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synced 2025-02-12 02:47:32 +00:00
240 lines
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240 lines
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(ns status-im.chat.handlers.send-message
(:require [status-im.utils.handlers :refer [register-handler] :as u]
[clojure.string :as s]
[status-im.data-store.messages :as messages]
[status-im.components.status :as status]
[status-im.utils.random :as random]
[status-im.utils.datetime :as time]
[re-frame.core :refer [enrich after dispatch path]]
[status-im.chat.utils :as cu]
[status-im.constants :refer [text-content-type
[status-im.utils.datetime :as datetime]
[status-im.protocol.core :as protocol]
[taoensso.timbre :refer-macros [debug] :as log]
[status-im.constants :refer [console-chat-id wallet-chat-id]]
[status-im.chat.handlers.console :as console]))
(defn prepare-command
[identity chat-id clock-value
{:keys [id preview preview-string params command to-message handler-data]}]
(let [content {:command (command :name)
:params params}]
{:message-id id
:from identity
:to chat-id
:timestamp (time/now-ms)
:content (assoc content :preview preview-string
:handler-data handler-data)
:content-type content-type-command
:outgoing true
:preview preview-string
:rendered-preview preview
:to-message to-message
:type (:type command)
:has-handler (:has-handler command)
:clock-value (inc clock-value)}))
(register-handler :send-chat-message
(fn [{:keys [current-chat-id current-public-key current-account-id] :as db}]
(let [staged-commands (vals (get-in db [:chats current-chat-id :staged-commands]))
text (get-in db [:chats current-chat-id :input-text])
data {:commands staged-commands
:message text
:chat-id current-chat-id
:identity current-public-key
:address current-account-id}]
(dispatch [:clear-input current-chat-id])
(seq staged-commands)
(dispatch [::check-commands-handlers! data])
(not (s/blank? text))
(dispatch [::prepare-message data]))))))
(defn console-command? [chat-id command-name]
(and (= console-chat-id chat-id)
(console/commands-names (keyword command-name))))
(register-handler ::check-commands-handlers!
(fn [_ [_ {:keys [commands message chat-id] :as params}]]
(doseq [{:keys [command] :as message} commands]
(let [params' (assoc params :staged-command message)
command-name (:name (:command message))]
(if (:sent-to-jail? message)
;; todo there could be other reasons for "long-running"
;; hanling of the command besides sendTransaction
(dispatch [:navigate-to :confirm])
(console-command? chat-id command-name)
(dispatch [:invoke-console-command-handler! params'])
(:has-handler command)
(dispatch [::invoke-command-handlers! params'])
(dispatch [:prepare-command! chat-id params'])))))
(when-not (s/blank? message)
(dispatch [::prepare-message params])))))
(register-handler :clear-input
(path :chats)
(fn [db [_ chat-id]]
(assoc-in db [chat-id :input-text] nil)))
(register-handler :prepare-command!
(fn [{:keys [current-public-key] :as db}
[_ add-to-chat-id {:keys [chat-id staged-command handler-data] :as params}]]
(let [{:keys [clock-value]} (get-in db [:chats add-to-chat-id])
command' (->> (assoc staged-command :handler-data handler-data)
(prepare-command current-public-key chat-id clock-value)
(cu/check-author-direction db chat-id))]
(dispatch [:clear-command chat-id (:id staged-command)])
(dispatch [::send-command! add-to-chat-id (assoc params :command command')])
(when (and (= "send" (get-in staged-command [:command :name]))
(not= add-to-chat-id wallet-chat-id))
(let [staged-command' (assoc staged-command :id (random/id))
params' (assoc params :staged-command staged-command')]
(dispatch [:prepare-command! wallet-chat-id params'])))))))
(register-handler :clear-command
(fn [db [_ chat-id id]]
(if chat-id
(update-in db [:chats chat-id :staged-commands] dissoc id)
(register-handler ::send-command!
(fn [_ [_ add-to-chat-id params]]
(dispatch [::add-command add-to-chat-id params])
(dispatch [::save-command! add-to-chat-id params])
(when (not= add-to-chat-id wallet-chat-id)
(dispatch [::dispatch-responded-requests! params])
(dispatch [::send-command-protocol! params])))))
(register-handler ::add-command
(after (fn [_ [_ _ {:keys [handler]}]]
(when handler (handler))))
(fn [db [_ add-to-chat-id {:keys [chat-id command]}]]
(cu/add-message-to-db db add-to-chat-id chat-id command)))
(register-handler ::save-command!
(fn [_ [_ chat-id {:keys [command]}]]
(dissoc command :rendered-preview :to-message :has-handler)))))
(register-handler ::dispatch-responded-requests!
(fn [_ [_ {:keys [command chat-id]}]]
(let [{:keys [to-message]} command]
(when to-message
(dispatch [:request-answered! chat-id to-message]))))))
(register-handler ::invoke-command-handlers!
(fn [db [_ {:keys [chat-id address staged-command]
:as parameters}]]
(let [{:keys [id command params]} staged-command
{:keys [type name]} command
path [(if (= :command type) :commands :responses)
to (get-in db [:contacts chat-id :address])
params {:parameters params
:context {:from address
:to to
:message-id id}}]
(dispatch [::command-in-processing chat-id id])
#(dispatch [:command-handler! chat-id parameters %]))))))
(register-handler ::command-in-processing
(fn [db [_ chat-id id]]
(assoc-in db [:chats chat-id :staged-commands id :sent-to-jail?] true)))
(register-handler ::prepare-message
(fn [db [_ {:keys [chat-id identity message] :as params}]]
(let [{:keys [group-chat clock-value]} (get-in db [:chats chat-id])
message' (cu/check-author-direction
db chat-id
{:message-id (random/id)
:chat-id chat-id
:content message
:from identity
:content-type text-content-type
:outgoing true
:timestamp (time/now-ms)
:clock-value (inc clock-value)})
message'' (if group-chat
(assoc message' :group-id chat-id :message-type :group-user-message)
(assoc message' :to chat-id :message-type :user-message))
params' (assoc params :message message'')]
(dispatch [::add-message params'])
(dispatch [::save-message! params'])))))
(register-handler ::add-message
(fn [db [_ {:keys [chat-id message]}]]
(cu/add-message-to-db db chat-id chat-id message)))
(register-handler ::save-message!
(after (fn [_ [_ params]]
(dispatch [::send-message! params])))
(fn [_ [_ {:keys [chat-id message]}]]
(messages/save chat-id message))))
(register-handler ::send-message!
(fn [{:keys [web3 chats]} [_ {{:keys [message-type]
:as message} :message
chat-id :chat-id}]]
(when (and message (cu/not-console? chat-id))
(let [message' (select-keys message [:from :message-id])
payload (select-keys message [:timestamp :content :content-type :clock-value])
options {:web3 web3
:message (assoc message' :payload payload)}]
(if (= message-type :group-user-message)
(let [{:keys [public-key private-key]} (chats chat-id)]
(protocol/send-group-message! (assoc options
:group-id chat-id
:keypair {:public public-key
:private private-key})))
(protocol/send-message! (assoc-in options
[:message :to] (:to message))))))
(dispatch [:inc-clock chat-id]))))
(register-handler ::send-command-protocol!
(fn [{:keys [web3 current-public-key chats] :as db} [_ {:keys [chat-id command]}]]
(let [{:keys [content message-id clock-value]} command]
(when (cu/not-console? chat-id)
(let [{:keys [public-key private-key]} (chats chat-id)
{:keys [group-chat]} (get-in db [:chats chat-id])
payload {:content content
:content-type content-type-command
:timestamp (datetime/now-ms)
:clock-value clock-value}
options {:web3 web3
:message {:from current-public-key
:message-id message-id
:payload payload}}]
(if group-chat
(protocol/send-group-message! (assoc options
:group-id chat-id
:keypair {:public public-key
:private private-key}))
(protocol/send-message! (assoc-in options
[:message :to] chat-id)))))
(dispatch [:inc-clock chat-id])))))