mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 19:40:49 +00:00
replace i18n/message-status-label by regular label to avoid repeating this issue in the future recover the following labels: - status-not-sent-click - status-not-sent-tap - status-sent Signed-off-by: yenda <eric@status.im>
95 lines
3.2 KiB
95 lines
3.2 KiB
"amount": "summa",
"members-active": {
"one": "I soladis, I aktive",
"other": "{{count}} sodalis, {{count}} aktivi",
"zero": "nullus sodalis"
"chat-name": "nomen colloquii",
"phew-here-is-your-passphrase": "*uph* erat gravor. hic phrasis arcana sui est, *exscribe et adserva!* necesse est, ut benificium sui recreare.",
"chat-settings": "moderationes colloquiorum",
"offline": "abesse",
"invited": "invitavisse",
"address": "adloquium",
"datetime-hour": {
"one": "hora",
"other": "horae"
"datetime-ago-format": "{{ago}} {{number}} {{time-intervals}}",
"remove": "amovere",
"add-members": "sodalis adjungere",
"done": "paratus",
"new-group-chat": "novum colloquium circli",
"datetime-yesterday": "heri",
"datetime-ago": "anto",
"contacts": "contagiis",
"active-online": "adesse",
"password": "signum arcanum",
"discover": "invenite",
"intro-status": "habere colloquium cum me, ut syngraphus sui congerit et moderationes sui mutare!",
"name": "nomen",
"show-qr": "QR-nota elucere",
"connect": "iungere",
"edit": "commutare",
"account-generation-message": "mane! cumputo benificium sui.",
"no-messages": "ne nuntii",
"passphrase": "phrasis arcana",
"recipient": "acceptor",
"members-title": "sodalis",
"settings": "moderationes",
"chats": "colloquia",
"image-source-make-photo": "photographere",
"save": "apothecare",
"sync-in-progress": "synchronizari...",
"incorrect-code": [
"nos paenite, nota falsa, perscribe denuo"
"image-source-gallery": "eligere ad pinacothecae",
"sync-synced": "synchronizatum esse",
"status-pending": "tractare",
"datetime-day": {
"one": "dies",
"other": "dies"
"scan-qr": "QR-nota photographere",
"recent": "novae",
"status": "status",
"wrong-password": "falsum signum acranum",
"clear-history": "processus amovere",
"no-contacts": "Nulla contagio",
"datetime-today": "hodie",
"web-view-error": "Erratum ad adspectus",
"can-not-add-yourself": "ne potest adjungere ipse!",
"add-to-contacts": "adicere ad contagio",
"available": "relicus",
"You": "tu",
"main-wallet": "crumera caput",
"members": {
"one": "I sodalis",
"other": "{{count}} sodalis",
"zero": "nullus sodalis"
"intro-message1": "salve! hic Status est!.\n attige id nuntium, ut signum arcanum sui congere et incipere!",
"new-contact": "novum contagium",
"datetime-second": {
"one": "pars minuta secunda horae",
"other": "pars minuta secunda horae"
"recover": "recreare",
"datetime-minute": {
"one": "pars minuta horae",
"other": "pars minuta horae"
"active-unknown": "incognitus",
"public-key": "publica clavis",
"profile": "biographia",
"none": "nihil",
"removed": "reliquisse",
"message": "nuntium",
"here-is-your-passphrase": "hic phrasis arcana sui est, *exscribe et adserva!* necesse est, ut benificium sui recreare.",
"image-source-title": "photographia bigraphiae",
"status-sent": "deditum iri",
"left": "desse"