mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 06:39:22 +00:00
# Conflicts: # src/status_im/chat/screen.cljs # src/status_im/chat/views/command.cljs # src/status_im/chat/views/plain_input.cljs # src/status_im/group_settings/screen.cljs # src/status_im/models/commands.cljs # src/status_im/new_group/screen.cljs Former-commit-id: 217f0f93d8198087accf93bd51b119152ac7e68a
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137 lines
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(ns status-im.models.commands
(:require [clojure.string :refer [join split]]
[clojure.walk :refer [stringify-keys keywordize-keys]]
[re-frame.core :refer [subscribe dispatch]]
[status-im.db :as db]
[status-im.components.animation :as anim]
[status-im.components.styles :refer [color-blue color-dark-mint]]
[status-im.i18n :refer [label]]))
;; todo delete
(def commands [{:command :money
:text "!money"
:description (label :t/money-command-description)
:color color-dark-mint
:request-icon {:uri "icon_lock_white"}
:icon {:uri "icon_lock_gray"}
:suggestion true}
{:command :location
:text "!location"
:description (label :t/location-command-description)
:color "#9a5dcf"
:suggestion true}
{:command :phone
:text "!phone"
:description (label :t/phone-command-description)
:color color-dark-mint
:request-text (label :t/phone-request-text)
:suggestion true
:handler #(dispatch [:sign-up %])}
{:command :confirmation-code
:text "!confirmationCode"
:description (label :t/confirmation-code-command-description)
:request-text (label :t/confirmation-code-request-text)
:color color-blue
:request-icon {:uri "icon_lock_white"}
:icon {:uri "icon_lock_gray"}
:suggestion true
:handler #(dispatch [:sign-up-confirm %])}
{:command :send
:text "!send"
:description (label :t/send-command-description)
:color "#9a5dcf"
:suggestion true}
{:command :request
:text "!request"
:description (label :t/request-command-description)
:color "#48ba30"
:suggestion true}
{:command :keypair-password
:text "!keypair-password"
:description (label :t/keypair-password-command-description)
:color color-blue
:request-icon {:uri "icon_lock_white"}
:icon {:uri "icon_lock_gray"}
:suggestion false
:handler #(dispatch [:save-password %])}
{:command :help
:text "!help"
:description (label :t/help-command-description)
:color "#9a5dcf"
:suggestion true}])
(defn get-commands [db]
;; todo: temp. must be '(get db :commands)'
;; (get db :commands)
(defn set-commands [db commands]
(assoc db :commands commands))
;; todo delete
(def suggestions (filterv :suggestion commands))
(defn get-command [db command-key]
(first (filter #(= command-key (:command %)) (get-commands db))))
(defn find-command [commands command-key]
(first (filter #(= command-key (:command %)) commands)))
(defn get-chat-command-content
[{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db}]
(get-in db (db/chat-command-content-path current-chat-id)))
(defn set-chat-command-content
[{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db} content]
(assoc-in db [:chats current-chat-id :command-input :content] content))
(defn get-chat-command
[{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db}]
(get-in db (db/chat-command-path current-chat-id)))
(defn set-response-chat-command
[{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db} msg-id command-key]
(update-in db [:chats current-chat-id :command-input] merge
{:content nil
:command (get-command db command-key)
:to-msg-id msg-id}))
(defn set-chat-command [db command-key]
(set-response-chat-command db nil command-key))
(defn get-chat-command-to-msg-id
[{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db}]
(get-in db (db/chat-command-to-msg-id-path current-chat-id)))
(defn stage-command
[{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db} command-info]
(update-in db (db/chat-staged-commands-path current-chat-id)
#(if %
(conj % command-info)
(defn unstage-command [db staged-command]
(update-in db (db/chat-staged-commands-path (:current-chat-id db))
(fn [staged-commands]
(filterv #(not= % staged-command) staged-commands))))
(defn clear-staged-commands
[{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db}]
(assoc-in db (db/chat-staged-commands-path current-chat-id) []))
(defn get-chat-command-request
[{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db}]
(get-in db (db/chat-command-request-path current-chat-id
(get-chat-command-to-msg-id db))))
(defn set-chat-command-request
[{:keys [current-chat-id] :as db} msg-id handler]
(update-in db (db/chat-command-requests-path current-chat-id)
#(assoc % msg-id handler)))
(defn parse-command-msg-content [commands content]
(update content :command #(find-command commands (keyword %))))
(defn parse-command-request [commands content]
(update content :command #(find-command commands (keyword %))))