameterValue'],
[name: 'IOS_URL', value: ipaUrl, $class: 'StringParameterValue'],
[name: 'DMG_URL', value: dmgUrl, $class: 'StringParameterValue'],
[name: 'NIX_URL', value: appUrl, $class: 'StringParameterValue']