129 lines
4.8 KiB
129 lines
4.8 KiB
(ns status-im.utils.utils
(:require [status-im.i18n :as i18n]
[status-im.react-native.js-dependencies :as rn-dependencies]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[status-im.utils.platform :as platform]
[status-im.ethereum.eip55 :as eip55]
[status-im.ethereum.core :as ethereum]))
(defn show-popup
([title content]
(show-popup title content nil))
([title content on-dismiss]
(.alert (.-Alert rn-dependencies/react-native)
(vector (merge {:text "OK"
:style "cancel"
:accessibility-label :cancel-button}
(when on-dismiss {:onPress on-dismiss}))))
(when on-dismiss
(clj->js {:cancelable false})))))
(defn vibrate []
#_(.vibrate (.-Vibration rn-dependencies/react-native)))
(fn [{:keys [title content on-dismiss]}]
(show-popup title content on-dismiss)))
(defn show-confirmation
[{:keys [title content confirm-button-text on-dismiss on-accept on-cancel cancel-button-text
(.alert (.-Alert rn-dependencies/react-native)
;; Styles are only relevant on iOS. On Android first button is 'neutral' and second is 'positive'
(vector (merge {:text (or cancel-button-text (i18n/label :t/cancel))
:style "cancel"
:accessibility-label :cancel-button}
(when on-cancel {:onPress on-cancel}))
{:text (or confirm-button-text (i18n/label :t/ok))
:onPress on-accept
:style "default"
:accessibility-label :confirm-button})
(or extra-options nil)))
#js {:cancelable false}))
(fn [{:keys [title content confirm-button-text on-accept on-cancel cancel-button-text]}]
(show-confirmation {:title title
:content content
:confirm-button-text confirm-button-text
:cancel-button-text cancel-button-text
:on-accept on-accept
:on-cancel on-cancel})))
(defn show-question
([title content on-accept]
(show-question title content on-accept nil))
([title content on-accept on-cancel]
(.alert (.-Alert rn-dependencies/react-native)
(vector (merge {:text (i18n/label :t/no)
:accessibility-label :no-button}
(when on-cancel {:onPress on-cancel}))
{:text (i18n/label :t/yes)
:onPress on-accept
:accessibility-label :yes-button})))))
(defn get-shortened-address
"Takes first and last 4 digits from address including leading 0x
and adds unicode ellipsis in between"
(when address
(str (subs address 0 6) "\u2026" (subs address (- (count address) 4) (count address)))))
(defn get-shortened-checksum-address [address]
(when address
(get-shortened-address (eip55/address->checksum (ethereum/normalized-address address)))))
;; background-timer
(defn set-timeout [cb ms]
(if platform/desktop?
(js/setTimeout cb ms)
(.setTimeout rn-dependencies/background-timer cb ms)))
(defn unread-messages-count
"display actual # if less than 1K, round to the lowest thousand if between 1 and 10K, otherwise 10K+ for anything larger"
(let [round-to-lowest-single-thousand #(-> %
(/ 1000)
(str "K+"))]
(< messages-count 1000) (str messages-count)
(<= 1000 messages-count 10000) (round-to-lowest-single-thousand messages-count)
(> messages-count 10000) "10K+")))
;; same as re-frame dispatch-later but using background timer for long
;; running timeouts
(fn [params]
(doseq [{:keys [ms dispatch]} params]
(set-timeout #(re-frame/dispatch dispatch) ms))))
(defn clear-timeout [id]
(if platform/desktop?
(js/clearTimeout id)
(.clearTimeout rn-dependencies/background-timer id)))
(defn set-interval [cb ms]
(if platform/desktop?
(js/setInterval cb ms)
(.setInterval rn-dependencies/background-timer cb ms)))
(defn clear-interval [id]
(if platform/desktop?
(js/clearInterval id)
(.clearInterval rn-dependencies/background-timer id)))