# This Nix expression allows filtering a local directory by # specifying dirRootsToInclude, dirsToExclude and filesToInclude. # It also filters out symlinks to result folders created by nix-build, # as well as backup/swap/generated files. { lib }: let inherit (lib) any range flatten length sublist cleanSourceFilter splitString hasPrefix removePrefix concatStringsSep; inherit (builtins) map match; mkFilter = { # primary path under which all files are included, unless excluded root, # list of regex expressions to match files to include/exclude include ? [ ], exclude ? [ ], # has precedence over include # by default we ignore Version Control System files ignoreVCS ? true, }: let # removes superfluous slashes from the path cleanRoot = "${toString (/. + root)}/"; in path: type: let # unpack path: "x/y/.*" => ["x" "x/y" "x/y/.*"] unpackPath = path: let tokens = splitString "/" path; perms = range 1 (length tokens); subPaths = builtins.map (x: sublist 0 x tokens) perms; in builtins.map (x: concatStringsSep "/" x) subPaths; # accept subdirs from regexes includeSubdirs = regexes: flatten (map unpackPath regexes); # checks all regexes in a list against str matchesRegexes = str: regexes: (map (r: (match r str)) regexes); # match returns empty list on match isMatch = x: x == [ ]; # path relative to search root relPath = removePrefix cleanRoot path; # check if any of the regexes match the relative path checkRegexes = regexes: any isMatch (matchesRegexes relPath regexes); # main check methods isRootSubdir = hasPrefix cleanRoot path; isIncluded = checkRegexes (includeSubdirs include); isExcluded = checkRegexes exclude; isVCS = ignoreVCS && !cleanSourceFilter path type; in if !isRootSubdir then # everything outside of root is excluded false else if isExcluded || isVCS then # isExcluded has precedence over isIncluded false else isIncluded; in mkFilter