Roman Volosovskyi 4301c813f4 parsing of commands.js, command's handler, suggestions handler in jail (commit contains .aar oops)
Former-commit-id: ab93b21a4c2d0ed573f1d588c537baec9e068e0a
2016-06-14 14:19:56 +03:00

215 lines
7.7 KiB

(:require [re-frame.core :refer [subscribe dispatch dispatch-sync]]
[status-im.persistence.simple-kv-store :as kv]
[ :as s]
[status-im.models.chats :as c]
[status-im.components.styles :refer [default-chat-color]]
[status-im.utils.utils :refer [log on-error http-post toast]]
[status-im.utils.random :as random]
[status-im.utils.sms-listener :refer [add-sms-listener
[ :refer [format-phone-number]]
[status-im.constants :refer [text-content-type
[status-im.i18n :refer [label]]))
(defn send-console-msg [text]
{:msg-id (random/id)
:from "me"
:to "console"
:content text
:content-type text-content-type
:outgoing true})
(defn- set-signed-up [db signed-up]
(s/put kv/kv-store :signed-up signed-up)
(assoc db :signed-up signed-up))
;; -- Send confirmation code and synchronize contacts---------------------------
(defn on-sync-contacts []
(dispatch [:received-msg
{:msg-id (random/id)
:content (label :t/contacts-syncronized)
:content-type text-content-type
:outgoing false
:from "console"
:to "me"}])
(dispatch [:set-signed-up true]))
(defn sync-contacts []
;; TODO 'on-sync-contacts' is never called
(dispatch [:sync-contacts on-sync-contacts]))
(defn on-send-code-response [body]
(dispatch [:received-msg
{:msg-id (random/id)
:content (:message body)
:content-type text-content-type
:outgoing false
:from "console"
:to "me"}])
(when (:confirmed body)
(dispatch [:stop-listening-confirmation-code-sms])
;; TODO should be called after sync-contacts?
(dispatch [:set-signed-up true])))
; todo fn name is not too smart, but...
(defn command-content
[command content]
{:command (name command)
:content content})
;; -- Send phone number ----------------------------------------
(defn on-sign-up-response []
(let [msg-id (random/id)]
(dispatch [:received-msg
{:msg-id msg-id
:content (command-content
(label :t/confirmation-code))
:content-type content-type-command-request
:outgoing false
:from "console"
:to "me"}])))
(defn handle-sms [{body :body}]
(when-let [matches (re-matches #"(\d{4})" body)]
(dispatch [:sign-up-confirm (second matches)])))
(defn start-listening-confirmation-code-sms [db]
(when (not (:confirmation-code-sms-listener db))
(assoc db :confirmation-code-sms-listener (add-sms-listener handle-sms))))
(defn stop-listening-confirmation-code-sms [db]
(when-let [listener (:confirmation-code-sms-listener db)]
(remove-sms-listener listener)
(dissoc db :confirmation-code-sms-listener)))
;; -- Saving password ----------------------------------------
(defn save-password [password]
;; TODO validate and save password
(dispatch [:received-msg
{:msg-id (random/id)
:content (label :t/password-saved)
:content-type text-content-type
:outgoing false
:from "console"
:to "me"}])
(dispatch [:received-msg
{:msg-id (random/id)
:content (label :t/generate-passphrase)
:content-type text-content-type
:outgoing false
:from "console"
:to "me"}])
(dispatch [:received-msg
{:msg-id (random/id)
:content (label :t/passphrase)
:content-type text-content-type
:outgoing false
:from "console"
:to "me"}])
;; TODO generate passphrase
(let [passphrase (str "The brash businessman's braggadocio and public squabbing with "
"candidates in the US presidential election")]
(dispatch [:received-msg
{:msg-id (random/id)
:content passphrase
:content-type text-content-type
:outgoing false
:from "console"
:to "me"}]))
(dispatch [:received-msg
{:msg-id "8"
:content (label :t/written-down)
:content-type text-content-type
:outgoing false
:from "console"
:to "me"}])
;; TODO highlight '!phone'
(let [msg-id (random/id)]
(dispatch [:received-msg
{:msg-id msg-id
:content (command-content
(label :t/phone-number-required))
:content-type content-type-command-request
:outgoing false
:from "console"
:to "me"}])))
(def intro-status
{:msg-id "intro-status"
:content (label :t/intro-status)
:delivery-status "seen"
:from "console"
:chat-id "console"
:content-type content-type-status
:outgoing false
:to "me"})
(defn intro [db]
(dispatch [:received-msg intro-status])
(dispatch [:received-msg
{:msg-id "intro-message1"
:content (label :t/intro-message1)
:content-type text-content-type
:outgoing false
:from "console"
:to "me"}])
(dispatch [:received-msg
{:msg-id "intro-message2"
:content (label :t/intro-message2)
:content-type text-content-type
:outgoing false
:from "console"
:to "me"}])
(let [msg-id "into-message3"]
(dispatch [:received-msg
{:msg-id msg-id
:content (command-content
(label :t/keypair-generated))
:content-type content-type-command-request
:outgoing false
:from "console"
:to "me"}]))
(def console-chat
{:chat-id "console"
:name "console"
; todo remove/change dapp config fot console
:dapp-url "http://localhost:8185/resources"
:dapp-hash 858845357
:color default-chat-color
:group-chat false
:is-active true
:timestamp (.getTime (js/Date.))
:contacts [{:identity "console"
:text-color "#FFFFFF"
:background-color "#AB7967"}]})
(defn create-chat [handler]
(fn [db]
(let [{:keys [new-chat] :as db'} (handler db)]
(when new-chat
(c/create-chat new-chat))
(dissoc db' :new-chat))))
(def init
(fn [{:keys [chats] :as db}]
(if (chats "console")
(-> db
(assoc-in [:chats "console"] console-chat)
(assoc :new-chat console-chat)
(assoc :current-chat-id "console")