[comment]: # (Please replace ... with your information. Remove < and >) [comment]: # (To auto-close issue on merge, please insert the related issue number after # i.e fixes #566) If you submit PR for issue with bounty then write here Fixes #NN where NN is issue number *otherwise* fixes #... ### Summary [comment]: # (Summarise the problem and how the pull request solves it) ... Documentation change PR (review please): https://github.com/status-im/status.im/pull/xxx ### Review notes ### Testing notes #### Platforms - Android - iOS - macOS - Linux - Windows #### Areas that maybe impacted ##### Functional - 1-1 chats - public chats - group chats - wallet / transactions - dapps / app browsing - account recovery - new account - user profile updates - networks - mailservers - fleet - bootnodes ##### Non-functional - battery performance - CPU performance / speed of the app - network consumption ### Steps to test - Open Status - ... - Step 3, etc. ### Before and after screenshots comparison | Figma (if available) | iOS (if available) | Android (if available) | --- | --- | --- | | Please embed Image/Video here of the before and after. | Please embed Image/Video here of the before and after. | Please embed Image/Video here of the before and after. | status: ready