
88 lines
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[cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is testing]]
[ :as rf]))
(rf/defn hello
"this is a very nice useless function"
[{:keys [db]} a]
{:db (assoc db :a a)})
(rf/defn hello2
{:doc "this function is useless as well"}
[{:keys [db]} b]
{:db (assoc db :a b) :b (:a db)})
(rf/defn hello3
{:doc "lol lazy function does nothing"}
[{:keys [db]} b]
(identity nil))
(rf/defn hello4
{:doc "this function is useless as well"
:events [:test/valid1 :test/valid2]}
[{:keys [db]} b]
{:db (assoc db :a b) :b (:a db)})
(rf/defn hello5
"lol lazy function does nothing"
{:events [:test]}
[{:keys [db]} b]
(identity nil))
(rf/defn hello6
"lol lazy function does nothing"
{:events [:test2]}
[{:keys [db]} {:keys [a b]}]
{:db {:a (identity a)
:b b}})
(deftest merge-fxs-test
(testing "merge function for fxs"
(let [cofx {:db {:c 2}}]
(is (= (rf/merge cofx
(hello "a")
(hello2 "b"))
{:db {:c 2
:a "b"}
:b "a"}))
(testing "with initial fxs map"
(is (= (rf/merge cofx
{:potatoe :potating}
(hello "a")
(hello2 "b"))
{:db {:c 2
:a "b"}
:b "a"
:potatoe :potating})
"initial fxs map should be merged in the result"))
(testing "with a nil producing function"
(is (= (rf/merge cofx
(hello "a")
(hello3 "c")
(hello2 "b"))
{:db {:c 2
:a "b"}
:b "a"})))
(testing "with condition statement"
(testing "false"
(is (= (let [do-hello? false]
(rf/merge cofx
(when do-hello?
(hello "a"))
(hello2 "b")))
{:db {:c 2
:a "b"}
:b nil})
"the conditional statement should not apply"))
(testing "true"
(is (= (let [do-hello? true]
(rf/merge cofx
(when do-hello?
(hello "a"))
(hello2 "b")))
{:db {:c 2
:a "b"}
:b "a"})
"the conditional statement should apply"))))))