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synced 2025-02-26 09:35:36 +00:00
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178 lines
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import json
import requests
import logging
import itertools
import emoji
import base64
from os import environ
from support.base_test_report import BaseTestReport
from sys import argv
class TestrailReport(BaseTestReport):
def __init__(self):
super(TestrailReport, self).__init__()
self.password = environ.get('TESTRAIL_PASS')
self.user = environ.get('TESTRAIL_USER')
self.run_id = None
self.suite_id = 48
self.project_id = 14
self.outcomes = {
'passed': 1,
'undefined_fail': 10}
self.headers = dict()
self.headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic %s' % str(
base64.b64encode(bytes('%s:%s' % (self.user, self.password), 'utf-8')), 'ascii').strip()
self.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
self.url = 'https://ethstatus.testrail.net/index.php?/'
self.api_url = self.url + 'api/v2/'
def get(self, method):
rval = requests.get(self.api_url + method, headers=self.headers).json()
if 'error' in rval:
logging.error("Failed TestRail request: %s" % rval['error'])
return rval
def post(self, method, data):
data = bytes(json.dumps(data), 'utf-8')
return requests.post(self.api_url + method, data=data, headers=self.headers).json()
def get_suites(self):
return self.get('get_suites/%s' % self.project_id)
def get_tests(self):
return self.get('get_tests/%s' % self.run_id)
def get_milestones(self):
return self.get('get_milestones/%s' % self.project_id)
def get_runs(self, pr_number):
return [i for i in self.get('get_runs/%s' % self.project_id) if 'PR-%s ' % pr_number in i['name']]
def get_run(self, run_id: int):
return self.get('get_run/%s' % run_id)
def get_last_pr_run(self, pr_number):
run_id = max([run['id'] for run in self.get_runs(pr_number)])
return self.get_run(run_id=run_id)
def actual_milestone_id(self):
return self.get_milestones()[-1]['id']
def add_run(self, run_name):
request_body = {'suite_id': self.suite_id,
'name': run_name,
'milestone_id': self.actual_milestone_id,
'case_ids': self.get_regression_cases(),
'include_all': False}
run = self.post('add_run/%s' % self.project_id, request_body)
self.run_id = run['id']
def get_cases(self, section_ids):
test_cases = list()
for section_id in section_ids:
test_cases.append(self.get('get_cases/%s&suite_id=%s§ion_id=%s' % (self.project_id, self.suite_id, section_id)))
return itertools.chain.from_iterable(test_cases)
def get_regression_cases(self):
test_cases = dict()
test_cases['critical'] = 734
test_cases['high'] = 735
test_cases['medium'] = 736
test_cases['low'] = 737
test_cases['upgrade'] = 881
case_ids = list()
for arg in argv:
if "run_testrail_ids" in arg:
key, value = arg.split('=')
case_ids = value.split(',')
if len(case_ids) == 0:
if 'critical or high' in argv:
for case in self.get_cases([test_cases['critical'], test_cases['high']]):
elif 'upgrade' in argv and 'not upgrade' not in argv:
for case in self.get_cases([test_cases['upgrade']]):
for phase in test_cases:
if phase != 'upgrade':
for case in self.get_cases([test_cases[phase]]):
return case_ids
def add_results(self):
for test in self.get_all_tests():
test_steps = "# Steps: \n"
devices = str()
method = 'add_result_for_case/%s/%s' % (self.run_id, test.testrail_case_id)
last_testrun = test.testruns[-1]
for step in last_testrun.steps:
test_steps += step + "\n"
for i, device in enumerate(last_testrun.jobs):
devices += "# [Device %d](%s) \n" % (i + 1, self.get_sauce_job_url(device))
data = {'status_id': self.outcomes['undefined_fail'] if last_testrun.error else self.outcomes['passed'],
'comment': '%s' % ('# Error: \n %s \n' % emoji.demojize(last_testrun.error)) + devices + test_steps if last_testrun.error
else devices + test_steps}
self.post(method, data=data)
def change_test_run_description(self):
tests = self.get_all_tests()
passed_tests = self.get_passed_tests()
failed_tests = self.get_failed_tests()
final_description = "Nothing to report this time..."
if len(tests) > 0:
description_title = "# %.0f%% of end-end tests have passed\n" % (len(passed_tests) / len(tests) * 100)
description_title += "\n"
description_title += "Total executed tests: %d\n" % len(tests)
description_title += "Failed tests: %d\n" % len(failed_tests)
description_title += "Passed tests: %d\n" % len(passed_tests)
description_title += "\n"
ids_failed_test = []
description, case_info = '', ''
if failed_tests:
for i, test in enumerate(failed_tests):
last_testrun = test.testruns[-1]
test_rail_link = self.get_test_result_link(self.run_id, test.testrail_case_id)
case_title = '\n'
case_title += '-------\n'
case_title += "### %s) ID %s: [%s](%s) \n" % (i + 1, test.testrail_case_id, test.name, test_rail_link)
error ="```%s```\n" % last_testrun.error[:255]
for job_id, f in last_testrun.jobs.items():
case_info = "Logs for device %d: [steps](%s), [failure screenshot](%s)"\
% (f,
description += case_title + error + case_info
description_title += '## Failed tests: %s \n' % ','.join(map(str, ids_failed_test))
final_description = description_title + description
request_body = {'description': final_description}
return self.post('update_run/%s' % self.run_id, request_body)
def get_run_results(self):
return self.get('get_results_for_run/%s' % self.run_id)
def is_run_successful(self):
for test in self.get_run_results():
if test['status_id'] != 1:
return False
return True
def get_test_result_link(self, test_run_id, test_case_id):
test_id = self.get('get_results_for_case/%s/%s' % (test_run_id, test_case_id))[0]['test_id']
return '%stests/view/%s' % (self.url, test_id)
except KeyError:
return None