## PR process 1) Create a PR in status-mobile 2) Add some reviewers to the PR and wait for feedback 3) Address feedback 4) Make sure builds and tests are green (run `make test` locally, `make lint-fix` to fix any indentation issue and `make lint`) 5) Once the PR has been reviewed by the dev team, run e2e tests on it by going to https://github.com/status-im/status-mobile/projects/7 and move the pr under the column E2E tests. This will trigger tests. **Running E2E tests is required for all PRs.** 1) Read our [PR Review Policy](pr-review-policy.md) for more details on our approach to PR reviews. 2) Learn more about our [Pipeline for QA](pipeline_process.md) process 6) Once e2e tests have run, they will report the result on the PR, if it's less than 100%, ask QA to take a look to make sure everything is in order (some might fail for legitimate reasons) 7) Ask QA for manual testing if the PR requires it (more details [here](pipeline_process.md)) 8) Once it has been tested successfully, squash everything into one commit. rebase and merge. The commands we use: ``` git checkout develop git pull develop git checkout your-feature-branch git rebase develop git checkout develop git rebase your-feature-branch git push ``` ## Status-go changes If you are introducing status-go changes, the PR process is pretty similar, with some differences. The most important thing is that status-mobile code that makes it to the `develop` branch, should always point to a tagged version of status-go in the `develop` branch of status-go. In practice, this means that sometimes they need to be merged in lockstep. 1) Create a PR in status-go and status-mobile. Update the status-go version to the PR revision `scripts/update-status-go.sh $git_revision`. 2) Get both PRs reviewed and approved. Once status-mobile PR has been approved, go through manual QA testing if necessary. Don't merge status-mobile PR just yet. 3) Now that you know the integration between client & server is working, merge the status-go PR first. 4) Once merged, tag the merged commit with the new version and push the tag: ``` git checkout develop git pull develop make tag-version git push origin vx.y.z ``` :warning: If a specific commit need to tagged in status-go, use `make tag-version TARGET_COMMIT={hash}`. More info about tagging in [status-go](https://github.com/status-im/status-go/blob/develop/RELEASING.md#tagging-versions). 5) Update status-mobile with the new status-go version, using the new tag `scripts/update-status-go.sh "vx.y.z"` 6) If you had to rebase status-go to include new changes, e2e test MUST be re-run. If there's any issue you will have to fix in status-go with another PR and follow the same process. 7) In status-mobile, push, rebase against `develop` and merge it 🚀 important note : make sure your status-go PRs get a tested-ok by QA before merging them in.