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(ns test-helpers.unit
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.string :as string]
[clojure.walk :as walk]))
(defn- subscription-name->test-name
(->> [(namespace sub-name)
(name sub-name)
(remove nil?)
(map #(string/replace % #"\." "-"))
(string/join "-")))
(defmacro ^:private testing-subscription
[description & body]
`(cljs.test/testing ~description
(restore-app-db (fn [] ~@body))))
(s/fdef deftest-sub
:args (s/cat :sub-name keyword?
:args (s/coll-of symbol? :count 1)
:body (s/* any?)))
(defmacro deftest-sub
"Defines a test based on `sub-name`, executes `body` and restores the app db.
Any usage of the `cljs.test/testing` macro inside `body` will be modified to
also make sure the app db is restored and the subscription cache is reset.
Expressions in `body` will have access to `sub-name`, which should be used to
avoid needlessly repeating the subscription name.
(require '[test-helpers.unit :as h])
(h/deftest-sub :wallet/sorted-tokens
(testing \"sorts tokens by name, lowercased\"
;; Arrange
(swap! rf-db/app-db assoc-in [<db-path>] <value>)
;; Act and Assert
(is (= <expected> (rf/sub [sub-name])))))
[sub-name args & body]
`(let [sub-name# ~sub-name]
(cljs.test/deftest ~(symbol (subscription-name->test-name sub-name))
(let [~args [sub-name#]]
(fn []
{'cljs.test/testing `testing-subscription
'testing `testing-subscription}
(defmacro use-log-fixture
"Register log fixture which allows inspecting all calls to `taoensso.timbre/log`.
Usage: Simply call this macro once per test namespace, and use the
`test-helpers.unit/logs` atom to deref the collection of all logs for the
test under execution.
In Clojure(Script), we can rely on fixtures for each `cljs.deftest`, but not
for individual `cljs.testing` macro calls. So keep that in mind when testing
for log messages."
{:before test-helpers.unit/log-fixture-before
:after test-helpers.unit/log-fixture-after}))
(defmacro run-test-sync
"Wrap around `re-frame.test/run-test-sync` to make it work with our aliased
function `utils.re-frame/dispatch`.
This macro is a must, because the original implementation uses `with-redefs`
pointing to the original re-frame `dispatch` function, but our event handlers
are dispatching using our aliased function.
If tests run using the original `run-test-sync`, then all bets are off, and
tests start to behave erratically."
[& body]
(with-redefs [utils.re-frame/dispatch re-frame.core/dispatch]