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I18n.translations = {
en: {
phone_title: 'Send Phone Number',
phone_description: 'Find friends using your number',
phone_placeholder: 'Phone number',
confirm_description: 'Confirmation code',
confirm_validation_title: 'Confirmation code',
confirm_validation_description: 'Wrong format',
password_description: 'Password',
password_placeholder: 'Type your password',
password_placeholder2: 'Please re-enter password to confirm',
password_error: 'Password should be not less then 6 symbols.',
password_error1: 'Password confirmation doesn\'t match password.',
password_validation_title: 'Password',
faucet_incorrect_title: 'Incorrect faucet',
faucet_incorrect_description: 'Please, select a one from the list'
ru: {
phone_title: 'Отправить номер телефона',
phone_description: 'Найти друзей, используя ваш номер',
phone_placeholder: 'Номер телефона',
confirm_description: 'Код подтверждения',
confirm_validation_title: 'Код подтверждения',
confirm_validation_description: 'Неверный формат',
password_description: 'Пароль',
password_placeholder: 'Введите свой пароль',
password_placeholder2: 'Повторно введите пароль для подтверждения',
password_error: 'Пароль должен содержать не менее 6 символов',
password_error1: 'Подтверждение пароля не совпадает с паролем',
password_validation_title: 'Пароль'
af: {
phone_title: 'Stuur telefoonnommer',
phone_description: 'Vind vriende deur jou nommer te gebruik',
phone_placeholder: 'Telefoonnommer',
confirm_description: 'Bevestigingskode',
confirm_validation_title: 'Bevestigingskode',
confirm_validation_description: 'Verkeerde formaat',
password_description: 'Wagwoord',
password_placeholder: 'Tik jou wagwoord in',
password_placeholder2: 'Tik asseblief weer jou wagwoord in om te bevestig',
password_error: 'Wagwoord mag nie minder as 6 simbole wees nie.',
password_error1: 'Wagwoordbevestiging is nie dieselfde as wagwoord nie.',
password_validation_title: 'Wagwoord'
ar: {
phone_title: 'أرسل رقم الهاتف',
phone_description: 'ابحث عن الأصدقاء باستخدام رقمك',
phone_placeholder: 'رقم الهاتف',
confirm_description: 'رمز التأكيد',
confirm_validation_title: 'رمز التأكيد',
confirm_validation_description: 'صيغة خاطئة',
password_description: 'كلمة المرور',
password_placeholder: 'اكتب كلمة المرور الخاصة بك',
password_placeholder2: 'الرجاء إعادة إدخال كلمة المرور للتأكيد',
password_error: 'ينبغي أن لا تقل كلمة المرور عن 6 رموز.',
password_error1: 'لا يتوافق تأكيد كلمة المرور مع كلمة المرور.',
password_validation_title: 'كلمة المرور'
'zh-hant': {
phone_title: '發送手機號碼',
phone_description: '使用您的號碼發現好友',
phone_placeholder: '手機號碼',
confirm_description: '確認碼',
confirm_validation_title: '確認碼',
confirm_validation_description: '格式錯誤',
password_description: '密碼',
password_placeholder: '鍵入您的密碼',
password_placeholder2: '重新鍵入您的密碼',
password_error: '密碼不得短於6個字元。',
password_error1: '確認密碼與鍵入的密碼不一致。',
password_validation_title: '密碼'
'zh-hans': {
phone_title: '发送电话号码',
phone_description: '用你的号码来查找朋友',
phone_placeholder: '电话号码',
confirm_description: '确认码',
confirm_validation_title: '确认码',
confirm_validation_description: '格式错误',
password_description: '密码',
password_placeholder: '输入密码',
password_placeholder2: '请重新输入密码以确认',
password_error: '密码应不少于6个字符。',
password_error1: '密码确认信息与密码不匹配。',
password_validation_title: '密码'
'zh-yue': {
phone_title: '發送電話號碼',
phone_description: '使用本電話號碼查找好友',
phone_placeholder: '電話號碼',
confirm_description: '驗證碼',
confirm_validation_title: '驗證碼',
confirm_validation_description: '格式錯誤',
password_description: '密碼',
password_placeholder: '輸入密碼',
password_placeholder2: '請重新輸入密碼確認',
password_error: '密碼不能短於6個字符.',
password_error1: '確認密碼與輸入密碼不符.',
password_validation_title: '密碼'
'zh-wuu': {
phone_title: '发送电话号码',
phone_description: '用您的号码查找朋友',
phone_placeholder: '电话号码',
confirm_description: '确认码',
confirm_validation_title: '确认码',
confirm_validation_description: '错误格式',
password_description: '密码',
password_placeholder: '输入密码',
password_placeholder2: '请重新输入密码确认',
password_error: '密码应不小于6个字符。',
password_error1: '密码确认不匹配。',
password_validation_title: '密码'
nl: {
phone_title: 'Stuur telefoonnummer',
phone_description: 'Zoek vrienden met behulp van je nummer',
phone_placeholder: 'Telefoonnummer',
confirm_description: 'Bevestigingscode',
confirm_validation_title: 'Bevestigingscode',
confirm_validation_description: 'Verkeerd format',
password_description: 'Wachtwoord',
password_placeholder: 'Typ je wachtwoord',
password_placeholder2: 'Voer je wachtwoord opnieuw in om te bevestigen',
password_error: 'Wachtwoord moet minstens 6 tekens hebben.',
password_error1: 'Wachtwoordbevestiging komt niet overeen met wachtwoord.',
password_validation_title: 'Wachtwoord'
fr: {
phone_title: 'Envoyer le numéro de téléphone',
phone_description: 'Trouver des amis en utilisant votre numéro',
phone_placeholder: 'Numéro de téléphone',
confirm_description: 'Code de confirmation',
confirm_validation_title: 'Code de confirmation',
confirm_validation_description: 'Format incorrect',
password_description: 'Mot de passe',
password_placeholder: 'Tapez votre mot de passe',
password_placeholder2: 'Veuillez retapez votre mot de passe pour le confirmer',
password_error: 'Le mot de passe doit contenir 6 symboles au minimum.',
password_error1: 'Le mot de passe de confirmation ne correspond pas au mot de passe.',
password_validation_title: 'Mot de passe'
de: {
phone_title: 'Telefonnummer absenden',
phone_description: 'Freunde mit Ihrer Nummer finden',
phone_placeholder: 'Telefonnummer',
confirm_description: 'Bestätigungscode',
confirm_validation_title: 'Bestätigungscode',
confirm_validation_description: 'Falsches Format',
password_description: 'Passwort',
password_placeholder: 'Geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein',
password_placeholder2: 'Bitte geben Sie das Passwort zur Bestätigung erneut ein',
password_error: 'Das Passwort sollte nicht weniger als 6 Stellen beinhalten',
password_error1: 'Die Passwortbestätigung stimmt nicht mit dem Passwort überein',
password_validation_title: 'Passwort',
hi: {
phone_title: 'फ़ोन नंबर भेजें',
phone_description: 'अपने नंबर का उपयोग करके दोस्त ढूंढें',
phone_placeholder: 'फ़ोन नंबर',
confirm_description: 'पुष्टि कोड',
confirm_validation_title: 'पुष्टि कोड',
confirm_validation_description: 'गलत प्रारूप',
password_description: 'पासवर्ड',
password_placeholder: 'अपना पासवर्ड टाइप करें',
password_placeholder2: 'पुष्टि करने के लिए फिर से पासवर्ड दर्ज करें',
password_error: 'पासवर्ड 6 प्रतीकों से कम का नहीं होना चाहिए।',
password_error1: 'पासवर्ड पुष्टि पासवर्ड मेल नहीं खाता है।',
password_validation_title: 'पासवर्ड'
hu: {
phone_title: 'Telefonszám küldése',
phone_description: 'Ismerősök megkeresése telefonszám alapján',
phone_placeholder: 'Telefonszám',
confirm_description: 'Megerősítési kód',
confirm_validation_title: 'Megerősítési kód',
confirm_validation_description: 'Rossz formátum',
password_description: 'Jelszó',
password_placeholder: 'Add meg a jelszavad',
password_placeholder2: 'A megerősítéshez kérjük, add meg újra a jelszavad',
password_error: 'A jelszó nem lehet hosszabb 6 szimbólumnál.',
password_error1: 'A megerősített jelszó nem egyezik a jelszóval.',
password_validation_title: 'Jelszó'
it: {
phone_title: 'Invia numero di telefono',
phone_description: 'Trova gli amici che usano il tuo numero',
phone_placeholder: 'Numero di telefono',
confirm_description: 'Codice di conferma',
confirm_validation_title: 'Codice di conferma',
confirm_validation_description: 'Formato errato',
password_description: 'Password',
password_placeholder: 'Digita la tua password',
password_placeholder2: 'Reinserisci la password per confermare',
password_error: 'La password deve contenere almeno 6 caratteri.',
password_error1: 'Conferma password\ la password non corrisponde.',
password_validation_title: 'Password'
ja: {
phone_title: '電話番号を送信',
phone_description: 'あなたの番号を使用している友人を検索',
phone_placeholder: '携帯電話番号',
confirm_description: '確認コード',
confirm_validation_title: '確認コード',
confirm_validation_description: '間違った形式',
password_description: 'パスワード',
password_placeholder: 'パスワードを入力してください',
password_placeholder2: '確認のためにパスワードを再入力してください',
password_error: 'パスワードは6文字以下でなければなりません.',
password_error1: 'パスワードの確認がパスワードと一致しません。',
password_validation_title: 'パスワード'
ko: {
phone_title: '전화번호 보내기',
phone_description: '내 번호를 사용하여 친구 찾기',
phone_placeholder: '전화번호',
confirm_description: '확인 코드',
confirm_validation_title: '확인 코드',
confirm_validation_description: '잘못된 형식',
password_description: '비밀번호',
password_placeholder: '비밀번호를 입력하세요',
password_placeholder2: '확인을 위해 비밀번호를 다시 입력해 주세요',
password_error: '비밀번호는 6자 이상이어야 합니다.',
password_error1: '확인용 비밀번호가 원래 비밀번호와 일치하지 않습니다.',
password_validation_title: '비밀번호'
pl: {
phone_title: 'Wyślij numer telefonu',
phone_description: 'Znajdź znajomych, używając swojego numeru',
phone_placeholder: 'Numer telefonu',
confirm_description: 'Kod potwierdzający',
confirm_validation_title: 'Kod potwierdzający',
confirm_validation_description: 'Nieprawidłowy format',
password_description: 'Hasło',
password_placeholder: 'Wpisz swoje hasło',
password_placeholder2: 'Wprowadź ponownie hasło, aby potwierdzić',
password_error: 'Hasło powinno zawierać co najmniej 6 symboli.',
password_error1: 'Wprowadzone i potwierdzone hasła nie są takie same.',
password_validation_title: 'Hasło'
'pt-br': {
phone_title: 'Enviar número de telefone',
phone_description: 'Encontrar amigos por meio do seu número',
phone_placeholder: 'Número de telefone',
confirm_description: 'Código de confirmação',
confirm_validation_title: 'Código de confirmação',
confirm_validation_description: 'Formato incorreto',
password_description: 'Senha',
password_placeholder: 'Digite sua senha',
password_placeholder2: 'Por favor, digite a senha novamente para confirmar',
password_error: 'A senha deve ter no mínimo 6 símbolos.',
password_error1: 'A confirmação da senha é diferente da senha.',
password_validation_title: 'Senha'
'pt-pt': {
phone_title: 'Enviar o Número de Telefone',
phone_description: 'Encontrar amigos que utilizem o seu número',
phone_placeholder: 'Número de telefone',
confirm_description: 'Código de confirmação',
confirm_validation_title: 'Código de confirmação',
confirm_validation_description: 'Formato errado',
password_description: 'Palavra-passe',
password_placeholder: 'Digite a sua palavra-passe',
password_placeholder2: 'Por favor, volte a digitar a palavra-passe para confirmar',
password_error: 'A palavra-passe não deve ter menos de 6 símbolos.',
password_error1: 'A confirmação da palavra-passe não coincide com a palavra-passe.',
password_validation_title: 'Palavra-passe'
ro: {
phone_title: 'Trimite numărul de telefon',
phone_description: 'Găsește prieteni folosindu-ți numărul de telefon',
phone_placeholder: 'Număr de telefon',
confirm_description: 'Cod de confirmare',
confirm_validation_title: 'Cod de confirmare',
confirm_validation_description: 'Format greșit',
password_description: 'Parolă',
password_placeholder: 'Tastează parola',
password_placeholder2: 'Te rugăm să re-introduci parola pentru a confirma',
password_error: 'Parola trebuie să aibă cel puțin 6 simboluri.',
password_error1: 'Parola confirmată nu este aceeași cu parola introdusă.',
password_validation_title: 'Parolă'
sl: {
phone_title: 'Pošlji telefonsko številko',
phone_description: 'Iskanje prijateljev z uporabo tvoje telefonske številke',
phone_placeholder: 'Telefonska številka',
confirm_description: 'Potrditvena koda',
confirm_validation_title: 'Potrditvena koda',
confirm_validation_description: 'Neveljaven format',
password_description: 'Geslo',
password_placeholder: 'Vnesi svoje geslo',
password_placeholder2: 'Prosimo, ponovno vnesi geslo za potrditev',
password_error: 'Geslo mora vsebovati vsaj 6 simbolov.',
password_error1: 'Potrditev gesla se ne ujema z geslom.',
password_validation_title: 'Geslo'
es: {
phone_title: 'Enviar número de teléfono',
phone_description: 'Encontrar amigos que estén utilizando tu número',
phone_placeholder: 'Número de teléfono',
confirm_description: 'Código de confirmación',
confirm_validation_title: 'Código de confirmación',
confirm_validation_description: 'Formato erróneo',
password_description: 'Contraseña',
password_placeholder: 'Escribe tu contraseña',
password_placeholder2: 'Por favor, vuelve a escribir la contraseña para confirmar',
password_error: 'La contraseña no debe ser inferior a 6 símbolos.',
password_error1: 'La confirmación de contraseña no coincide con la contraseña.',
password_validation_title: 'Contraseña'
'es-ar': {
phone_title: 'Envia un número telefónico',
phone_description: 'Encuentra amigos utilizando tu número',
phone_placeholder: 'Número telefónico',
confirm_description: 'Código de confirmación',
confirm_validation_title: 'Código de confirmación',
confirm_validation_description: 'Formato incorrecto',
password_description: 'Contraseña',
password_placeholder: 'Ingresa tu contraseña',
password_placeholder2: 'Ingresa tu contraseña para confirmar',
password_error: 'Las contraseñas deben contener no menos de 6 símbolos.',
password_error1: 'La confirmación de la contraseña no coincide con la contraseña.',
password_validation_title: 'Contraseña'
sw: {
phone_title: 'Tuma Namba ya Simu',
phone_description: 'Pata marafiki kwa kutumia namba yako',
phone_placeholder: 'Namba ya simu',
confirm_description: 'Kificho cha uthibitisho',
confirm_validation_title: 'Kificho cha uthibitisho',
confirm_validation_description: 'Muundo hafifu',
password_description: 'Nenosiri',
password_placeholder: 'Andika nenosiri lako',
password_placeholder2: 'Tafadhali ingiza tena nenosiri kuthibitisha',
password_error: 'Nenosiri lisiwe chini ya alama 6.',
password_error1: 'Uthibitisho wa nenosiri haulingani na nenosiri.',
password_validation_title: 'Nenosiri'
sv: {
phone_title: 'Skicka telefonnummer',
phone_description: 'Hitta vänner som använder ditt nummer',
phone_placeholder: 'Telefonnummer',
confirm_description: 'Bekräftelsekod',
confirm_validation_title: 'Bekräftelsekod',
confirm_validation_description: 'Fel format',
password_description: 'Lösenord',
password_placeholder: 'Skriv ditt lösenord',
password_placeholder2: 'Var god ange ditt lösenord igen för att bekräfta',
password_error: 'Lösenordet bör inte vara mindre än 6 symboler.',
password_error1: 'Lösenordsbekräftelsen matcharinte lösenordet.',
password_validation_title: 'Lösenord'
'fr-ch': {
phone_title: 'Envoyer numéro de téléphone',
phone_description: 'Trouvez des amis en utilisant votre numéro',
phone_placeholder: 'Numéro de téléphone',
confirm_description: 'Code de confirmation',
confirm_validation_title: 'Code de confirmation',
confirm_validation_description: 'Mauvais format',
password_description: 'Mot de passe',
password_placeholder: 'Tapez votre mot de passe',
password_placeholder2: 'Veuillez saisir à nouveau le mot de passe pour confirmer',
password_error: 'Le mot de passe doit avoir au moins 6 caractères.',
password_error1: 'La confirmation du mot de passe ne correspond pas au premier mot de passe.',
password_validation_title: 'Mot de passe'
'de-ch': {
phone_title: 'Sende Telefonnummer',
phone_description: 'Finde Freunde mittels deiner Telefonnummer',
phone_placeholder: 'Telefonnummer',
confirm_description: 'Konfirmationscode',
confirm_validation_title: 'Konfirmationscode',
confirm_validation_description: 'Falsches Format',
password_description: 'Passwort',
password_placeholder: 'Gib dein Passwort ein',
password_placeholder2: 'Bitte gib das Passwort zur Bestätigung erneut ein',
password_error: 'Passwort sollte nicht kleiner als 6 Symbole sein.',
password_error1: 'Passwort Bestätigung stimmt mit Passwort nicht überein.',
password_validation_title: 'Passwort'
'it-ch': {
phone_title: 'Invia numero di telefono',
phone_description: 'Trova amici che utilizzano il tuo numero',
phone_placeholder: 'Numero di telefono',
confirm_description: 'Codice di conferma',
confirm_validation_title: 'Codice di conferma',
confirm_validation_description: 'Formato errato',
password_description: 'Password',
password_placeholder: 'Digita la tua password',
password_placeholder2: 'Inserisci nuovamente la password per confermare',
password_error: 'La password non può contenere meno di 6 caratteri.',
password_error1: 'La password di conferma non corrisponde alla password.',
password_validation_title: 'Password'
th: {
phone_title: 'ส่งหมายเลขโทรศัพท์',
phone_description: 'ค้นหาเพื่อนโดยใช้หมายเลขของคุณ ',
phone_placeholder: 'หมายเลขโทรศัพท์',
confirm_description: 'รหัสยืนยัน',
confirm_validation_title: 'รหัสยืนยัน',
confirm_validation_description: 'รูปแบบผิด',
password_description: 'รหัสผ่าน',
password_placeholder: 'พิมพ์รหัสผ่านของคุณ',
password_placeholder2: 'โปรดกรอกรหัสผ่านอีกครั้งเพื่อยืนยัน',
password_error: 'รหัสผ่านควรมีสัญลักษณ์ไม่น้อยกว่า 6 ตัว',
password_error1: 'การยืนยันรหัสผ่านไม่ตรงกับรหัสผ่าน',
password_validation_title: 'รหัสผ่าน'
tr: {
phone_title: 'Telefon Numarasını Gönder',
phone_description: 'Telefon numaranı kullanarak arkadaşlarınızı bulun',
phone_placeholder: 'Telefon numarası',
confirm_description: 'Onay kodu',
confirm_validation_title: 'Onay kodu',
confirm_validation_description: 'Hatalı format',
password_description: 'Şifre',
password_placeholder: 'Şifrenizi girin',
password_placeholder2: 'Onaylamak için lütfen parolanızı yeniden girin',
password_error: 'Şifre 6 simgeden daha kısa olmamalıdır.',
password_error1: 'Şifre onayı, şifre ile eşleşmiyor.',
password_validation_title: 'Şifre'
uk: {
phone_title: 'Надіслати номер телефону',
phone_description: 'Знайдіть друзів, використовуючи свій номер',
phone_placeholder: 'Номер телефону',
confirm_description: 'Код підтвердження',
confirm_validation_title: 'Код підтвердження',
confirm_validation_description: 'Неправильний формат',
password_description: 'Пароль',
password_placeholder: 'Введіть свій пароль',
password_placeholder2: 'Будь ласка, введіть пароль ще раз для підтвердження',
password_error: 'Пароль повинен бути не менше 6 символів.',
password_error1: 'Підтвердження паролю не співпадає з паролем.',
password_validation_title: 'Пароль'
ur: {
phone_title: 'فون نمبر بھیجیں',
phone_description: 'فون نمبر استعمال کرتے ہوئے دوستوں کو تلاش کریں',
phone_placeholder: 'فون نمبر',
confirm_description: 'تصدیقی کوڈ',
confirm_validation_title: 'تصدیقی کوڈ',
confirm_validation_description: 'غلط فارمیٹ',
password_description: 'پاسورڈ',
password_placeholder: 'اپنا پاسورڈ لکھیں',
password_placeholder2: 'برائے مہربانی تصدیق کے لیے اپنا پاسورڈ دوبارہ لکھیں',
password_error: 'پاسورڈ 6 اعداد سے چھوٹا نہیں ہونا چاہیے۔',
password_error1: 'تصدیقی پاسورڈ پاسورڈ سے مماثل نہیں',
password_validation_title: 'پاسورڈ'
vi: {
phone_title: 'Gửi số điện thoại',
phone_description: 'Tìm bạn bè bằng các sử dụng số điện thoại của bạn',
phone_placeholder: 'Số điện thoại',
confirm_description: 'Mã xác nhận',
confirm_validation_title: 'Mã xác nhận',
confirm_validation_description: 'Sai định dạng',
password_description: 'Mật khẩu',
password_placeholder: 'Gõ mật khẩu của bạn',
password_placeholder2: 'Vui lòng nhập lại mật khẩu để xác nhận',
password_error: 'Mật khẩu không được ít hơn 6 ký tự.',
password_error1: 'Xác nhận mật khẩu không khớp với mật khẩu.',
password_validation_title: 'Mật khẩu'
var WEB3_UNIT = [
// because web3 doesn't provide params or docs
var DOC_MAP = {
console: {
log : {
desc: 'Outputs a message to chat context.',
args: [{
name: 'text',
type: 'String',
desc: 'message to output to chat context'
web3: {
// setProvider : ['provider'], // TODO
version: {
api: {
desc: 'The ethereum js api version.'
node: {
desc: 'The client/node version.'
network: {
desc: 'The network protocol version.'
ethereum: {
desc: 'The ethereum protocol version.'
whisper: {
desc: 'The whisper protocol version.'
isConnected: {
desc: 'Check if a connection to a node exists.',
args: []
currentProvider: {
desc: 'Will contain the current provider, if one is set. This can be used to check if mist etc. set already a provider.'
reset: {
desc: 'Should be called to reset state of web3. Resets everything except manager. Uninstalls all filters. Stops polling.',
args: [{
name: 'keepIsSyncing',
type: 'Boolean',
desc: 'If true it will uninstall all filters, but will keep the web3.eth.isSyncing() polls'
sha3: {
desc: 'Returns the Keccak-256 SHA3 of the given data.',
args: [{
name: 'string',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The string to hash using the Keccak-256 SHA3 algorithm'
}, {
name: 'options',
type: 'Object',
optional: true,
desc: 'Set encoding to hex if the string to hash is encoded in hex. A leading 0x will be automatically ignored.'
toHex: {
desc: 'Converts any value into HEX',
args: [{
name: 'mixed',
type: 'String|Number|Object|Array|BigNumber',
desc: 'The value to parse to HEX. If its an object or array it will be JSON.stringify first. If its a BigNumber it will make it the HEX value of a number.'
toAscii: {
desc: 'Converts a HEX string into a ASCII string.',
args: [{
name: 'hexString',
type: 'String',
desc: 'A HEX string to be converted to ascii.'
fromAscii: {
desc: 'Converts any ASCII string to a HEX string.',
args: [{
name: 'string',
type: 'String',
desc: 'An ASCII string to be converted to HEX.'
}, {
name: 'padding',
type: 'Number',
desc: 'The number of bytes the returned HEX string should have. '
toDecimal: {
desc: 'Converts a HEX string to its number representation.',
args: [{
name: 'hexString',
type: 'String',
desc: 'An HEX string to be converted to a number.'
fromDecimal: {
desc: 'Converts a number or number string to its HEX representation.',
args: [{
name: 'number',
type: 'Number',
desc: 'A number to be converted to a HEX string.'
fromWei: {
desc: 'Converts a number of wei into an ethereum unit',
args: [{
name: 'number',
type: 'Number|String|BigNumber',
desc: 'A number or BigNumber instance.'
}, {
name: 'unit',
type: 'string',
desc: 'One of the ether units'
toWei: {
desc: 'Converts an ethereum unit into wei',
args: [{
name: 'number',
type: 'Number|String|BigNumber',
desc: 'A number or BigNumber instance.'
}, {
name: 'unit',
type: 'string',
desc: 'One of the ether units'
toBigNumber: {
desc: 'Converts a given number into a BigNumber instance',
args: [{
name: 'numberOrHexString',
type: 'Number|String',
desc: 'A number, number string or HEX string of a number.'
net: {
listening: {
desc: 'Is node actively listening for network connections?'
peerCount: {
desc: 'Returns the number of connected peers'
isAddress: {
desc: '',
args: [{
name: '',
type: 'string',
desc: 'hex string'
}], // TODO not in docs
eth: {
defaultAccount: {
desc: 'The currently set default address'
defaultBlock: {
desc: 'The default block number to use when querying a state.'
syncing: {
desc: 'Returns the either a sync object, when the node is syncing or false.'
isSyncing: {
desc: 'This convenience function calls the callback everytime a sync starts, updates and stops.',
args: [{
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
desc: 'The callback will be fired with true when the syncing starts and with false when it stopped. While syncing it will return the syncing object: {startingBlock, currentBlock, highestBlock}'
coinbase: {
desc: 'Returns the coinbase address were the mining rewards go to.'
mining: {
desc: 'Says whether the node is mining or not.'
hashrate: {
desc: 'Returns the number of hashes per second that the node is mining with.'
gasPrice: {
desc: 'Returns the current gas price. The gas price is determined by the x latest blocks median gas price'
accounts: {
desc: 'Returns a list of accounts the node controls'
blockNumber: {
desc: 'Returns the current block number'
getBalance: {
desc: 'Get the balance of an address at a given block.',
args: [{
name: 'addressHexString',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The address to get the balance of'
}, {
name: 'defaultBlock',
type: 'Number|String',
optional: true,
desc: 'If you pass this parameter it will not use the default block set with web3.eth.defaultBlock.'
}, {
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous.'
getStorageAt: {
desc: 'Get the storage at a specific position of an address.',
args: [{
name: 'addressHexString',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The address to get the storage from.'
}, {
name: 'position',
type: 'Number',
desc: 'The index position of the storage.'
}, {
name: 'defaultBlock',
type: 'Number|String',
optional: true,
desc: 'If you pass this parameter it will not use the default block set with web3.eth.defaultBlock.'
}, {
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous.'
getCode: {
desc: 'Get the code at a specific address.',
args: [{
name: 'addressHexString',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The address to get the code from.'
}, {
name: 'defaultBlock',
type: 'Number|String',
optional: true,
desc: 'If you pass this parameter it will not use the default block set with web3.eth.defaultBlock.'
}, {
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous.'
getBlock: {
desc: 'Returns a block matching the block number or block hash.',
args: [{
name: 'blockHashOrBlockNumber',
type: 'String|Number',
desc: 'The block number or hash. Or the string "earliest", "latest" or "pending"'
}, {
name: 'returnTransactionObjects',
type: 'Boolean',
optional: true,
desc: '(default false) If true, the returned block will contain all transactions as objects, if false it will only contains the transaction hashes.'
}, {
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous.'
getBlockTransactionCount: {
desc: 'Returns the number of transaction in a given block.',
args: [{
name: 'hashStringOrBlockNumber',
type: 'String|Number',
desc: 'The block number or hash. Or the string "earliest", "latest" or "pending"'
}, {
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous.'
getUncle: {
desc: 'Returns a blocks uncle by a given uncle index position',
args: [{
name: 'blockHashStringOrNumber',
type: 'String|Number',
desc: 'The block number or hash. Or the string "earliest", "latest" or "pending"'
}, {
name: 'uncleNumber',
type: 'Number',
desc: 'The index position of the uncle.'
}, {
name: 'returnTransactionObjects',
type: 'Boolean',
desc: '(default false) If true, the returned block will contain all transactions as objects, if false it will only contains the transaction hashes.'
}, {
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous.'
getBlockUncleCount: {
desc: '', // TODO missing from docs
getTransaction: {
desc: 'Returns a transaction matching the given transaction hash.',
args: [{
name: 'transactionHash',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The transaction hash.'
}, {
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous.'
getTransactionFromBlock: {
desc: 'Returns a transaction based on a block hash or number and the transactions index position.',
args: [{
name: 'hashStringOrBlockNumber',
type: 'String|Number',
desc: 'The block number or hash. Or the string "earliest", "latest" or "pending"'
}, {
name: 'indexNumber',
type: 'Number',
desc: 'The transactions index position.'
}, {
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous.'
getTransactionReceipt: {
desc: 'Returns the receipt of a transaction by transaction hash.',
args: [{
name: 'hashString',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The transaction hash.'
}, {
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous.'
getTransactionCount: {
desc: 'Get the numbers of transactions sent from this address.',
args: [{
name: 'addressHexString',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The address to get the numbers of transactions from.'
}, {
name: 'defaultBlock',
type: 'String|Number',
desc: 'If you pass this parameter it will not use the default block set with web3.eth.defaultBlock.'
}, {
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous.'
sendTransaction: {
desc: 'Sends a transaction to the network.',
args: [{
name: 'transactionObject',
type: 'Object',
desc: 'The transaction object to send: {from[, to][, value][, gas][, gasPrice][, data][, nonce]}'
}, {
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous.'
sendRawTransaction: {
desc: 'Sends an already signed transaction.',
args: [{
name: 'signedTransactionData',
type: 'String',
desc: 'Signed transaction data in HEX format'
}, {
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous.'
sign: {
desc: 'Signs data from a specific account. This account needs to be unlocked.',
args: [{
name: 'address',
type: 'String',
desc: 'Address to sign with.'
}, {
name: 'dataToSign',
type: 'String',
desc: 'Data to sign.'
}, {
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous.'
call: {
desc: 'Executes a message call transaction, which is directly executed in the VM of the node, but never mined into the blockchain.',
args: [{
name: 'callObject',
type: 'String',
desc: 'Address to sign with.'
}, {
name: 'defaultBlock',
type: 'String',
optional: true,
desc: 'Data to sign.'
}, {
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous.'
estimateGas: {
desc: 'Executes a message call or transaction, which is directly executed in the VM of the node, but never mined into the blockchain and returns the amount of the gas used.',
args: [{
name: 'callObject',
type: 'Object',
desc: 'The transaction object to send: {[from][, to][, value][, gas][, gasPrice][, data][, nonce]}'
}, {
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous.'
filter: {
// TODO: add description
desc: '',
args: [{
name: 'options',
type: 'String|Object',
desc: 'The string "latest" or "pending" to watch for changes in the latest block or pending transactions respectively. Or a filter options object as follows: {fromBlock: Number|String, toBlock: Number|String, address: String, topics: StringArray}'
}, {
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'Watch callback'
// TODO filters
// watch : ['callback'],
// stopWatching : ['callback'],
contract: {
desc: 'Creates a contract object for a solidity contract, which can be used to initiate contracts on an address.',
args: [{
name: 'abiArray',
type: 'Array',
desc: 'ABI array with descriptions of functions and events of the contract.'
getCompilers: {
desc: 'Gets a list of available compilers.',
args: [{
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous.'
compile: { // TODO we should auto hide these depending on output from getCompilers
lll: {
desc: 'Compiles LLL source code.',
args: [{
name: 'sourceString',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The LLL source code.'
}, {
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'Watch callback'
solidity: {
desc: 'Compiles solidity source code',
args: [{
name: 'sourceString',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The solidity source code.'
}, {
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'Watch callback'
serpent: {
desc: 'Compiles serpent source code',
args: [{
name: 'sourceString',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The serpent source code.'
}, {
name: 'callback',
type: 'Function',
optional: true,
desc: 'Watch callback'
namereg: {
desc: 'Returns GlobalRegistrar object.'
db: {
putString: {
desc: 'Store a string in the local leveldb database.',
args: [{
name: 'db',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The database to store to.'
}, {
name: 'key',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The name of the store.'
}, {
name: 'value',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The string value to store.'
getString: {
desc: 'Retrieve a string from the local leveldb database. (db, key)',
args: [{
name: 'db',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The database string name to retrieve from.'
}, {
name: 'key',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The name of the store.'
putHex: {
desc: 'Store binary data in the local leveldb database. (db, key, value)',
args: [{
name: 'db',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The database to store to.'
}, {
name: 'key',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The name of the store.'
}, {
name: 'value',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The HEX string to store.'
getHex: {
desc: 'Retrieve binary data from the local leveldb database. (db, key)',
args: [{
name: 'db',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The database string name to retrieve from.'
}, {
name: 'key',
type: 'String',
desc: 'The name of the store.'
function jsSuggestionsContainerStyle(suggestionsCount) {
return {
marginVertical: 1,
marginHorizontal: 0,
keyboardShouldPersistTaps: true,
//height: Math.min(150, (56 * suggestionsCount)),
backgroundColor: "white",
borderRadius: 5,
keyboardShouldPersistTaps: true
var jsSuggestionContainerStyle = {
paddingLeft: 16,
backgroundColor: "white"
var jsSubContainerStyle = {
//height: 56,
paddingTop: 9,
borderBottomWidth: 1,
borderBottomColor: "#0000001f"
var jsValueStyle = {
fontSize: 14,
fontFamily: "font",
color: "#000000de"
var jsBoldValueStyle = {
fontSize: 14,
fontFamily: "font",
color: "#000000de",
fontWeight: "bold"
var jsDescriptionStyle = {
marginTop: 1.5,
fontSize: 14,
fontFamily: "font",
color: "#838c93de"
var messages = [];
console = (function(old){
return {
log: function(text){
var message = {
type: 'log',
message: JSON.stringify(text)
info: function (text) {;
type: 'info',
message: JSON.stringify(text)
warn: function (text) {
type: 'warn',
message: JSON.stringify(text)
error: function (text) {
type: 'error',
message: JSON.stringify(text)
if (!String.prototype.startsWith) {
String.prototype.startsWith = function(searchString, position){
position = position || 0;
return this.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
function matchSubString(array, string) {
var matched = [];
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
var item = array[i];
if (item.toLowerCase().startsWith(string.toLowerCase())) {
return matched;
function cleanCode(code) {
// remove comments
var commentsRegex = /\/\*.+?\*\/|\/\/.*/g;
code = code.replace(commentsRegex, "");
// replace string literals
var literalsRegex = /\"(?:\\\\\"|[^\"])*?\"/g;
code = code.replace(literalsRegex, '""');
var literalsRegex = /\'(?:\\\\\'|[^\'])*?\'/g;
code = code.replace(literalsRegex, '""');
return code
function createObjectSuggestion(name, docInfo, code, parameterNumber) {
var title = name;
if (docInfo.args) {
title += "(";
for (var i = 0; i < docInfo.args.length; i++) {
var argument = docInfo.args[i];
var argumentText = (i > 0 ? ", " : "") + (parameterNumber === i ? "*" + + "*" :;
if (argument.optional) {
argumentText = "[" + argumentText + "]";
title += argumentText;
title += ")";
if (!docInfo.desc) {
name += ".";
} else if (docInfo.args) {
name += "(";
if (docInfo.args.length == 0) {
name += ")";
var suggestion = {
title: title,
desc: docInfo.desc
if (code != null) {
suggestion.pressValue = code + name;
return suggestion;
var lastMessage = null;
function getLastForm(code) {
var codeLength = code.length;
var form = '';
var level = 0;
var index = codeLength - 1;
while(index >= 0) {
var char = code[index];
if (level == 0 && (char == '(' || char == ',')) {
if (char == ')') {
level --;
if (char == '(') {
level ++;
form = char + form;
return form;
function getLastLevel(code) {
var codeLength = code.length;
var form = '';
var index = codeLength - 1;
var nested = false;
var level = 0;
while(index >= 0) {
var char = code[index];
if (char == ')') {
nested = true;
if (char == '(') {
if (level == 0) {
nested = false;
if (level <= 0) {
form = "argument" + form;
if ((level == 1 && char == ',') || level == 2) {
if (!nested || level > 0) {
form = char + form;
if (form.indexOf("(") < 0) {
var parts = form.split(',');
form = parts[parts.length - 1];
return form;
function getPartialSuggestions(doc, fullCode, code) {
var suggestions = [];
var functionParts = code.split("(");
var objectParts = code.split(/[^a-zA-Z_0-9\$\-\u00C0-\u1FFF\u2C00-\uD7FF\w]+/);
var index = 0;
var suggestedFunction = '';
while (index < objectParts.length) {
var part = objectParts[index];
if (part != "desc" && part != "args" && doc[part] != null) {
doc = doc[part];
suggestedFunction += part + '.';
} else {
suggestedFunction = suggestedFunction.substring(0, suggestedFunction.length - 1)
if (functionParts.length == 1) {
// object suggestions
if (index > objectParts.length - 1) {
var suggestion = objectParts[objectParts.length - 1];
suggestions.push(createObjectSuggestion(suggestion, doc, fullCode.substring(0, fullCode.length - suggestion.length)));
} else if (index === objectParts.length - 1) {
var lastPart = objectParts[index];
var keys = Object.keys(doc);
var matches = matchSubString(keys, lastPart);
for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
var suggestion = matches[i];
if (suggestion == "desc" || suggestion == "args") {
var docInfo = doc[suggestion];
if (docInfo != null) {
suggestions.push(createObjectSuggestion(suggestion, docInfo, fullCode.substring(0, fullCode.length - lastPart.length)));
} else if (functionParts.length == 2) {
// parameter suggestions
var parameters = functionParts[1].split(",");
if (doc.args && parameters.length <= doc.args.length && parameters[parameters.length - 1].indexOf(")") < 0) {
var paramInfo = doc.args[parameters.length - 1];
var docInfo = doc;
docInfo.desc = + ": " + paramInfo.desc;
suggestions.push(createObjectSuggestion(suggestedFunction, docInfo, null, parameters.length - 1));
return suggestions;
function getJsSuggestions(code, context) {
var suggestions = [];
var doc = DOC_MAP;
// TODO: what's /c / doing there ???
if (!code || code == "" || code == "c ") {
code = "";
console.log("Last message: " +;
if ( != null) {
title: 'Last command used:',
var keys = Object.keys(doc);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var suggestion = keys[i];
var docInfo = doc[suggestion];
if (docInfo != null) {
suggestions.push(createObjectSuggestion(suggestion, docInfo, ""));
} else {
// TODO: what's /c / doing there ???
if (code.startsWith("c ")) {
code = code.substring(2);
if ( != null &&
(typeof === 'string' || instanceof String) && {
title: 'Last command used:',
var originalCode = code;
code = cleanCode(code);
var levelCode = getLastLevel(code);
var code = getLastForm(levelCode);
if (levelCode != code) {
suggestions = getPartialSuggestions(doc, originalCode, levelCode);
console.log("Final code: " + code);
console.log("Level code: " + levelCode);
suggestions = suggestions.concat(getPartialSuggestions(doc, originalCode, code));
return suggestions;
function createMarkupText(text) {
var parts = [];
var index = 0;
var currentText = '';
var isBold = false;
while (index < text.length) {
var char = text[index];
if (char == '*') {
if (currentText != '') {
{style: isBold ? jsBoldValueStyle : jsValueStyle},
currentText = '';
isBold = !isBold;
} else {
currentText += char;
if (currentText != '') {
{style: isBold ? jsBoldValueStyle : jsValueStyle},
return parts;
function jsSuggestions(params, context) {
var suggestions = getJsSuggestions(params.code, context);
var sugestionsMarkup = [];
for (var i = 0; i < suggestions.length; i++) {
var suggestion = suggestions[i];
if (suggestion.title.indexOf('*') >= 0) {
suggestion.title = createMarkupText(suggestion.title);
var suggestionMarkup = status.components.view(jsSuggestionContainerStyle,
status.components.text({style: jsValueStyle},
status.components.text({style: jsDescriptionStyle},
if (suggestion.pressValue) {
suggestionMarkup = status.components.touchable({
onPress: [, suggestion.pressValue]},
if (sugestionsMarkup.length > 0) {
var view = status.components.scrollView(jsSuggestionsContainerStyle(sugestionsMarkup.length),
return {markup: view};
function jsHandler(params, context) {
var result = {
err: null,
data: null,
messages: []
messages = [];
try { = JSON.stringify(eval(params.code));
} catch(e) {
result.err = e;
result.messages = messages;
return result;
var phones = [ // TODO this is supposed to be regionalised
number: "89171111111",
description: "Number format 1"
number: "89371111111",
description: "Number format 1"
number: "+79171111111",
description: "Number format 2"
number: "9171111111",
description: "Number format 3"
function suggestionsContainerStyle(suggestionsCount) {
return {
marginVertical: 1,
marginHorizontal: 0,
keyboardShouldPersistTaps: true,
height: Math.min(150, (56 * suggestionsCount)),
backgroundColor: "white",
borderRadius: 5,
flexGrow: 1
var suggestionContainerStyle = {
paddingLeft: 16,
backgroundColor: "white"
var suggestionSubContainerStyle = {
height: 56,
borderBottomWidth: 1,
borderBottomColor: "#0000001f"
var valueStyle = {
marginTop: 9,
fontSize: 14,
fontFamily: "font",
color: "#000000de"
var descriptionStyle = {
marginTop: 1.5,
fontSize: 14,
fontFamily: "font",
color: "#838c93de"
function startsWith(str1, str2) {
// String.startsWith(...) doesn't work in otto
return str1.lastIndexOf(str2, 0) == 0 && str1 != str2;
function phoneSuggestions(params, context) {
var ph, suggestions;
if (! || == "") {
ph = context.suggestions;
} else {
ph = context.suggestions.filter(function (phone) {
return startsWith(phone.number,;
if (ph.length == 0) {
suggestions = (phone) {
return status.components.touchable(
{onPress: [, phone.number]},
{style: valueStyle},
{style: descriptionStyle},
/*var view = status.components.view(
{style: {flex: 1, flexDirection: "column"}},
var view = status.components.scrollView(
return {markup: view};
var phoneConfig = {
name: "phone",
icon: "phone_white",
title: I18n.t('phone_title'),
description: I18n.t('phone_description'),
color: "#5bb2a2",
validator: function (params) {
return {
validationHandler: "phone",
parameters: []
params: [{
name: "phone",
type: status.types.PHONE,
suggestions: phoneSuggestions,
placeholder: I18n.t('phone_placeholder')
var faucets = [
name: "Ethereum Ropsten Faucet",
url: ""
name: "Status Testnet Faucet",
url: "",
function faucetSuggestions(params) {
var suggestions = {
return status.components.touchable(
{onPress: [, entry.url]},
{style: valueStyle},
{style: descriptionStyle},
var view = status.components.scrollView(
return {markup: view};
name: "faucet",
title: "Faucet",
description: "Get some ETH",
color: "#7099e6",
registeredOnly: true,
params: [{
name: "url",
type: status.types.TEXT,
suggestions: faucetSuggestions,
placeholder: "Faucet URL"
preview: function (params) {
return status.components.text(
validator: function (params, context) {
var f = (entry) {
return entry.url;
if (f.indexOf(params.url) == -1) {
var error = status.components.validationMessage(
return {errors: [error]};
function debugSuggestions(params) {
var suggestions = ["On", "Off"].map(function(entry) {
return status.components.touchable(
{onPress: [, entry]},
{style: valueStyle},
var view = status.components.scrollView(
return {markup: view};
name: "debug",
title: "Debug",
description: "Starts/stops a debug server",
color: "#7099e6",
registeredOnly: true,
params: [{
name: "mode",
suggestions: debugSuggestions,
type: status.types.TEXT
preview: function (params) {
return status.components.text(
"Debug mode: " + params.mode
function browseSuggestions(params) {
if (params.url && params.url !== "undefined" && params.url != "") {
var url = params.url;
if (!/^[a-zA-Z-_]+:/.test(url)) {
url = 'http://' + url;
return {webViewUrl: url};
name: "browse",
color: "#ffa500",
hidden: true,
fullscreen: true,
suggestionsTrigger: 'on-send',
params: [{
name: "url",
suggestions: browseSuggestions,
type: status.types.TEXT
// status.command({
// name: "help",
// title: "Help",
// description: "Request help from Console",
// color: "#7099e6",
// params: [{
// name: "query",
// type: status.types.TEXT
// }]
// });
name: "confirmation-code",
color: "#7099e6",
description: I18n.t('confirm_description'),
params: [{
name: "code",
type: status.types.NUMBER
validator: function (params) {
if (!/^[\d]{4}$/.test(params.code)) {
var error = status.components.validationMessage(
return {errors: [error]}
name: "password",
color: "#7099e6",
description: I18n.t('password_description'),
icon: "lock_white",
params: [{
name: "password",
type: status.types.PASSWORD,
placeholder: I18n.t('password_placeholder'),
hidden: true
}, {
name: "password-confirmation",
type: status.types.PASSWORD,
placeholder: I18n.t('password_placeholder2'),
hidden: true
validator: function (params, context) {
var errorMessages = [];
var currentParameter = context["current-parameter"];
if (
currentParameter == "password" &&
params.password.length < 6
) {
if (currentParameter == "password-confirmation" &&
params.password != params["password-confirmation"]) {
if (errorMessages.length) {
var errors = [];
for (var idx in errorMessages) {
return {errors: errors};
return {params: params, context: context};
preview: function (params, context) {
var style = {
marginTop: 5,
marginHorizontal: 0,
fontSize: 14,
color: "black"
if (context.platform == "ios") {
style.fontSize = 8;
style.marginTop = 10;
style.marginBottom = 2;
style.letterSpacing = 1;
return status.components.text({style: style}, "●●●●●●●●●●");
status.registerFunction("message-suggestions", function(params, context) {
return jsSuggestions({code: params.message}, context);
status.registerFunction("message-handler", function(params, context) {
return jsHandler({code: params.message}, context);