Jakub Sokołowski 76e9501541
prepare Jenkinsfile.combined for PR builds
- add missing Lint step for mobile builds
- add missing upload steps for android
- prefix fastlane calls with bundle exec
- update slackSend to format for PR builds
- silence fastlane notifying slack, Jenkins already does

Signed-off-by: Jakub Sokołowski <>
2018-08-27 19:34:00 -04:00

37 lines
711 B

common = load 'ci/common.groovy'
ios = load 'ci/ios.groovy'
android = load 'ci/android.groovy'
def prep(type = 'nightly') {
/* select type of build */
switch (type) {
case 'nightly':
sh 'cp .env.nightly .env'; break
case 'release':
sh 'cp .env'; break
case 'e2e':
sh 'cp .env.e2e .env'; break
/* install Maven dependencies */
sh 'mvn -f modules/react-native-status/ios/RCTStatus dependency:unpack'
/* generate ios/StatusIm.xcworkspace */
dir('ios') {
sh 'pod install'
def runLint() {
sh 'lein cljfmt check'
def runTests() {
sh 'lein test-cljs'
def leinBuild() {
sh 'lein prod-build'
return this