{ lib }: # This Nix expression allows filtering a local directory by specifying dirRootsToInclude, dirsToExclude and filesToInclude. # It also filters out symlinks to result folders created by nix-build, as well as backup/swap/generated files let inherit (lib) any compare compareLists elem elemAt hasPrefix length min splitString take; isPathAllowed = allowedPath: path: let count = min (length allowedPathElements) (length pathElements); pathElements = splitString "/" path; allowedPathElements = splitString "/" allowedPath; pathElementsSubset = take count pathElements; allowedPathElementsSubset = take count allowedPathElements; in (compareLists compare allowedPathElementsSubset pathElementsSubset) == 0; mkFilter = { dirRootsToInclude, # Relative paths of directories to include dirsToExclude ? [ ], # Base names of directories to exclude filesToInclude ? [ ], # Relative path of files to include filesToExclude ? [ ], # Relative path of files to exclude root }: let allPathRootsAllowed = (length dirRootsToInclude) == 0; in path: type: let baseName = baseNameOf (toString path); subpath = elemAt (splitString "${toString root}/" path) 1; spdir = elemAt (splitString "/" subpath) 0; in lib.cleanSourceFilter path type && ( (type != "directory" && (elem spdir filesToInclude) && !(elem spdir filesToExclude)) || # check if any part of the directory path is described in dirRootsToInclude ((allPathRootsAllowed || (any (dirRootToInclude: isPathAllowed dirRootToInclude subpath) dirRootsToInclude)) && ! ( # Filter out version control software files/directories (type == "directory" && (elem baseName dirsToExclude)) ))); in mkFilter